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  1. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    April 7, 2023 3:38am UTC
    i made you the bad guy, the reason why they're on my bad side.
    i made you out to be the jailor, the reason why they could no longer see "her".
    the docile, passive me. i made them think you stole me.
    i was cowardly, i clung to you. the greatest person i ever knew.
    my great escape, my safe abode. just wanted them all to leave me alone.
    i was sick of being taken advantage of, feeling inadequate and hating myself.
    so it was one weekend, then a few. they couldn't reach me, only you.
    i was off the grid, all seemingly deliberate.
    you caught on, you always do. you made me confess to you.
    i was cowardly and vengeful. wanted to hurt them but made you take the fall.
    you're better than me, too kind. you play the best villian every time.
    now they think you're the master, the reason why they don't see "her".
    but in reality you're the lifeline, reason i can still breathe this breath of mine.

  2. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2023 12:53pm UTC
    can't, won't do it anymore
    maybe you're not listening.
    maybe i want to come clean.
    the itching in my ear woke me up.
    then i heard the clink of a glass cup.
    i put two and two together.
    maybe you're not listening.
    maybe i want to come clean.
    i almost cried on my way to work.
    heard a lyric about family and my eyes hurt.
    i put two and two together.
    maybe you're not listening.
    maybe i want to come clean.
    you're feeling sick and want my help.
    i drowned you out and soothed myself.
    i want you to put two and two together.

  3. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2023 6:57am UTC
    the audacity.
    the person who has made my home life miserable
    asking me if i'm depressed.

  4. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2022 6:45am UTC
    i made it
    You made it happen.

  5. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2022 12:34am UTC
    If I don’t write solipsism jokes, who will?

  6. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2022 1:11pm UTC
    you need food to focus
    you need food to focus
    you need food

  7. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2022 3:45am UTC
    I need to improve my work-work balance.

  8. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2022 3:40am UTC
    Newest social me​dia acronym: LOLTWBWNOIW (Laugh out loud then weep bitterly when no one is watching).

  9. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2022 3:41am UTC
    There are worse places to have a monkey than on your back.

  10. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2022 10:49am UTC
    growing up feels like saying goodbye.
    i'm going to miss you.
    i always thought you were so pretty.
    i'm going to tell you.
    you're the type of person who thrives anywhere they go.
    i'm going to tell you.
    you deserve better and deserve all the happiness.
    i'll tell you on tuesday.

  11. ☞Eman☜* ☞Eman☜*
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2022 6:04pm UTC
    I know I carry a heavy weight on my shoulders, how many nights I stayed up and how many I cried. But I insisted on completing the path because I carry a faithfulness that should not be betrayed.

  12. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2022 2:46pm UTC
    i just know im gonna make it
    all this pain will wash away
    i trust in You.

  13. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    July 10, 2022 4:42am UTC
    You can break someone down to dust and expect them to always stay
    But dust scatters

  14. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2022 8:01pm UTC
    I strongly believe that everybody deserves to be treated the way they treat people.
    Treat people bad you deserve that back.
    Treat people good you deserve that back.
    The sad thing is people don' always get what they deserve.

  15. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2022 7:34am UTC
    Love will inevitability sometimes hurt but
    Healthy love heals more than hurts
    Toxic love hurts more than heals

  16. Andie* Andie*
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2022 7:36am UTC
    Healthy love will not make you curse your ability to feel

  17. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2022 12:35pm UTC
    It helps to remember that you have felt similar feelings before.
    Each time you made it out alive- regardless of how unprepared or stupid you may have felt.
    You don't get to enjoy every single moment of your life.
    There is dread, anxiety and regret.
    That is life.
    As much as it is good, it is bad.
    Just overcome.
    Like you've always done.

  18. edragon8 edragon8
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2022 9:19pm UTC
    “You’re never going to make friends if you keep your nose buried in a book.”
    “Let’s hope.”

  19. TheCovertComic TheCovertComic
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2022 2:54am UTC
    Thinking about moving to the Equator so I can be upgraded to a tropical depression.

  20. Dudu* Dudu*
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2022 12:22am UTC
    then you'll have the nerve to ask me why i'm feeling this way.
    your heart might beat another ten million times before i get the chance to say,
    it's because i needed you.
    i've always needed you more than you needed me.
    but you were only there when you had no where else to be.
    at times you tried to make it better,
    but it was always like that.
    you did so well when it didn't matter.
    now i'm the sensitive one wiping tears hurriedly before you enter the room.
    now i'm the difficult one who left too early when everything was good.


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