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Everyday I go on
all I ever want is for you to
be, always and forever, happy.
everyday I go on
the pain you see in my eyes and my "smile"
is nothing compared to the pain in my heart
everyday I go on
wondering what could have been
and knowing that it might not ever be.
everyday I go on
it kills me inside when I talk with you on the phone
listening to your voice but not hearing your words.
everyday I go on
I get frustrated knowing I can never express my feelings in words to you
for my feelings for you are way too strong to be spread with words...
though everyday I go on
I am desperately needing your happiness, needing your laughter, needing your support, needing your voice, and needing your feelings, because without them, I suffocate, because you give me reason to live.
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Everyday I go on all I ever want is for you to be, always and

1 faves · Dec 11, 2005 4:59am





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