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Theres so much no one knows about me
Theres so much no one sees
About the way i feel inside my thoughts and all my needs

Mabye its that you dont look,
or the fact that i dont show,
But eathier way, there are things inside of me
that no on seems to know.


I want to show the world
I want every one to see
All the thoughts and ideas
that flow inside of me.


Mabye you just havent noticed
Or mabye you don't dare
To find out who i am inside
To show me that you care


I'm scremin on the inside
but a smile is what you see,
But i am not content with the person
that i seem to be.

There's a dofferant person on the inside,
that i cant seem to show,
But mabye if you took the time
that person you could no.

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"chourus" Theres so much no one knows about me Theres so much

1 faves · Mar 15, 2004 9:50am






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