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I miss you... I miss the way we talked for  hours on the phone and how we stayed up till way past our bedtimes just to talk to one another. I miss the texts that said,” I love you and you are the best that happen to me and you are the best. I would die if it wasn't for you." I miss how you were always the first one to text me. I miss having fun and interesting conversations. I miss going to sleep with a smile. I miss being happy when I text you.  
We never talk on the phone anymore. The latest you text me is 11:00. You text one word answers all the time. You are never the first one to text me, if I want to talk to you I always have to text you. I’m always trying to keep up the conversation going. Every night for about a week now I have been crying myself to sleep. When you text me I only get angry and sad because of your one word answers and because you never keep the conversation going. I miss our amazing friendship but most of all, I miss you.
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I miss you... I miss the way we talked for hours on the phone

0 faves · 1 comments · Jun 24, 2010 12:13am






kateex23 · 1 decade ago
i feel exatly how u feel right now...suxx im sorry ):
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