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I miss being younger... everything was so much easier back then... girls didn't have periods... boys were gross and didn't break your heart... everybody had their innocence... and every body took DARE... boys spent recesses playing touch football... and girls spent recesses playing on the playground. You could entertain yourselves for hours doing absolutely nothing at all... you didn't care what you were doing friday and saturday nights... the most fun nights were when babysitters came over... You could spend hours riding around on your bike and playing in the park... Sleepovers were happening weekly...and summers never meant having to say goodbye... Trick or treating was EVERYTHING... and you actually believed in magical things like an old fat guy in a red suite sneaking into your house one night a year.

Going to toy stores was the most fun you ever had... Disney movies were the awesomest things in the world... Sports were everything for boys... and dolls were everything for girls... All you had to know was multiplication and division...Grandma and grandpa's house was your favorite place in the world to be...Birthday parties were about balloons and cake and presents...
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I miss being younger... everything was so much easier back then...

0 faves · Oct 4, 2006 1:02pm




