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Look in my eyes...
I'm looking in your eyes, you looking back into mine,
my hears beats hard the the butterflies dont seem to go away. i hold you hand and play with mout thumb. you smile at me and its my hearts that you've won. cant seem to get you out of myhead, are you deeling this too? some think its funny but i think its sweet. its like whenever i c u my hearts starts to beat. look in my eyes, tell me its no lie, when you see me the only thing left in you are butterflies. tell me that you love me and hold my hand a little tighter. whenever i hear you name, a smile comes on my face, you gave me a feeling that no one can replace...so look in my eyes <3
im me for cutee edits*
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Look in my eyes... I'm looking in your eyes, you looking back

0 faves · Oct 25, 2006 12:36pm




