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look at u going down that hall
looking like uve got it all
looking like ur a superstar
looking like ur way to far
looking like ur better than us
u no ur the one cant trust
the one who gets the guys
and gives u a nasty suprise
the one with all that class
and a little of sass
ur the one skinny and tall
looking like ur at the ball
well honey this aint no fairy tale
its the year before u go to that dreadful fair
on those rides
going up and down
like a silly clown
with all that expectations in the up coming year
its the one everybody fears
its the 3 years of ur lives
thinking about ur guys and wives
no i am not talking about high school
we r too far from that looking un-cool
u can guess it
its the one and only
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look at u going down that hall looking like uve got it all looking

1 faves · Dec 20, 2006 1:38pm






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