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And that's when she asked me to marry her. My heart raised three trillion times higher. I just couldn't believe it, I was engaged. We have been together now for 2 years and we have seen almost everything. She lives a long ways away but she has figured out ways to see me. Our very first date was on the beach in my city. Milwaukee to be exact. It was early summer late spring and it was nice and warm. She's a country girl and I'm a city girl. We were soul mates. She then left the next day after we made passionate love. The next month she surprised me again by coming here to see me, this time we went to the museum and to a very nice restaurant. It was even more perfect. She left a couple days after because she had to start summer school. After summer school she came back and visited me, this time was the last time she came. She was gone for a whole day with my cousin. Little did I know they were picking out an engagement ring. She came back the next day and said "Baby, I have a question" she went down on one knee, in front of my mom, cousin, and brother. She said "Baby, you are my world, my everything, we've been together for two years now. I know we aren't seeing much of each other but when I first looked into your beautiful blue eyes, I saw the girl I wanted to marry. Baby, I know we fight sometimes, I know we have our differences but I fell in love with you. Will you be my wife?"

I'm now going to go with her back to live with her. She lives 19 hours away, thats why we didn't see much of each other,

I'm 15 years old, and I'm engaged <3
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And that's when she asked me to marry her. My heart raised

1 faves · Dec 2, 2010 12:23am






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