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Today when me and my mom were at the grocery store, we went by the soda's... Mountain Dew was on sale; the little bottles in the 8 pack thing. I put them on the rail of the grocery cart... Just like I would have when My dad was alive. Then the flash back hit me- whenever me and my mom would go to the grocery store we'd get two large pack things of mountain dew. I said to my mom; "Hey look, dad's still alive." Because it seemed like I was 4 years younger, at the store with my mom getting dad the mountain dew that would disappear within that week. Then my mom said; yeah, but he'd be like- 'what the heck do you want me to do with these doll?' (doll was my moms nickname) she said then; but if I said that you picked it out he'd be like 'Ohhh okay, I'll drink it then(:

And that's what hurt me the most and what kicked in... the pain struck me that I was daddy's little girl... And I'll never- ever be able to come to him for advice... I'll never be able to go downstairs and lay with him until I fall asleep... I'll never get that chance for him to walk me down the aisle... even if I'm marrying a girl. I'll never be able to go to him and just be held until I'm okay and cry on his shoulder. I'll never be saved from being yelled at for a stupid reason, and I won't ever be stood up for when my brother makes fun of me.... I will see girls with their dads on father's day, and wish I had the same thing. I regret ever being disrespectful to my dad because when my mom said that sentence at the grocery store, it punched me in the face that I was HIS little girl and he'd do ANYTHING for me... 

When I heard some of my friends talk about how "mean" their dad's are for making them do a little bit of housework, I want to go up to them and say how lucky they are to have a dad. But I couldn't because I know they'd never listen, or understand how it is to be 15 and not have a dad... I would trade this life I have right now to bring back my dad... Just for one night to see him, and to hold him and to cry on his shoulder... But that will never come... 

I will always be daddy's little girl.

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Today when me and my mom were at the grocery store, we went by

1 faves · Mar 29, 2011 12:25am






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