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i tried so hard;
from the day i met you,
to the day we first talked,
to the time at the movies,
to the that we first cuddled,
to our first kiss,
to our hearts becoming stronger,
to our feelings being deeper,
to know that this is what it comes to,
yes, it makes me sick.
the other girl isn't worth this, why can't you see it?
you said you loved me,
that can't be true.
so i'll put on a fake smile,
and make the world happy,
because they don't know what's inside,
the girl who thought you could be her whole world,
well you turned it upside down,
i hope the next girl doesn't fall for the same trick.

- mine...vent... thanks if you actually read it.-

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i tried so hard; from the day i met you, to the day we first

10 faves · Apr 19, 2011 12:03am






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