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The Sharp Knife of a Short Life...
Justin's P.O.V.
I stared at Kate's face, waiting for her to smile, or laugh, or sit up and scream "Gotcha, Bieber!" or something. I just sat and waited. The nurses brought us water and blankets, but I didn't take my eyes off Kate. I played with her hair, sang to her, and didn't take any calls.
"Justin, we need to get back to work." Scooter said gently.
"How am I supposed to stay on task or even know where I'm going without Kate?" I ask. I don't let Scooter respond. Instead, I whip out my phone and send a mass-e-mail to everyone on my staff, telling them I'd be running late.
Kate's phone buzzed in her purse. I took a deep breath.
"You've got an hour, Justin." Scooter finally says. He pats me on the back and leaves the room. Leo is asleep on the chair next to mine. He's so small.
"Never grow up, little guy." I tell him. I know he can't hear me.
"You see, when you get older, you'll meet a girl like Kate. One who can take your breath away. Just like that." I continue. I don't take my eyes off my Kate, but I'm still talking to Leo.
"And when you find that girl that take your breath away, you have to be careful. You have to listen to heart and your brain at the same time. And she's going to be the best friend you'll ever have." I tell Leo. Kate's heartbeat starts slowing down.
"Nurse!" I scream. Kate's heartbeat gets slower and slower.
A team of medics rush into the room. The take out all sorts of equiptment and scream things that made no sense at each other.
"She's steady." A nurse finally says. Leo climbs onto my lap and buries his face in my shirt.
"Is Katie dead?" He asks quietly.
"Nah, she's not leaving us yet, buddy." I tell him. And I truly believe it.
"Are you sure, Justin?" Leo asks.
"My number one belieber is not done with this world yet."  I assure him.


Author's note: What do you think of my new format?? I like this more... It's more eye-catching. So um, I'm having fun writing. Hope you're having fun reading. I'd love some more characters, so hit me up with some ideas. Also, I'd love you put some of you guys on my profile, so just comment if you're okay with being put on my fans list :) thanks girlies!!

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The Sharp Knife of a Short Life... CHAPTER 15 Justin's P.O.V.

5 faves · Oct 23, 2011 12:01am






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