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Chapter 2

When we got back from the mall, I hopped out of the back seat of Kristen's car and walked into my house, knowing Kristen needed her daily make out session. "Anybody home?!" I called throughout my 3 story house. "Me, but im leaving soon." Kayla called. I answered with a "K." Kristen came back in, and said "Party Tonight at Jake's house. you coming?" "Do I have to" "Yeep, I need a driver for when im HAMMERED." Kristen said with a giggle. We both started laughing. " Who do you think i am? IM GETTNG HAMMERED TOO"  "Ehh, mom will be home." Kristen said with a wink. We put on Victoria's Secret sweatpants and watched Friendzone on MTV for 2 hours. It is now 6 oclock and I realize I have to get ready for the party. Kristen fell asleep, so I woke her up and ran upstairs. Im gunna have fun tonight (;



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Chapter 2 When we got back from the mall, I hopped out of the

1 faves · Dec 4, 2011 12:02am






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