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Forget his name
Forget his face
His warm embrace
Forget the love you once knew
Remember he has someone new
Forget him whe nthey play your song
Remember when you cried all night long?
Forget how close you once were
Remember he has chosen her
Forget how you memorized his walk
Forget the way he use to talk
Forget the things he use to say
Remember he has gone away
Forget his laugh. Forget is grin
Forget the dimples on his chin
Forget the way he held you tight
Remember hes with her tonight
Forget the tiem that went so fast
Forget the love that moved, its past.
Forget he said hed leave you never
Remember hes gone forever.

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FORGET HIM Forget his name Forget his face His warm embrace Forget

3 faves · 1 comments · Dec 5, 2011 12:00am






1lover1fighter · 1 decade ago
Take what im about to tell you with great pride...this has to be the BEST thing I have ever read on here (and trust me I read a lot) Also taking into consideration that I am in the same situation..and have been trying to forget about him for 8 months!! Just wanted you to know how AMAZING i think this poem is! keep it up :)

Fellow Witty Lover
- Giovanna Iaffaldano
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