Witty Profiles

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1: Are you ready for 52 questions? sure.
2: Was your last relationship a mistake? ...idk
3: Do you miss your last relationship? no.
4: Who did you last say goodbye to? Ally.
5: Do you regret it? Nah.. I'll see her soon(;
6: Have you ever been depressed? Every day.
7: Are you a boy or girl? boy..
8: Are you insecure? all the time.
9: What is your relationship status? taken.
10: How do you want to die? ...being shot in the chest... quick and i wouldn't spend a lot of time suffering.
11: What did you last eat? ... idk candycane?
12: Have you played any sports? yeah
13: Do you bite your nails? nah
15: Do you have an attitude? yes.
16: Do you like someone? yes(:
17: What is your real name? Dylan
18: Have you ever read a book? yes
19: Are you gonna get high later?  NO
20: Do you hate anyone at the moment? I dislike them with a great passion..
21: Do you miss someone? Not really..
22: Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl
23: Do you tan a lot? no...?
24: Have any pets? nah
25: How exactly are you feeling? in horrible pain..
26: Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? who hasn't?
27: Ever made out in a bathroom? no..?
28: Good driver? yes... (even though im 14)
29: Are you scared of spiders? nah
30: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?  nah.
31: Do you regret anything from your past? yeah
32: What are your plans for this weekend?  Christmas...?
33: Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? No..
34: Do you type fast? yeah.
35: Do you have piercings? nah
36: Want anymore? eh... im gunna get one when im older.. (not sure where though lol.... not ear, that's wierd..)
37: Can you spell well? yea
38: Do you miss anyone from your past? nah
39: What are you craving right now? Nothing
40: Ever been to a bonfire party? HELLZZZ YEAHH!!!!
41: Ever had a silly band? who hasn't?
42: Have you ever been on a horse? yeah.. I will never do it again!!!
44: Kissed someone in a pick up truck? ...? no
43: Have you ever broken someones heart? yeahhh
44: Have you ever been cheated on? yes..?
45: Have you ever made a boyfrien/girlfriend cry? idk..
46: Are you thinking of someone right now? ..ya
47: Would you live with someone without marrying them? yes....?
48: What should you be doing? Sleeping
49: Whats irritating you right now? Everythhing
50: Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? ...sure.
51: Does somebody love you? ..sure
52: whats your crushes name? Ally.
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1: Are you ready for 52 questions? sure. 2: Was your last relationship

1 faves · Dec 21, 2011 12:00am






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