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&& im sick of doing this
im tired of caring so much
im tired of u hurting me
im done with waiting up
all night crying because
ur out with ur friends and
its not a good time for u
to talk so u decide to ignore
me. im done with everything
getting turned arouned and
u making it all seem like
my fault, because the only
thing im guilty of is caring
too much. i dont care that
all your friends hate me and
want u to break up with me,
if u want to thats ur problem
stop telling me about it and
just do if already if ur going to.
im tired of hurting myself because
u hurt me so bad im sick of
feeling this pain. im numb
because im so hurt. i wake
up with my eyes swollen becasues
i spend half the night up crying
waiting for ur call to make sure
ur ok and im just sick of it
then the worst part is u turn
it all around to me, u start crying
becasue i hurt u well excuse me
but i beleive ur the one who ignored
me who lied to me who cant be on
time for anything who never calls me
when u say u will, but oh right of
corse its MY fault that ur crying bc
u feel bad for upseting me. well
im done i love u with all my heart
but im emotionally nd physically
sick from this relationship.i dont
even know what to do with myself.
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&& im sick of doing this im tired of caring so much im

2 faves · Jan 15, 2009 1:23am






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