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In Too Deep

Chapter 14

  Stephen's POV
I woke up to bright lights shining through the window, it was late in the day but I had had such a nice dream I didn't want to wake up. I actually kissed Kiara, and throughout the whole night's sleep it replayed in my head. She kissed me back too. But I wonder if she thought it was Micah. 
"Get out! I'm done with you! You've played these games for to long." I heard Kiara's mom's voice ring through the air, they were in a fight again. She sounded like she really wanted him out of there. Her parents had been fighting for a while now. I quickly threw on a shirt and some jeans and ran out the door to see if I could find Kiara to make sure she was ok. 
"Kiara! Wait up!" She was walking back towards the lake and I caught up to her.
"Hey, you ok? I heard your parents." 
"Ya, I just need to get away from there." We walked in silence for a bit longer. She really looked beautiful today, her hair thrown up in a pony tail, sweats, and an old t-shirt from a concert we went to a few years back. She looked way better than Grace ever did, she tried to hard with a ton of makeup that stayed on  your shirt when she rested her head on it, not like Kiara's true beauty.
"Stephen what are you staring at?" Her voice broke me out of the spell.
"You look really beautiful." She shifted uncomfortably, but smiled a little bit. We walked over to some rocks and sat down.
"So, when did you leave the dance last night?"
"Umm...." Now's my chance to let her know it was me.
"Come on, why is it such a big deal to tell me?"
"Right after I kissed you."
"So it was you." It wasn't a question, and she was staring me dead in the eyes, I couldn't look away.
"Ya, it was. I really like you." My heart was pounding so loud in my chest I almost didn't hear her next words.
"I think I like you too."

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In Too Deep Chapter 14 Stephen's POV I woke up to bright

9 faves · 1 comments · Dec 28, 2011 12:00am






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