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we're young
we don't need a boy to
love, hold, and kiss. we won't always
be able to relax and be kids, but
we'll always be able to love. so i'm
gonna get out there and liven up
this world, leave my mark, make a
, because in 5 years, we will
want to rewind, but won't be able to.
so stop worrying about that boy,
now is the time of our lives, lets
make mistakes and not care and
memories that will never fade. live
it up and live it crazy.
we are only
young once, let's screw this up right.
drop the drama, screw the calories,
and never question your actions.
see ya later boy;;
i have history to make.
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we're young we don't need a boy to love, hold, and kiss. we won't

53 faves · Feb 10, 2009 1:16am






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