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please read. its a true story but i dont want girls to get hurt like i did at the worst possible time in my life when im stuck in the hostipital with cancer and a broken leg. and if you dont belive me about the cancer go to this site and it will tell you everything.its up at the top of this whole story.
juss girls make sure you have best friends or just friends.or your life will be living hell like mine at this time.

we were on the phone. he smokes and drinks,it bugs me but i try not to think about it. we've dated 3 times. were not dating now. but ive fallen head over heals for him. he was my verry first love.im never going to be able to get over him.
Hewas being him self. he was thinking about releationships. and he knows that i love him. but every time hes broken uo with me he went back to his ex. every time. and this time he didnt. he was single for about a month. and thats a long time for him. everything is different now too. cuz i was diagnosed with cancer on chirstmas eve of 2008. so i thought he would really be there for me. but it turns out he wasnt. Tonight like i said we were on the phone and it was juss like one of our normal phone calls. but then he hadda go to bed cuz he has school. i dont cuz im stuck in the hostipital with a broken leg and the cancer also. but i said ilu and he said mmm...and i knew something was wrong. but he had to go. so i texted him,asking him if he loves me like he said he did. and he texted back saying he loves me as a friend. and that hes back with his ex AGAIN. im soooo upset. i just wanna die right now. he broke my heart 3 too many times. and i dont know if ill be able to love anyone else like that again. he proved to me that all guys are the same and will always be players. and that i can never trust anyone of them.

girls all im trying to say is that he will hurt you and be ready for it to happen.
i wasnt ready for it and thats why it hurts the most.
Next Quote >

http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/sorcharoberts please read.

0 faves · 3 comments · Mar 9, 2009 1:05am





break up

mint · 1 decade ago
oww.. T^T how pity.. ur not the one who needs to die.. its HIM who the demon is.. (i am sorry.. i just cannot take my anger to him) and i am sure u'll be alright.. i will pray for u..
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ravencapriejhonson · 1 decade ago
wow he is a u shouldnt b treated like that
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emolove88 · 1 decade ago
im sorry its so long. but i want girls to know what could happen. even if your having the best day with him. anything could happen at anytime.
(p.s. i wrote it ^^^)
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