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The WallkinGang

                                                                     Chapter 18
             I went straight to the bathroom.I thought about what I was goana wear.I figured I would wear the clothes I wore the day I met him.Since it was a preety special day.I put on my white cami,with my Blood On the Dance floor shirt.I wore gray skinny jeans and my black and blue hat.I also put on my Jack Skellington bracelet,along with my Invader Zim shoes.I grabbed my backpack and stuffed it with notes saying; I Love You, Will You Be Mine?,Don't Ever Leave Me Behind.I was ready to go.I walked to the living room and Lauren saw me.She gave me a thumbs up,"Who's the lucky guy,now?"she asked."Reyno." I smile.She smiles too."I knew you guys weren't 'just friends'."I'll be back,soon."I add.And with that,I walked to my car.I was so excited.I drove to his place and rang the doorbell.Reyno answered."Hey!" I say cheerfully,"How are you doing?" I ask."Good."He replyed."I made a restraining order with Alex..." I say not finishing my sentence."So now..Maybe....Just maybe.."I smile at him.He frowns.I'm pretty sure I looked concern,because Reyno just took a sigh."Listen...Chris.."He says."Yes...?" I ask concernly."It's not that I don't wanna be with you...It's just.."He says."That you don't love me..." I say depressed."No, your beautiful." He says,grabbing my hands.I take my hands back.I look at him,like I will never get him,like I won't feel that feeling that I felt the other day."But..What about the other day?"I ask stepping closer.He opened his mouth to talk,but is interuppted by a girl's voice."Reyno?" She asks as she walks into the room.I wave hi."Wow,your really pretty.I wish I could be as pretty as you."She says with a big smile.I blush at the comment."Thanks.And don't worry,you are prettier than me.Your like,gorgeous!"I say cheerfully.Maybe that was his step-sister?His mom and dad are divorced so,you get the point.Reyno looks at us and finally speaks."Chris,this is Elizabeth.Elizabeth, this is Chris."He says."Thats a wonderful name."She says to me."Thanks,It's short for Christina.Your name is beautiful as well."I say."You can call me Lizz or Lizzy.Whatever is comfortable."She smiles.I smile back."So what relationship do you have with Reyno?" She asks,trying to start a small talk."I'm his best friend."I say looking at him."Cool,I'm his girlfriend."She says back with a smile.My heart sinks.

             "Hey Reyno.You never told me that you had a girlfriend."I say through my teeth.
                Note:My friend Chass will be writing the next chapter or the next few..I'm having writer's block and I think shes a really good writer sooo..yeahh.. XDD Byee!!**Waving**

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The Wallking Gang Chapter 18 I went straight to the bathroom.I

1 faves · Oct 30, 2012 12:18am






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