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today     I   am    fourteen.

I don't want favourites, or comments.

What I want for my birthday, is for each every one of you witty girls/guys to genuinely feel beautiful.
Today, when you have a moment to spare, I want you to go to a mirror. I want you to tell yourself outloud, that you ARE good enough. That you ARE unique. That your ARE beautiful.

Today for my birthday, I want you to feel good about yourself.

I want you to love yourself for once. There's no shame in that. However, there is shame in hiding your beautiful soul from the world, because of that little voice inside your head that keeps nagging at you. The little voice that nibbles on your self-esteem everyday. The same damn voice that tells you to believe what the bullies are telling you.

You know what makes today extra special? It's the fact that you are going to stand up to that little voice. You are going to forget about that voice for today. Do it for me, but also for you. Do it for those who never had the chance, or the strength to do so.
You are so lucky to be alive, because you have the privelege of using the words "One day I'd like to be..." 

The beauty of the whole situation is you get to choose what you are one day. If you want to be a doctor, great. If you want to be a fireman, great. If you want to be a nurse, a waiter, a waitress, a bartender, a party planner, whatever you WANT to be.... FANTASTIC

 Your life, your choices.
But just for today, please...Just feel beautiful.
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today? today I am fourteen. I don't want favourites, or comments.

7 faves · Nov 10, 2012 12:11am






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