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One Direction Update
12/3/12 11:55 PM EST
Hey guys! What a fantastic and emotional day for our special boys! As I'm sure you all know, the boys sung their very first ever gig at Madion Sqaure Garden! Ed Sheeran opened for them! If you got to see any videos from the show, you could see how happy they were. They ALL cried!!

Now the boys, including families and girlfriends are going to Staten Isalnd for an after party! They actually stopped at McDonald's though first, which I find cute. Then, tomorrow the boys spend the day with all of the Go1Den Ticket winners!

Guys, I was just thinking about how far the boys and this fandom have come just look:
Rumors: Danielle and Liam are back together. Status: TRUE This is the one rare time one of the rumors is actually true! And I'm glad! Tonight during the show, Liam said that his girlfriend was in the audience! Yay PAYZER!

Taylor Swift was there. Status: FALSE She was at an awards ceremony.

Someone was arrested for having a gun. Status: FALSE This was all just made up on a fake Greg Horan FB page.

Quote of the day (special for MSG): "We love you so much, you're amazing. This is the best night of my life." ~Niall on stage at MSG tonight.

Links: Louis' speech:
Another MSG vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQgx22UffL8&list=UL
Niall at MSG:
The boys: pic.twitter.com/J54P77HO
Our babys hugging: pic.twitter.com/BmtiN8VZ
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One Direction Update 12/3/12 11:55 PM EST Hey guys! What a fantastic

14 faves · 3 comments · Dec 4, 2012 12:00am






Softballgirl15 · 1 decade ago
So Mr.X IS fake?!
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beary0630 · 1 decade ago
Pretty much yeah. He's full of crap.
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Softballgirl15 · 1 decade ago
Ok thank you SO much , I just wanted to get my fakes straight :) Thanks again! :)
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