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   Aided by an Angel

Chapter Three
Miracle's POV:

   The prom had finally ended after a long night of dancing and debating, it was time to head home. The limo was dropping the seven of us off at my house, but we wouldn't be there for long. It was officially prom weekend now, and we planned on spending it down the shore in Autumn's beach house. Our parents only agree to let all of us stay there if an adult would supervise us so we convinced Autumn's brother, Dillion, and his girlfriend, Hailey, to come too.
   Autumn, Darcy, and I ran up to my bedroom to get changed and grab our overnight bags with all the things we'd need for this weekend. Rocco, Charile, Parker, and Zac left their things in our office when they were here earlier, taking prom pictures. They all probably changed out of their suits in Aaron's bedroom. Charlie was going to drive his Mom's mini van with the rest of us in the back; Dill and Hailey were already down at the shore house.
   "You girls ready to hit the road?" Charile asked was as we glided down the stairs; I was more than ready to get away for the weekend. The stress of everything was weighing down on me and I needed to find a way to release it. I kissed Momma, Niall, and Aaron goodbye and promised to text them when we made it into Ocean City.
   "Autumn," Darcy poked at her sides as she whispered in her ear. "Is Dill bringing it?" I buckled my seatbelt as I sat inbetween their private conversation.
   "Yes! He and Haliey said we're all set for the whole weekend!" She shouted, exciting the boys. Dill was a year younger than Lilli would've been and that's when the light bulb turned on; Dill had brought alcohol to the shore house for us.
   The mini van rolled down a few dark streets, as we searched for the house. "Oh there it is! Pull in!" Autumn pointed to a house that was, assumingly, a shade of blue with dark shutters. We were only a couple of blocks away from the ocean so as soon as I stepped out of the van, I felt the salty air seeping into my pores.
   "Hello little sister!" Dill trotted down the front steps and stretched his arms open wide to Autumn; a beer can rested appropriately in his hand. After greeting us happily, he invited us inside. Zac grabbed mine and his bags, still managing to keep his hand in the back pocket of my denim shorts. I pulled my long, black sleeves down over my fists and tucked them under my chin; my eyes stared at my feet as I put one pink TOM in front of the other.
   The other girls had similar outfits on too; shorts and a sweater. I watched as they all picked places to sleep in while Zac stood awkwardly in the middle of the living room. "You two can share the guest room upstairs if you want?" Dill offered.
   "Oh, no. That's okay. We can-"
   "Thanks, mate." Zac's hand slid out of my pocket and his finger found my belt loop. "Come on. Let's go get unpacked." He pulled me up the stairs and led me to the guest room. He flicked the light on, revealing a tan bedroom with a quilt to match. It was small, but big enough for us. I began to unpack my things, and content with not talking to him.
   When our clothes and personal items were put in special places, I looked at Zac. "You ready?" I rested my hands on my hips and leaned into my hip, as well. Zac's eyes grew playful and I knew what he was going to do. Before I could protest, he pulled me into his arms and picked me up bridal style. "Zac, put me down!"
   "But a prince should always carry his princess, now shouldn't he?" He placed a short kiss on my cheek before proceeding down the hallway, to the staircase.
   "Zachary Austin Tomlinson, you put me down right now, or God help me! I will," He put me back on my feet as I yell at him. His palms molded to my hip bones as he started to push. "I-I'll," My mind went blank as I felt my back hit a closet door.
   "You'll do what? Threaten me." There was no space inbetween our bodies; I felt every muscle and movement his perfect body made. His lips came closer to my face and I let my eyelids flutter shut so when his kiss hovered above mine, it drove me crazy. "I dare you to."
   I opened my mouth to say something to him, but before I could mutter a word I heard someone call us from downstairs. The moment was lost and I was, honestly, upset about that. He pulled away and sweetly grabbed my hand to lead me down the stairs and back to our friends.

Thanks for reading, Loves! So now you have to make a choice: #TeamZac or #TeamParker? #Ziracle? #Marker? Thanks gmarie for those awesome ships! Also, forgot to thank bowtiesandfezzes for introducing me to the song 'This' by Ed Sheeran which ultimately led to me putting it in this story; so thanks, Is! Omg, I am so excited, I was nominated for Best Story for the Witty Awards! I'll find the link and put it in the comments but you guys HAVE to vote for me if you want me to win, which I probably won't, but yeah.. Lol! Love you all so much! :)xx

The Girls' Outfits: http://www.polyvore.com/aided_an_angel_chapter_three/set?id=65145475
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Aided by an Angel Chapter Three Miracle's POV: The prom had

17 faves · 11 comments · Dec 7, 2012 12:26am






finding_nemo · 1 decade ago
Hey hun, loving the story!! Thanks for giving me creds on Marker

Ps. I'm thinking about writing a story on here... possibly? I don't really know, And I don't have a knack for writing... Butttt I emailed you the prologue, so when you get a chance tell me what you think!
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YoungForever_723* · 1 decade ago
Ik and i read it and LOVED IT!!!!!! Like omg it was fantastic!!!! I just havent been able to get to a computer to answer you:P but yeah i love it!! you should post it:)
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finding_nemo · 1 decade ago
Thanks! I will, now I'm scared hahhaa
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YoungForever_723* · 1 decade ago
dont be! so many people will love it and so many people can relate to it too! im gonna give you a shoutout on my chapter i post tonight! :)
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finding_nemo · 1 decade ago
Aww Thanks you!! I appreciate it!! And I can't wait to read the next one!!
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Alice2000 · 1 decade ago
I love it so much, ahhhh!<3
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gmarie · 1 decade ago

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bowtiesandfezzes · 1 decade ago

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YoungForever_723* · 1 decade ago

^This is the link!! Please vote for me!! :)xx <3
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YoungForever_723* · 1 decade ago
Also, finding_nemo came up with #Marker, so I just wanted to give her credit for that! xx
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gmarie · 1 decade ago
yes she did!! i was just going to correct you on that!!
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