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it ends tonight.
the pain, the suffering, the depression, the cutting.
since all my "friends" enjoy that i've been missing school so much, maybe they'll enjoy me not being here at all.
goodbye, cruel world.

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it ends tonight. the pain, the suffering, the depression, the

0 faves · 6 comments · Jan 8, 2013 12:05am





away messages

AwkwardnessIsAwesome* · 1 decade ago
Dear not to be harsh but seriously, you would be willing to kill yourself when hundreds of people are dying before they can take their first breath, the breath that was snuffed out by their parents, by their cancer, by the car accident. Honestly you need to realize that life is precious and not worth giving up on. Just because your "Friends" may seem like they don't care, they do. Your parents care about you, your relatives, I care about you, even though I don't know you yet. If you were to end your life now, then you would be causing more pain than your feeling now, more anger, fear, guilt, doubt. YOU would be causing someone else pain. Is it worth it?
"Everybody dies, but not everyone lives"-Superchick
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notreallyon · 1 decade ago
I'm sure they do care! And whether they do or not, I care. I care more than you could ever imagine. You posting this makes me so scared and I want to do something. Please please please don't end your life. You've done so much ad you have so much to live for and your so beautiful. Your friends love you and your family loves you and I don't really know you but I'm sure I would love you. Don't hurt yourself tonight, or ever, please. One day things will start looking up and you will realize how great life is, but until then, you have to try and stay strong and fight the voices in your head and stay with us on earth. Talk to me about anything, ever, I'm here for you
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alittleinspiration · 1 decade ago
This terrifies me. The fact that you think they've been enjoying it, I'm sure they haven't. I know what you're gonna say. You're gonna fight me, saying they don't care. That's what you think. You've dug yourself so deep into this hole of self-hate and loneliness and pain that you can't see that there are people that are worried. You don't see that there are people who want to help you. I get that you might think your 'worthless' or 'alone' but that isn't true. There are tons of people who've gone through the same you're dealing with. I can't say I have, because I don't know your reasons. But I want you to know I care. And I'm here for you. Stay strong, babe. Because I believe you can.
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wanderer* · 1 decade ago
No. It doesn't. this better be just a quote and not a suicide message.
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AnonGirl · 1 decade ago
.. i wish i could say it was only a quote.
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wanderer* · 1 decade ago
dont.... just please dont
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