Witty Profiles

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Quiz What's your real first name? Austin
Will you lie in this survey? nope
who are you currently talking to? Sophia
relationship status? idk its confusing
crush? Yeah
favorite color? orange
school? is over for summer
do you have a best friend? yup
is there one person you have never got into a fight with? no
do you hate anyone? yeah
do you like school? nope not really
who have you texted today? Sophia and tyler
do you know anybody that's in the hospital right now? no my pop just got out tho
when was the last time you cried? two days ago
have you ever cried over your ex boyfriend/girlfriend? oh yeaaaahhhh!
do you have a myspace? Nope
do you have a facebook? yes
do you have plans for this weekend? its monday so not yet i probly will
what's the last thing you ate? cinnabon
are you in a good mood? kinda
do you think this survey is long? nopee
who was the last person you got into a fight with? sophia
is there one person you get into a fight with at least once a week? sophia but i still love her no matter what
someone you hate? tons of people cant say just one
are you a straight A student ?no
this survey is done.
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Quiz What's your real first name? Austin Will you lie in

0 faves · Jul 1, 2013 12:23am





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