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Hello everyone!! Thank you for the lovely feedback on my blog! I really appreciate
those who are supporting me and using my builds! It really makes me feel great by
knowing people appreciate my generosity!! It's been great having you all giving me
tips and more ways to become a great player on LoL! I am trying to earn money for
a desktop so I can stream on Twitch! 

*Anyways, I have a few announcements to make before the season four ends!!!*

1.) Builds- I have not put some builds for RIVEN, KATARINA, and LEBLANC yet. ;----;
I'm very sorry for the inconvenience!! I will try to post them up as soon as I can b4 
season 5 starts. If not, then please be patient! 
    >> After a whole lot of testing and strategy conducting, I have changed Vayne's
    build. I will post more information down below and new tips for you guys. 

2.) PBE is now putting up new skins for testing! For Chinese New Year, they will be
bringing back Dragon Blade Riven, I believe. Also, there will be a new skin for Jinx!
It is currently being tested by players in PBE. For more information, you can go to>
Lolking.net for more info. 



Alright, so like I have stated above, I have made a few changes for my main: Vayne.
By changes, I mean changes in her build, and just a small change in her runepage...

Anyways >> Phantom Dancer is no longer part of my build. I now stick with the Shiv.
[Statikk Shiv]. Phantom Dancer is now part of my situational item list. Statikk Shiv is
just better for most situations/games. The Shiv does take care of minion waves a lot
better and it also does really good initial magic damage when you're entering a large
team fight. I don't think it is really necessary for two attack speed items since it will
just decrease your attack damage selections. 

So, instead of using the Phantom Dancer, I have switched it to the Guardian Angel or
the Last Whisper. <Note> Build the Last Whisper if your enemy team has a tank, and 
it'll grant you 35% armor penetration. Or >>> if you're going against a whole lot of AP
champs, then I suggest you get a Mercurial Scimitar for that bonus 50 MR and a good
80 attack damage. It also has an active that functions the same way as cleanse- also
like Youmuu's Ghostblade. If you want to build the MS, then build it instead of a BT.
[Blood Thirster]. You don't want to ruin the balance of loading too much attack dmg.
You also want some protection too. 

As for the runepage >>> 


This is a good tweak because you can put another Greater Quint of Attack Damage!

Instead of getting the Quint of Life steal, you can put the quint of attack damage so
you can go full AD. Besides, your starting items are a pot, and a Doran's Blade. Since
Doran's blade has 7% life steal, there is no need for the Quint of Life Steal anymore. 


Those are all the changes I've made! I hope this benefits your plays! I also hope that
this helps your way of thinking when going against someone. What you should learn..
is how to counterbuild. Counterbuilding is a way to win your lane even though your>
opponent counters you really hard. Even though I go against a Caitlyn, I always know
how to counterbuild her and how to play smart against her! 


Alright Summoners! I hope this post is very informative. Please do give feedback and 
don't be afraid to comment any questions about builds! I'm definitely open, and able 
to help you out! 

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Hello everyone!! Thank you for the lovely feedback on my blog!

2 faves · Jan 20, 2015 3:57am

Baby Haku *


Baby Haku *


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