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You have to understand that I don't like fencing myself off like this. I don't enjoy cutting people out of my life. It's just something I have to do. All my life I've had people pushing me around, telling me what to do. Making rules for me, and what did I do? I took it. I let people who didn't deserve to be in my life, stay. I've learnt keeping them only just wastes my time and energy, and those are the two most valuable things I possess. So why should I give it away to them? It's not fun, and it's certainly not easy. I don't want to treat people who used to mean so much to me like strangers, but I can only waste so much time and energy until it completely drains me.

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You have to understand that I don't like fencing myself off

8 faves · Mar 8, 2015 8:12am





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