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Isn't it beautiful... How you become dependat on someone so fast.. But it really has been slow in your mind...How you can fall in love.. .ANd miss not talking to that person... Even if you just talked to them... You want to talk more... How you worry about if that person is sad or mad or happy... And when you have horrible fights... No matter how many tears you cry.. That person can make them all go away in the flash of a smile... How you yearn to hold that person in your arms... But you doubt you ever will... How many trials you wil go through for love... No matter how many hateful things are said, tears cried ad not matter how many cuts some from somthing... A phone call ca make it all better.. How you are so scared.. That the person will leave you.. Because he found someone prettier than you are... Funnier than you are and lot less emotional thatn you are.. how you dream about the person for days that have foine by and many to come... How you can seem to forgive them for whatever they do... As lond as they make the sadness go away.. How much you have in common.. But yet you are so different... How you can help them get through anything... And the same for them... How they are yours and your theirs... Isn't it just beautiful... The way you say I love you and I always will... How you look forward to call... And you worry if they forget about you.
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Isn't it beautiful... How you become dependat on someone so fast..

6 faves · Apr 27, 2015 12:56am





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