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no but like really, every month or
so, the guy that r.aped me will change
his number to get past the block on
my phone, and he will beg me to 
"forgive, and never bring it up again."
he will swear he changed. he will say
he misses me and loves me. he will
plead for me to give him a chance.
and when I refuse all of that; when
I refuse to forget it, when I refuse to
believe he's different, when I refuse
to go out with him, he goes on a
rampage. he calls me every name
under the sun. he says the r.ape 
never happened, that is was all
consensual, that I am lying. he's
insistent that I begged for it, and
that I'm just out to get him; out to
ruin his life. he even called me the
f.ucking stalker. all of that is proof
enough that he hasn't changed. but
it's funny, because I'm still the one
that is criticized. not just by him,
by everyone else, too.

oh, and after he professes such

love for me, he instantly gets into
a relationship, and says the same
thing he says to every. single. girl.
"I love you so much, I will never 
lie to you. you changed me for
the better babygirl. I owe you so
much. I love you I swear I do. I 
want to be with you forever. I'm
yours. if you have a question
just ask me because I promise
I will never lie to you and never
hurt you ever."

it's a line, and it always works.

and when he gets in a relationship,
he spends the entire time chatting
up other girls, looking for a trade-up
when he ain't worth s.hit.
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no but like really, every month or so, the guy that r.aped me

6 faves · May 12, 2015 12:08am





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