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guys, I dyed my hair red awhile back
because I was getting really tired of the
upkeep that is purple (it literally washed 
away after one shampooing, so before
washing my hair I would have to apply
the dye equally- which is so hard with
thick hair like mine, and so much time
really- and wait the appropriate amount
of time, just for it to last until the next
time I wash my hair. I loved my hair so
the upkeep wasn't all of it, it was just
getting to the point where I couldn't
afford it. a tub of $11 dye that lasts a
few washes was getting to be a little
too much for my no income a.ss, tbh.)
plus, the guy I liked really liked red hair
and I was determined to seduce him.
I just really like vibrant hair, and red is
pretty bright, but it isn't as out there, so
I'm really starting to regret this decision,
but I already bought more red dye and
like, do you see my problem? I got the
most comments on my cool toned
hairs. so I feel like I bummed out a lot
of people by settling with a more normal
hair color (it's like, arial red with black under
it.. because it makes dying cheaper, and
is hard to lift so I kept it.) and I also feel
like everyone expects me to get through
this phase soon, and I don't want this to
be my last color; I don't want this to be
a color I spend too much time with 
because it's more toned down. but I 
can't bleach it out because I bleached 
out the blue and green, so I could go red
faster to please the guy, and it was pretty
damaging (because my hair was already
damaged bad lol whoops.) and I'm also 
afraid because I JUST went red and I don't
want my family to do that thing they do 
where they judge me for changing so 
fast. idk, I feel really stressed over this
when it typically brings me joy.
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guys, I dyed my hair red awhile back because I was getting really

4 faves · Jun 29, 2015 3:50am





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