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One Direction Update

7/25/15 11:30 AM EDT
Hey everyone! Hope all is well with you. I'm doing an update early today to cover last night & today. I'm sorry updates have been less frequent recently. For whatever reason Witty never loads on my laptop so I have to steal my dad's computer. Also tonight I'm going to be at a concert (not 1D) and I won't be on. I didn't want to miss two updates so I'm on here early!

Anyway, yesterday the boys had a show in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada! Today they have the day off and then their next show is in Minneapolis at TCF Bank Stadium tomorrow! This is a very special one because my lovely co-updater Katie will be at that one! She's right next to the catwalk so pray or cross your fingers that she gets noticed! 

This Day In 1D History: 

Rumors: None

Links: Louis and Harry on stage yesterday: 
All of the boys on stage yesterday: https://twitter.com/1DLocated/status/624953705146683392
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One Direction Update 7/25/15 11:30 AM EDT Hey everyone! Hope

4 faves · Jul 25, 2015 11:25am





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