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One Direction Update
Hey everyone! And a very happy 22nd birthday to Liam!!!! Today the boys had their show in Detriot at Ford Field! Then they have the next 2 days off before their show in Philly! Aka finally my turn to see the boys. 

This Day In 1D History: Other than the obvious 

Rumors: None

Links: The boys on stage tonight: 
GROUP HUG! https://twitter.com/Official_1DNZ/status/637819630413713412
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One Direction Update 8/29/15 Hey everyone! And a very happy

3 faves · 4 comments · Aug 30, 2015 12:29am





onedirection · onedirectionupdate · quote

dreamer4eva333 happy witty anniversary! · 8 years ago
Yay! :)

Have you ever been on when something came out before? For me, this was really the first time. I'm usually asleep or doing something when something big like that happens. Haha, yes! Now you'll be prepared for next time! :) Yeah, everyone seems proud when something the boys made comes out without being leaked and the boys seem pleased, too. It's like, "Yes, this is how we planned this to happen. Well done, everyone!" Exactly! I couldn't have said it any better myself. I mean, the tracklist itself gives me so much joy with guessing what they're going to be about with you and seeing who wrote them and just gaaaaaaahh! I love it so much! It's so nice knowing it's just around the corner!

I love that quote, too! It shows how he's become so confident and comfortable with himself, and it's a simple but powerful thing to say to help you get there, too. Yeah, I'm so sorry about that, Jenny. :( Just try to remember all the girls and boys who understand how you love the boys. These guys are just acting stupid, so why should you care if they can't see the truth? I know it's hard, but for your happiness, you've just got to block them out and be proud. Just do you! And don't let these guys drag you down! :) I hope you get a nice nap soon. :)

Why do you think you won't be able to see them at all next year? Because of the break? If so, my advice would be this-cherish every moment and live in the now. If I won't be able to see them again for a while, I wish I would have known that at my concert. But also remember that you still might. We don't know anything about next year, and anything can happen. Hold on to that bit of hope. :) And I'll always be here through whatever emotions come afterwards. I know how hard it is to not think about PCD, but try your best to live in the happiness of being with them that night. :) Yes, I am the notebook queen of the world. :) Okay, I'm glad I showed it to you.
Yeah, the album brings back a lot of fun memories now. You're welcome, pal! I know it'll be an amazing night, too, and as someone who was in your shoes a month ago, I can promise you the slump will slump away. :)

Well, I don't think she made an account yet. I think she's just looked at it. But I'll ask her again, and once she has made one, I'll give it to you! :)

C'mon, Tuesday! Hurry it up! :) Yes, Niall and Harry both are just masters of the camera. They feel the vibes of the camera and immediately turn their heads towards it. Awww, Liam! I have felt so sentimental about him today. Love you, birthday buddy! :) Here's something too adorable for words :) http://heauxystyles.tumblr.com/post/127913270192/craicthatniall-after-they-sang-happy-birthday

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beary0630 · 8 years ago
Yeah I have most of the time. I always was so happy that most of the time I was online when things happened. But it’s just been lately that I haven’t been on because it’s been a lot of surprises lately. But I’m sure my chance will come again. At least you’ve been awake for things lately! And yeah I’m always proud when things aren’t leaked. I guess the surprise releases kind of prevent that. If we don’t know something’s coming or even exists yet, how can it be leaked? The tracklist is part of what builds the excitement for me. It’s the part I look forward to the most! It won’t be long now for sure!

That quote is really awesome. And I love how it shows his growth. Harry used to be so self conscious and worried about what everyone thought of him. And now he really just goes with the flow and does what he feels is right and best for him. It’s a great example for us to follow. Ah I definitely got a nice nap today and the time away from work has helped me to get more excited! It’s so unfair how rude some of them have been to me. But I realize that it doesn’t matter what they think. The worst thing is going to be coming back to work after. I’m going to have severe PCD (I have work Wednesday) and I’m not going to have anyone to talk to about it. The only good thing is that the main one who makes fun of me won’t be there. I just wish I didn’t have to go back the day after. Plus there’s other situations there that are bothering me too. I would tell you about them but I’d rather do that in DMs since it’s more personal. But anyway, I’m just trying to keep the good thoughts flowing you know? Maybe I’ll just call in sick on Wednesday.

That kind of was why I said that. I just have a bad feeling that there might not be an opportunity to see them live next year. But you’re right. We don’t know what will happen and the break might not be the whole year. I just want to make sure this concert is really special because I don’t know for sure if this will be the last time. At least for the foreseeable future. Thanks for being there for me for the PCD. I hope I was there for you when you were going through it. It’s the only downside to seeing them isn’t it?
All hail the notebook queen!!
Yeah the slump has been getting better and better as the day went on. And I’m pretty sure when I wake up tomorrow I won’t be able to sit still! I still can’t believe it’s here! I remember buying the tickets like it was yesterday!

Oh alright! Sounds good! :)

Hmmm… maybe that’s an idea to get Niall to notice me this time. If I try to take picture of him, maybe he’ll automatically look! I actually really enjoyed it being Liam’s birthday the other day! It was nice to have a day just for him! By the way, did you have a good birthday? That hug was the BEST wasn’t it? That moment made me tear up! Here’s someone you might know: http://harryniips.tumblr.com/post/128082227464/haddyshoe-harry-in-pittsburg-28-credit

Okay so since the big day is tomorrow I have a few quick questions. 1. What size bag did you bring? I got my emails from the stadium and they said bags couldn’t be bigger than 12x12x12. I don’t really know what to bring now? 2. Do you have any last minute ideas for a sign I could make? I know I’ve been slacking but I can’t think of a thing! I have all the supplies ready but nothing to say! 3. If you have time and since I definitely won’t be around, if you could update tomorrow that would be awesome! 4. Do you have any last minute advice for me? Things I should bring or do? Ah I’m so excited!! I can’t wait to tell you everything!
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beary0630 · 8 years ago
Hey Katie! I'm not really able to update tonight but I still wanted to come on because it's your birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAL!! I really hope you had a wonderful day full of fun :) I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you! And once again Happy Happy Birthday!!
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dreamer4eva333 happy witty anniversary! · 8 years ago
Thank you, pal! I appreciate that. :)
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