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not all villains had bad intentions in a way
for example:
jigsaw abducted people who sinned
jason killed the people who killed him first
lex just wanted clark to be his friend and trust him
draco just wanted to be accepted by his dad
so insted of judging the so called "villains" or "bad guys"
stop and think why they do what they do

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not all villains had bad intentions in a way for example: jigsaw

5 faves · 1 comments · Dec 3, 2015 4:56pm





logicvillains · inspirational · quote

Delicate* · 8 years ago
I mean you could argue that Voldemort was trying to help bring the wizards out of what he felt was an oppressive state of hiding. Sometimes a person's reasons are counteracted by their own atrocities, and that's when they're villians. Draco Malfoy ended up chosing light, and even when he didn't he was fighting his darkness. He didn't want to become like that, but he wasn't given a choice. And even when it meant his family and his life, he couldn't kill Dumbledore. That's why Draco wasn't the villian.
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