Witty Profiles

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1. male friend:  \ jonathan or jaime or ricardo or israel
2. female friend: claudia or jeweliana or alexx
3. Vacation: California
4. age: 12
5. memory: idk

1. Time of day: mornings
2. Day of the week: sundays
3. Food: any type of pie
4. Memory: the rents splitting
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: havent had a boyfriend

1. Person u saw: my god daughter people i baptized her dont get any ideas
2. Talk on the phone with: alexx
3. Hugged: my cousin jennifer
4. IM: dont IM

1. Kiss: havent had it
2. Serious bf or gf: no one
3. Car: only 12
4. First school: bellaire
5. Job: idk

1. What are you doing now: txting
2. Tonight: sleeping
 3.wearing: t-shirt and some b-ball shorts
4. wat was lunch?: brisket and stuff
5.better than yesterday: nope i had pizza yesterday
1. Is: monday
2. Got any plans: babysitting my cousins cause i dont have school tomorrow
3. goal: make it through the day
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: waking up
5. Do you have work: homework!!!!!!!!!!

1. Number: 4 or 5
Song: alcohol im addicted to it i usually go for alternative and rock
color: GREEN
season: summer    
5. State: texas

1. Are you in love?: no
Dating someone: no
3. Missing someone: nope
Mood: tired
5. Wanting: my friends

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_______Bests________ 1. male friend: \ jonathan or jaime or ricardo

0 faves · Apr 13, 2009 12:09am




