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He’s gone okay? Let him go. I know that his laugh was the soundtrack to your summer and when he kissed your lips you could feel fire in your stomach. But he left, he’s not coming back. You don’t know why and you probably never will. That’s part of what hurts the most. The silence. Maybe if he had yelled or at least said goodbye this pain would be a little less extreme. But you can’t change any of that now. You can’t make him come back just like you couldn’t make him stay. And that’s okay, that isn’t your fault. Your soul is too big and encompassing, not something he ever knew how to handle. I’m sorry that everything feels heavy on your shoulders now that he’s gone. You don’t deserve how the world turned blue; you deserve to see this life in all the color it can offer. But you should know that this world can be just as colorful without him in it. You will be okay without him. It’s hard to see it now but letting him go is the best thing you can do. I know you loved him and I’m so sorry he didn’t recognize the immensity of your greatness. But baby you are more beautifully complex than the deepest oceans and it’s not your fault that he prefers puddle jumping. So I know it’s hard and you’re allowed to miss him but it’s time to move on, to make room for someone that will appreciate everything you are. 
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He’s gone okay? Let him go. I know that his laugh was the

3 faves · Mar 24, 2016 2:49am

Deep breaths, my love*


Deep breaths, my love*


breakup · poem · inspirational · motivational · quote

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