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Remember every time u see a sunrise  its your next chance to go out and make a difference whether its in school or its at home big or small differences they all cont no matter what  so don't stop find out a solution and help those out there who are going what u have gone thru  when I was 5 I was abused  cracked sturnum 3 broken ribs cracked spine cracked pelvis and a two inch tear on my large intestine but u know what Ive held on so I could help those whose almost given up    none of us are promised tomorrow so make the most of it today  go help those who are giving up I work at an addiction program for those who are struggling and think like a diamond  the more pressure you're under the better u turn out so those who have struggled u can relate to more people than those who haven't it is the strugllers who can make the difference over all     so stay strong stay strong and seek God for all your answers bless you all
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Remember every time u see a sunrise its your next chance to go

2 faves · Sep 23, 2016 11:28pm





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