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Theres all these quotes saying "dont let him break your heart" and "he isnt worth the tears"

But do any of you acutally follow through?...I do.
I dont cry over him or weep.Im  a realist.And im not gonna get upset over someone whos not gonna care about my tears.
So instead of just putting up quotes about being strong...go out there and actually be strong.
Dont waste your tears, but dont be afraid to cry if its really worth it.

Sometimes the strongest thing is being able to cry and not being ashamed.

So dont waste the tears on someone you'll be ashamed of crying over in the end.

Be strong, be brave, and never be afraid.
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Theres all these quotes saying "dont let him break your

0 faves · 1 comments · Jun 19, 2009 12:08am






Everlong · 1 decade ago
I agree.
Great quote :]
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