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Member Since: 6 Feb 2013 08:03pm

Last Seen: 12 Feb 2015 08:35pm

Gender: F

user id: 349287

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Hey there lovelies! I'm Araya, call me Ray! c: I'm sixteen years young, but believe me, I'm not one of those stereotypical youngsters that does stupid shít 24/7. I save my stupid shit for on weekends. ;D Haha hey now, no judging please! Well....I enjoy reading romances...even though I hate romance...(We'll get to that bit later..). If I worked out as much as I read I'd be skinny... *Sigh* Well, you probably want to hear the good and the bad before you decide if I'm somebody you want to associate yourself with... Here's a list: 

Good things:

-I don't judge.

-I'm a secret keeper. (:

-I'm not a 100% serious person, most of the time.

-I care....Yes, I have a heart. It's only about 3/4th's made of icy stone.

-My friend's and family are my world, there isn't anything I wouldn't do for them.

-I'm not very critical, I wear mis-match socks for Pete sakes!

-I love asking questions and when I'm on here I'm always on chat, so talk to me!

(There's more good things of course but I don't want to waste too much of your time...The bad things are below.. >.<)

The bad:
-I'm an ex cutter, and I really want to continue...it really is an addiction for me.

-I've done a lot of drugs and have been to parties.

-I can be the biggest bítch you've ever met.

-I'm too truthful.

-I'm fat, and not cute fat, ugly fat.

-I curse a lot.

-I can't stand being told I love you too soon.

-My self confidence and self esteem has withered to 0%.

-I constantly think about myself, some might call it conceided. But they don't know I'm worried about how I look...as if I could ever look good.

(Of course there's more bad things but at this point you have the gist of it.)

HACKED by Deadlyvampire17 !! :P

Hi ;)
So ya, I'm awesome. She's awesome. Together we create sexy awesome-ness! ;)
I stole her from her boyfriend and my boyfriend steals me from her! <3

(Not anymore, we're sadly both single. *Sigh*)

This is the amazing Arayaboo1 Love her!!! LOVE HER I SAY!


This is her with one of our other friends! <3 Gorgeous aren't they?!

Then there's me... All alone like... lol my boo has all of the pics of us on her computer... sooo ya... ;P love ya!

Ya... so end of hacked... :p HAVE A GREAT DAY BIOTCHES!


  1. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 9:20pm UTC
    Relapse time. ^.^

  2. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 6:54pm UTC
    Why aren't I loved in real life? Everyone online thinks I'm so beautiful, and I don't even change my pictures dramatically like most people...I guess I'm just unlovable. </3

  3. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    When we first kissed, I fell under your spell. But I can't live a lie running for my life. You're pure torture baby, but I loved every second of it. You broke more than my heart, you broke more than my self-esteem, you broke more than my focus and love for life. You broke almost everything with one swing, just like a wrecking ball.

  4. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 6:29pm UTC
    I never meant to start a war, I just wanted you to let me in. </3 Don't you ever say I just walked away, I will always want you.

  5. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 6:23pm UTC
    Please don't try to fix my heart, you might get its shards stuck in your hands... I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. </3

  6. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2013 9:56pm UTC
    I drink so much sunny D my nickname should be Juno....I used to keep jugs of sunny D under my bed...not just one jug...but two of the biggest jugs they have....they even had handles... xD

  7. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 28, 2013 7:33pm UTC
    *Best friend moves*
    *Favorite cousin moves*
    *Cat's taken to the pound*
    *Friend stops being friends with you*
    *Boyfriend breaks up with you*
    *Might lose your grandfather before the winter's over*
    Yeah, I'm perfectly fine.

  8. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2013 11:25pm UTC
    NiykeeErr: Well yeah aha. Im feeling weird I dunno whyye
    NiykeeErr: c:
    NiykeeErr: Sorry to stare but your really beautiful
    NiykeeErr: At your pic
    Me: Haha awwww, so are you darling! Thank you!<3
    *Me* She's wondeful...<3

  9. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2013 10:22pm UTC
    That moment you realize the person you thought was your best friend...in real life mind you....unfollows you on Witty. Ouch...guess she was pretty mad...well my best friend slots looking a bit empty. :o

  10. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2013 11:00pm UTC
    I remember how it felt to cut, and I know how it feels when I still want to. That moment when I dig through my desk drawers, searching for a razor blade. But then I think about how you would react if you saw the marks, how you would react if I went to borrow your hoodie and you saw the cuts. I wouldn't want you cutting again and I know you feel the same about me. So for you love, I put down the blade for good.

  11. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2013 7:15pm UTC
    I went from happy to depressed all in a matter of 3 seconds.

  12. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2013 6:04pm UTC
    *Practices the online DMV Permit tests* 53%...I'm screwed..... *Does it again* 88%...I'M SO PREPARED FOR WEDNESDAY!!!!

  13. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2013 9:22pm UTC
    Catching bugs with your boyfriend isn't childish at all. Cx

  14. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 10:05pm UTC
    Standing face to face, both teary eyed as you stare into each others eyes, not even caring about what's going on around you....That's how you know you both care.

  15. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 5:41pm UTC
    I've got myself in the end.

  16. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 5:19pm UTC
    Thanks for your opinion, but take it elsewhere. You don't understand and you don't want to. You'd make the same decision and everyone knows it.
    #Get off your period.

  17. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 2:10am UTC
    You have your compulsive liar and I'll have my diamond...It's going to suck when you finally realize she didn't actually ride a zebra over a rainbow.... xD

  18. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2013 2:05am UTC
    Everybodys life is difficult in different ways, you have no right to say yours is worse. I hate how people say step into my shoes for a day, like seriously, if anyone stepped into anybody elses shoes, yes you'd be going through different challenges and difficulties in life, but that's what builds character sweetheart. Everybody has issues, so lets just all stay in our own shoes and have different personalities, thanks.

  19. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 12:41am UTC
    I miss him so much...

  20. ArayaBoo1 ArayaBoo1
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2013 9:47pm UTC
    0 faves = I'm ugly
    3 faves = I'm ok
    7 faves =I'm cute
    15 faves =I'm pretty
    25 faves = I'm beautiful
    30 faves = I'm breathtaking
    -repost if your not afraid-


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