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Member Since: 13 Mar 2004 11:05am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 4208

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Hey, muh names Kristi Im 13 i live in PA and i have brown hair and blu eyes, ~ i subbmit alot of cute luv quotes so look unda there and lemmie no if u like! =)....Hope u IM me at kRiSti MaRiE 969
  1. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2004 6:58am UTC
    they told me all about u
    they told me u were free
    they told me u were great
    the perfect one for me....~!(David)!~
    x hE AbUsEz Me w/HuGz N' KiSsEz x
    i wasnt kissin him i just wanted muh gum bac!
    tell me if u love me....
    . tell me if its tru...
    let me be your forever.....
    and 4 ever it will be me n u...
    Hey Lemmie no if u like tha quotes ~< IM me at kRiSti MaRiE 969

  2. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2004 6:55am UTC
    <When I close my eyes and think of the most wonderful thing in the world, I see you<
    **LoVe Is GiVinG SoMeOnE ThE AbiLiTy To BrEaK yOuR HeArT...BuT TrUsTiNg ThEm NoT To**
    *.-¦-.* wEn i lOoK in2 yOuR eYeZ *.-¦-.*
    .·:. i cAn fEeL bUttAfLieS
    SiNcE tHe DaY I fIrSt MeT YoU My LiFe cHaNgEd
    tHe WaY YoU MaKe mE fEeL Is So hARd tO eXpLaIn
    WeN I LoOk iN YoUr eYeS yOu mAkE iT So tRu
    ThErEs No oNe oN tHiS eARtH fOr Me bUt [Y.o.U.]

  3. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2004 6:53am UTC
    -YoU CaN SaY I'm CrAzY -YeS ItS TrUe- I'm CrAzY BoUt OnE ThInG- AnD ThAtS YoU-
    the best things in life are unseen
    thats why we close our eyes when we
    cry || kiss || and dream
    °[x] i wanna be the reason you s m i l e [x]°
    Each Minute I spend wit u
    Brightens my smile
    Every word u speak
    Makes my life more worthwhile
    Every kiss we have I'll cherish 4eva
    Every moment I am happy is because we could be 2gether

  4. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2004 6:51am UTC
    Real Eyes
    Real Lies!!!!
    LoVe iZn'T AbouT The HuGz 'n' KizSeZ oR The 'I LoVe YeWz' oR tHe 'I MiSs YeWs'... ITz aBouT The FeeLinG He GiVes YeW
    don't you ever get that feeling where all you want to do is be with him, and know hes there..right there, always looking at you like your everything..and you know that you wouldnt want to love or be with anyone else...

  5. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:33am UTC
    I look into your eyes and couldn't tell you what I see, Because there's no explanation for what you do to me. I wanna hold your hand, and see the smile on your face, It's not just your body, but your love I need to embrace.
    Lookin in your eyes, Seeing all I need, Everything you are, is everything to me, These are the moments I know heaven must exist, These are the moments I know all I need is this, I have all ive waited for, And I could not ask for more
    no matter what people say im gonna love him [anyway]
    Id GiVe mY LiFe
    fOr YoU iN a MINuTE
    BeCaUsE I cAnT pIcTuRE
    My LiFe WiTh OUT u In It
    Luvin *U* is like breathin, Im never gonna stop!

  6. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:32am UTC
    [L.o.v.e] is seeing him how no one else does [L.o.v.e] is when u no hes not perfect but u see him perfectly [L.o.v.e] is thinking about him day and night [L.o.v.e] is when he means the world to you [L.o.v.e] is when noone else nos how you feel [L.o.v.e] is the best feeling u can feel
    whEn I 1St sAw u I knEw iT WaS TrU I wAs MeAnT 2 fAlL In *LoVe* WiTh yOu
    BaBy i neEd yOu yOu dOn`t haVe a clUe eveRythinG i thiNk of revOlveS arOund yOu
    Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or concieted. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take pleasure in other people's sins, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, and to endure whatever comes.
    i dUnt nOo wHaT otHa PeOpLe saY wHaT thEy tHiNk lOvE Is bUt I Kno whAt it MeaNs tO me
    DiStAnCe mEaNs sO LiTTLe wHEN u LoVe sOmEoNe ThIS much

  7. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:32am UTC
    Each Minute I spend wit u
    Brightens my smile
    Every word u speak
    Makes my life more worthwhile
    Every kiss we have I'll cherish 4eva
    Every moment I am happy is because we could be 2gether
    <When I close my eyes and think of the most wonderful thing in the world, I see you<
    Hershey Kisses: $2.99
    Chocolate: $3.40
    A BIG Teddy Bear: $35.00
    <>Your crush finally admiting that he likes you, priceless.<>
    if he's the [FiRsT] thing I think about when I wake up in the mornin.. the [OnLy] thing I think about all day.. and the [LaSt] thing I think about rite before I go to sleep.. tHeN I KnO Im ReAlLiE iN [LovE]

  8. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:32am UTC
    .:.If u loved me lke u told me,
    .:.Please be careful with me heart,
    .:.You can take it, just dont break it,
    .:.Or my world can fall apart
    lOve u mOre den wOrDz caN shOw..
    i think bOut u mOre den u cOuld eva nO..
    nOw until fOreva dis will -b- tru..
    bCuz derz *nO wuN* i cOuLd *eVa* lOve..
    [*..as muCh as i lOve u..*]
    *..·´¨`(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)´¨`·..*
    Ooº°`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨ )¸.· °ºoO
    (...Da Spaces...)
    )..Between His..(
    (..Fingers were..)
    ).Made Just 4.(
    ).i l0ve y0u..(
    (Theres no Luv)
    )Lyke ur Luv(
    (u kno its true)
    )Everything i do(
    (i dooo it 4 u)
    *..·´¨`(¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)´¨`·..*
    Ooº°`·.¸(¨`·.·´¨ )¸.· ºoO
    °[x] i wanna be the reason you s m i l e [x]°

  9. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:31am UTC
    BaBii ur so special too mee...
    nuttin can break us in half or
    mess up wut we have together..
    BaBii wen ever im in ur arms i
    feel lyke im in heaven and wen ur
    lips touch mine my whole body trembles..
    i jus wanted u too kno tha ur so special
    to me n no one will ever take ur place..
    iTs aMaZiNg hOw oNe pErSoN cAn mAkE yOuR wOrSt dAy *pErFeCt*..
    *-SiNcE tHe DaY I fIrSt MeT YoU My LiFe cHaNgEd - tHe WaY YoU MaKe mE fEeL Is So hARd tO eXpLaIn - WeN I LoOk iN YoUr eYeS yOu mAkE iT So tRu - ThErEs No oNe oN tHiS eARtH fOr Me bUt [Y.o.U.]-*

  10. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:31am UTC
    .:*Yur tha first thing i think of each morning wen i rise, your tha last thing i think of each nite wen i close my eyes, your in each thougt i have, an every breath i take, my feelings are growing stronger, with every move I make, i want to proove I Love You, but thats tha hardest part, so never ever dump me, an to u i give my heart:.*

  11. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:26am UTC
    ` )) .·´¨¨))
    ((¸¸.·´ .·´ -:¦:-
    -:¦:- ((¸¸.·(¨`v´¨)
    `v´I Luv u so much, more an more each an everyday, I just luv u so much, thats all i can say
    .:*Yur tha first thing i think of each morning wen i rise, your tha last thing i think of each nite wen i close my eyes, your in each thougt i have, an every breath i take, my feelings are growing stronger, with every move I make, i want to proove I Love You, but thats tha hardest part, so never ever dump me, an to u i give my heart:.*

  12. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:16am UTC
    Ur so Jealous of Me
    THaTs IiGHt cuZ I AlrEaDI KnO
    BuT LikE LuDa SaYs
    YoUz Da HoE!
    (¸.•*¨`»~SeXy LiL preP~
    *CuTe LiL hUnNi*
    ?¿Me JealOuS Of U?¿
    ~UR FUNNY~
    -::-.* .. Princess .. -::-.*
    -::-.* .. Angel .. -::-.*
    -::-.* .. Cutie.. -::-.*
    -::-.* .. Smarty.. -::-.*
    -::-.* .. Funnie.. -::-.*
    -::-.* .. hunnie.. -::-.*
    * -:¦:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:¦:-
    ¸.• . •´")) ׺ OnE ׺
    ((¸¸.•´..•´ ")) -:¦:-LoVe -
    -:¦:- ((¸¸.•´ *-°fOrEvEr°-*
    (¨`•.•´¨) (¨`•.•´¨) »¦«AnD »¦«
    `•.¸(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ -a.l.w.a.i.z.e-
    × ×`•.¸.•´ * -:¦:-.•:*¨°•.¸.• * -:¦:-
    »« it took billionz of people to »«
    .:+:.complete the world but.:+:.
    --» it only took you to «--
    complete mine
    Your Cotton Candy Lips
    Your Bubble Gum Tounge
    Boy You Make Me Crave
    With Your Sweet Yummy Love
    u have this i n c r e d i b l e ability to make me completely crazy about u
    SiNcE tHe DaY I fIrSt MeT YoU My LiFe cHaNgEd
    tHe WaY YoU MaKe mE fEeL Is So hARd tO eXpLaIn
    WeN I LoOk iN YoUr eYeS yOu mAkE iT So tRu
    ThErEs No oNe oN tHiS eARtH fOr Me bUt [Y.o.U.]
    B R E A K * T H E * R U L E S
    [ .s.t.a.n.d. * .a.p.a.r.t. ]
    ->> iGnOrE yOuR hEaD aNd | FoLLoW |Y0u'Re HeArT
    ^^^ Lemmie no if u like it........ IM me at kRiSti MaRiE 969

  13. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:16am UTC
    H.o.l.d. me like you _never_ wanna let me g*o.
    ^^^ Lemmie no if u like it........ IM me at kRiSti MaRiE 969

  14. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:15am UTC
    TheRe's a · sPaRkLe· In YoUr · Eye· thAt Only i cAn see
    and ThEre's a pLaCe In yOur · HeArT· wHeRe OnLy I caN Be
    y0ur mY first * R e A l * l O v E *
    the kind that only happens once
    tHe kind that lastS -f.O.r.e.v.e.r-
    the Couple that [e][v][e][r][y]One
    ´¯`·._.·´¯`*·-»Lo0kSz at n says'z
    "* t h e Y ` r e * 'P e R f E c T' *
    baby theresz .n O t h i n q. mOre tO *say*
    yOu cOmPlete me in [[ evErY waY ]]
    i never loved sOmeone so much in my life
    i never felt ne.01 love me baq the way u do
    i never wanna feel this way with neOne';
    - - - - »[( B u T * y O u )]«- - - -
    ^^^ Lemmie no if u like it........ IM me at kRiSti MaRiE 969

  15. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:15am UTC
    I Love The Way My Fingers (¯`v´¯) Just Fall Into Yours
    I Love How Your Taste `v´ Still Lingers On My Lips
    After That })i({ Special Goodnight Kiss, })i({ I Love How
    Whenever I .·´ Go To Call Someone I `·. Automatically
    Dial Your `·. Number, I Love How .·´ You Look At Me
    With (¯`v´¯) Those Gorgeous Eyes And Then You Smile
    That `v´ Sweet Smile.. And I Know Right There, That
    You Will Always Be Mine.. (_.·´¯) I Love How You Hug
    Me With The (¯`·._) Intention Of Never Letting Go.. I
    Love })i({ You More Than Words Could })i({ Ever Show
    ^^^ Lemmie no if u like it........ IM me at kRiSti MaRiE 969

  16. DaViDsBaBi04 DaViDsBaBi04
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2004 11:14am UTC
    ImmA LiL CrAzY, CuTe But StrOng
    If U THiNK U CaN BeAt Me,GuRl Ur WrOnG
    N 2 Da HoeZ Who Like muh hun,GiVe It Up Now, I AlReAdY WoN,So0o Im TeLlIn U In ADVaNce,BaCk Up Now Cuz U AiNt GOttA CHanCe!
    ^^^ Lemmie no if u like it........ IM me at kRiSti MaRiE 969


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