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Member Since: 11 Dec 2010 11:50pm

Last Seen: 3 Nov 2015 10:39pm

user id: 139184

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hey there (:

kay, so I'm Emma, and I'm 16.....
I have no idea what I should say on here..
Let's see...I play soccer and I love it, my family's amazing, and my friends are my life (looove you guys <3). I have an amazing boyfriend <3..I love to smile and laugh, and I couldn't live without music.
Sound good?
Good. (:
  1. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 12:08am UTC
    The world is full of interesting stories
    You just have to look for them.

  2. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 12:01am UTC
    Call me crazy
    But I don't think a relationship can be built in a couple days. You can't start dating someone you just met, and expect it to work out perfectly.
    You have to build a foundation.
    The best relationships are where the two of you can be best friends.
    But that friendship, it has to be built beforehand.
    A relationship is a commitment to a person.
    But how can you commit to someone you barely know?
    Here's my advice.
    Get to know the person, really know the person. A relationship isn't just for fun...that's how you get hurt.
    Before you decide to commit, make sure you know this person. Hang out with them. Don't just text them. Make sure they're who they say they are.
    And yeah, this takes time, but if it's meant to be, they'll wait til you're comfortable.
    Why waste a relationship? Don't jump in.

  3. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 7:33pm UTC

  4. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 3:04pm UTC
    Things to be Happy about.kicking off your shoes and splashing your feet in a fountainsercret love notes and candy hearts hidden all overpicking out a card and sending it to someone who would never expect ita cardinal's brilliance against the snowmodern artred velvetknee sockspie wedgesseeing happy parentsthe cool underside of a pilowLake Michigan's shorelineremembering when life moved at a more leisurely pace"Never mind!"feelings of securityprincessesswingsetswhisperingtaking a short stroll before deciding on new shoeschilled orange juicetaking a walk when the world is too much
    From The Happy Book by Barbara Ann Kipfer, thought I'd share (: format credit: soccerloverx03x

  5. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    Things to be Happy about.
    cloudy days and sunny thoughts
    ghost stories and marshmallows by a fire
    Marshall Field's store, Chicago
    working on a project
    the first week of school
    test tubes
    a shrug of the shoulder when things don't get done
    putting on the sound track of a favorite Broadway show and singing in the shower
    watching the winning touchdown
    children's toy ovens
    eating all your snack bar items before the movie even starts
    getting carried away
    the pounding of a hammer
    true, lasting values
    giving other's ample opportunity to speak
    a white-gold sunrise
    an alarm clock that would tell you when to wake up--and why
    beating people at crazy eights
    feeling heady with optimism and warmth
    From The Happy Book by Barbara Ann Kipfer, thought I'd share (: format credit: soccerloverx03x

  6. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 7:56pm UTC
    Things to be Happy about.
    lying on your back in a snowy field; making an angel by moving your arms in arcs
    white cupcakes with multicolor sprinkles
    animals and toys for a nursery
    Amish buggies
    doing your own thing
    a 10-gallon jug of fruit salad
    making friends with the police
    poking holes in church bulletins and passing notes
    "skit night" at camp
    smooth, muscular arms
    long hands
    dinner with laughter
    funny toes
    knowing there wlil be many surprises in the future
    snow-white carpeting
    stopping being a perfectionist
    Heinz tomato ketchup
    From The Happy Book by Barbara Ann Kipfer, thought I'd share (: format credit: soccerloverx03x

  7. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 7:29pm UTC
    Things to be Happy about.
    pajamas at breakfast
    seeing the moon rise
    the feel of a rug under bare feet
    the "snuggle right in" feeling
    a lake catching the last flecks of sunlight coming in over the pines
    the position of your head as you bite into a taco
    starting to make things happen
    a baby's first tooth
    a baseball game going into extra innings
    babies who never cry
    brand-new notebooks
    toddlers' vocabulary
    French toast, butter, and powdered sugar
    viewing everyday surroundings with a tourist's eye
    the delicious smell of cooking food and the hustle and bustle of the preparation
    the ketchup that collects at the lip of the bottle
    driving under an overpass during a storm
    eight hours of sleep
    From The Happy Book by Barbara Ann Kipfer, thought I'd share (: format credit: soccerloverx03x

  8. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2011 10:58pm UTC
    It's hard, but when you're having fun,
    There's a world outside your window,
    And it's a world of dreaded fear.
    Where the only water flowing, is a bitter sting of tears.
    And the Christmas bells that ring there, are the clanging chimes of doom.
    Well tonight thank God it's them
    instead of you.
    And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time.
    The greatest gift they'll get this year is life
    Where nothing ever grows
    No rain or rivers flow
    Do they know it's Christmas time at all?

  9. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2011 9:56pm UTC
    Sometimes you just need to cry
    and let it all out
    and then you feel better.

  10. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    December 17, 2011 9:43pm UTC
    Sometimes I catch myself, staring into space,
    counting down the hours
    Till I get to see your face. ♥

  11. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2011 12:59am UTC
    'Bestfriends' has 11 letters, so does 'backstabber.'
    And so does 'watermelons'
    'Hey' has 3 letters, but so does 'Bye.'
    And so does 'bit'
    'Love' has 4 letters, but so does 'Hate.'
    And so does 'burp'
    'Happy' has 5 letters, but so does 'Tears.'
    And so does 'apple'
    'Forever' has 7 letters, but so does 'Goodbye.'
    And so does 'bubbles'
    'I love you' has 8 letters, but so does 'Bullsh*t'
    And so does 'goldfish'
    'Good' has 4 letters, but so does 'evil.'
    And so does 'coin'
    'Birth' has 5 letters, but so does 'Death'
    And so does 'chair'
    'Courageous' has 10 letters, but so does 'Frightened.'
    And so does 'pacemakers'
    The lesson?
    Some words have the same number of letters as other words

  12. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 11:28pm UTC
    I'm on my guard with the rest of the world, but with you,

  13. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 11:23pm UTC
    You're the kind of reckless
    That should send me running
    But I kinda know that I won't get far.

  14. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    October 7, 2011 11:15pm UTC
    Guys are jerks because girls like jerks.
    Girls talk to jerks.
    I guarentee you that if no girls ever talked to jerks, guys would stop being jerks right away.
    And when girls don't talk to nice guys, the nice guys
    will turn into jerks, cause that who the girls talk to.
    Girls hold all the power over guys.
    ~My choir director

  15. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2011 11:02pm UTC
    So this girl
    >>>that I don't even talk to<<<
    told my ♥boyfriend♥
    that I wanted to break up with him
    Total BS
    The other day, she made her FB status
    "Hey... stop putting words in my mouth. Thanks, I apreciate that"
    So I liked it.

  16. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2011 11:37pm UTC
    But my god it's so beautiful
    When the boy smiles

  17. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2011 11:21pm UTC
    Filled with hope, 'cause you're here in my life ♥

  18. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2011 11:13pm UTC
    ♥His Hoodie♥

  19. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 9:48pm UTC
    Means inside AND out.

  20. Emmanem Emmanem
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 8:56pm UTC
    When you want to avoid awkward eye contact in the hallway and you're like:
    "Hey, that wall looks mighty interesting"


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