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Member Since: 19 Aug 2011 11:13pm

Last Seen: 3 Sep 2011 12:27am

user id: 209242

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Sorry for the boring profile.
So, hi there.
The only reason I made this page is to post this fan fiction I'm writing on here. A lot of people seem to like stories, but it's pretty long. Well, so far anyway.
I have a seperate Witty account, but if any of my friends saw this, I'd quite literally die of embarassment.
So, if you're reading this, I hope that means you like my writing.
Or maybe not. But I can hope.
I'm not sure how much of the story I'll post, so you can see the full thing (so far) on Wattpad.
My username's TeddyIAmYourFather.
I might post some more stuff.
But probably not.
Ladies and gents,
  1. IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 4:36pm UTC
    Worth the Risk
    A Remus Lupin Fan Fiction.
    Chapter 3: Happy Birthday, Love: Part 2
    Peter saw her approach first. It wasn't unusual for Ella to visit her twin friends, but the four boys were always too wrapped up in their own business to notice. The tiny boy tapped one of his friends-- Remus, it happened to be-- and nodded his head in the direction of her approaching figure. The other two had noticed by then; the bow she wore in her red hair was certainly attention-grabbing.
    “D'you figure it's her birthday?” asked Pettigrew.
    “No, Peter, she's wearing that bow to celebrate the weekend,” James replied sarcastically.
    The boy shook his head, glancing at the now-sixteen-year-old. “I wouldn't doubt it.”
    With their backs to her, Bryce and Detta didn't see her approach. She stood behind them, smiling. Hands behind her back, Ella rocked back and forth on her heels, as if waiting patiently for her friends to turn around.
    Lily spoke first. Knowing Ella from their prefect status, she grinned kindly. “Happy birthday, Ella,” Lily said pointedly, turning her gaze to the twins, who turned around at last.
    Bryce jumped when he turned around to her close proximity. “Don't stand so close to me, Ella. You know I'm easily startled!” Detta was already laughing.
    Ella laughed too, taking a step back. It was a light, airy sound; carefree and girlish, but far from vapid. It added to her childlike innocence, her vulnerability, and it made Lupin realize how easily he could harm her-- or worse.
    “If by 'startled' you mean 'scared-to-the-point-of-wetting-yourself'? Yeah, I know,” she said, earning a laugh from the nearby members of the Gryffindor table. Bryce wasn't embarrassed (he rarely was), so he just gave his friend a playful shove before gathering her into a hug.
    “Happy birthday, prat,” he said loudly, releasing Ella and earning a fake glare. The birthday girl moved on to the other twin, who hugged her just a bit too tightly.
    When Ella finally stood, a couple more Gryffindors wished her a happy birthday, including a friendly James and an obnoxious Sirius. “Happy birthday, love!” he near-shouted, earning a light kick from Remus under the table. Peter remained silent.
    “Happy birthday,” Lupin murmured politely, nodding. He thought he saw her blush, but when he glanced back again, she had looked away.
    Black glared at his friend for the abuse. “What, I can't wish the girl a happy birthday?” Sirius said loudly. Luckily for Lupin, no one else heard besides the four boys.
    “Just don't be so loud,” said Remus, stifling a yawn. “Couldn't sleep last night, alright?”
    “What, were you up reading again?” James chuckled.
    "You know perfectly well why," he retorted, saying nothing more. The boy rolled his eyes before turning them again to the Hufflepuff.
    Bernadette had pulled out a small parcel from her robes, wrapped in yellow paper that matched her bow and her tie. Ella murmured a thank you before tearing open the paper messily, discarding the wrapper in a protesting Bryce's lap. It was a small white box, about the size of her palm. Upon opening it, she found a simple silver chain, made to fit around her wrist.
    Struggling with the clasp, Ella thanked her friend once again. “Thank you, Detta! It's lovely.”
    “That's not all,” Bryce sang as his sister helped Ella with the bracelet. From his robes, he pulled out a small white gift bag, in which purple tissue paper protruded from the top.
    Inside were four small charms: a music note, a flower, a theatre mask, and an open book. “It's a charm bracelet,” Bryce stated the obvious, now helping an awed Ella clip on the additions. “That way, we'll always know what to get you if we can't think of anything else.”
    “Gee, guys, I'm touched,” Ella deadpanned, her smile betraying her voice. “Thanks again, you two. It's perfect.”
    By this time, most of the nearby Gryffindors had gone back to their meals. Remus and Peter, however, still eavesdropped.
    “Speaking of perfect gifts, love,” Detta segued. “What else did you get?”
    “My mother got me this lovely potted flower, and Drew gave me more school supplies.”
    Bryce scoffed. “I'm not surprised,” he said, grinning. “What was it this time?”
    “Quills,” answered Ella. “They were quite lovely, actually.”
    Ella's brother, Drew, was twenty three now. Ella's parents had been fortunate enough to have two magical children, so when Ella came along, they weren't surprised when she had gotten her letter. He had attended the Salem Institute of Magic in the United States, but if he had attended Hogwarts, Drew definitely would have been a Ravenclaw. Ella's brow furrowed as she realized how much she missed her big brother, and made a note to write him as soon as possible.
    She shook her head. “Anyway, that's far from the best part. Wait until you see what my father got me.”
    The three made plans to meet in front of the lake after breakfast, where Ella would show them her new gift. She had picked the spot, partly because it was another day without rain and she wanted to be outside (Admittedly, Ella would have been perfectly content with going outside in a downpour). The other reason was because she figured Remus would be there.

  2. IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 4:31pm UTC
    Worth the Risk
    A Remus Lupin Fan Fiction.
    Chapter 3: Happy Birthday, Love: Part 1
    The next day, a Saturday, was the seventh of April: Ella's sixteenth birthday. She awoke to an assortment of brightly wrapped packages at the foot of her bed, and she looked around her dormitory. All the other girls had awoken already, and Ella was left alone to slide out of the covers to examine the pile.
    Presents from her immediate family were all wrapped in purple, her known color preference. She first opened her gifts from her mother and older brother, Drew, before moving on to boxes from one set of grandparents, an aunt, an uncle, and numerous cousins. Her friends' presents came next, and she felt slightly smothered. The twins' gifts were absent, Ella knowing that they were saving the surprise for breakfast.
    Ella, looking at the discarded wrapping paper and the collection of birthday gifts in the dim morning light, smiled contentedly. She had saved the largest present for last: a huge lavender purple box, adorned with an appropriately sizable yellow bow. Plucking the bow off and placing it in her hair, she read the note from her father that had come with the present.
    Elanor Anastasia,
    We understand that the seventeenth birthday is the big coming-of-age in the wizarding world, but I couldn't wait any longer. Sixteen is important enough, isn't it? Hope you're having fun, punkin. We miss you dearly. I'll be expecting a letter back, love. We'll see you this summer. Needless to say, enjoy your gift.
    Hugs and butterfly kisses,
    Smiling fondly at the short note, she turned to the box. Ella figured she knew what it was already, and wasn't disappointed when she finally opened the present. Gasping anyway, she quickly got ready for breakfast and hurried excitedly to the Great Hall, her large birthday bow still clashing terribly with her auburn curls.
    Ella arrived at the Hufflepuff table to be bombarded with greetings and birthday wishes. Grinning widely, she sat down in between two of her dormitory mates, Abigail and Paige.
    “Happy birthday, Ella!” said Ian, another fifth year Hufflepuff boy. “Did you get my card? I know it's not much--”
    “No, no,” Ella interrupted, dimpling at him. “It was perfect, thank you Ian.”
    She turned to one of her friends. "Thanks for the ribbons, Paige. I can definitely use those." Paige grinned, giving Ella a side-hug. The redhead turned to Abigail and said, "And thank you for the notebook, Abby. It's perfect."
    This went on for a while, Ella devouring her food quickly in an unladylike manner; her friends were used to it by then, so they didn't mind. Naturally, she finished breakfast before anyone else and excused herself from the table early.
    After another round of birthday wishes, she found her way to the Gryffindor table.
    Thanks to the few people who've been following the story. <3
    nmf. ""f

  3. IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 6:47pm UTC
    SUICIDE.. .Shoud not exist. but what is a quote going to do? its going to do alot. I want a petition to go around of witty and i want you to repost this quote with your name signed. after i get all of these names i am going to make a youtube video of all the witty profile names that took out a few minutes to read and repost this quote. lets show these people how much we care and someday we can put a end to this! staystrong signatures: daddygirl99. notyouraverageb*tch Smileyz316 xpeacexbluex SexiPurpleZebra conklineli5280 kaerottina Eatmypants quotinglikeaboss xoStayBeautifulxo Meganbbz AnaisHeartsYou Marie1388 ImNotAlone SecretGurl123 xxxLifeLoveHappinessXXX Gigimoo Iveybearr cheezeluvr
    Alferwoman Laurenzzz XxZahraXshipsXDrarryxX haleighrenae54 cheerbabyxo19

  4. IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 12:11am UTC
    Worth the Risk
    A Remus Lupin Fan Fiction.
    Chapter 2: Peter's Injury, Part 2
    Feeling awkward, Ella made an attempt at conversation. She had waited for him to say something, but she found him as a speak-when-spoken-to kind of person.
    “So, I take it that Herbology's not your favorite subject?” she joked, smiling lightly.
    His eyes narrowed at his shoes. “Just because it's yours...” He trailed off, muttering something inaudible. His tone didn't seem harsh, just grumpy.
    Ella shrugged, but otherwise acted as if he hadn't spoke. She fell silent for a moment before adding, “Your friends don't seem to like it much, either.”
    The boy just scoffed.
    She went on, once again ignoring his response. Speaking more to herself than to Peter, Ella muttered, “I mean, if you four wanted to know how to do it, you could have just asked.”
    The boy scowled, as if angry at the fact that he was caught cheating. He surprised her with a reply. “Us two, you mean. Lupin and Potter were doing fine.” He continued to mutter to himself; something about how “Lupin studies as much as he breathes” and how “Potter's just good at everything”.
    Ella scrutinized him for a moment. “You don't seem very content when you're away from those three,” she concluded blatantly.
    Peter thought it best to change the subject than to remain silent at Ella's conclusion, and acted as if she hadn't said anything. “You're not British,” he observed.
    Ella, not wanting to pry, let the previous subject drop for the time being. “From America, originally,” she replied. “Moved here when I was ten, before I knew I was a witch.”
    Peter glimpsed up at her without moving his head. “Muggle-born?”
    She nodded.
    The two fell silent again. Their destination wasn't far, so Ella figured that they were done with conversation. Sure enough, they arrived at the hospital wing shortly after.
    By that time, Peter's twitchy hands were bloodied a great deal. Once Madam Pomfrey had taken note of him, she allowed Ella to return to class.
    The redhead nodded, turning to the boy. She offered him a small, friendly smile and said, “Bye. Get well.” When he didn't respond, she turned on her heel and shouted “You're welcome!” without looking back, wiping Peter's blood on her robes in a careless fashion.
    Class went by quickly, Ella recounting the recent tale to her partner. Peter was sent back before the period ended, his hand wrapped up in gauze.
    When Herbology was over, the four Gryffindor boys were the first out the greenhouse door.
    “How'd you manage to get hurt in Herbology, Wormtail?” Sirius asked his small friend, smirking.
    “Quiet, you. Those things were dangerous and you know it,” Peter answered, shoving his friend and making him chortle.
    “Hey, how was that little Huffley prefect?” asked James. “Was she snobby? I know a few Hufflepuffs who are a bit too full of themselves.”
    “Like you're not,” Remus scoffed, grinning and earning a shove from his bespectacled friend.
    “Not bad looking, though,” said Sirius, raising his eyebrows and glancing back at the Hufflepuff girl, who was once again arm-in-arm with her two twin friends. Remus and Peter glanced at each other, rolling their eyes at Black's promiscuous attitude.
    “No fair,” James grinned. “You know I have a partiality to redheads.” At that, he turned his gaze to Lily Evans, who was just exiting the greenhouse with Mary MacDonald and Alice Longbottom.
    It was Sirius who rolled his eyes this time. "Give it up, Prongsy. She hates your guts just as much as you love them." Turning his attention back to Peter, he asked, “Anyway, what happened?”
    Peter thought for a moment before replying. “She babied me. Like she was my mum.” He sounded disgusted.
    This earned a laugh from his two friends; Lupin even chuckled to humor them.
    They went on like this for a moment, Peter exaggerating the experience to sound impressive. After the story concluded, James excused himself to go and flirt with Lily. Sirius went with him, leaving Remus and Peter alone.
    It was silent for a moment before the former spoke. “You know, she never really seemed that bad to me. A prefect and all. Of course, we've never properly spoken, so I suppose I wouldn't know,” he said as casually as he could, his own prefect badge flashing in the blotchy sunlight. “Name's Elanor, was it?
    Pettigrew nodded, blushing at his friend's disagreement. He lived to please, however, so he told his friend the truth rather than the exaggerated tale he told the others. “I suppose she wasn't too bad,” he said. “She just seemed really... confident. Sure of herself, you know? Made me nervous.” He glanced at his friend. “You know how I get around people like that. Besides those two, of course.”
    Remus nodded knowingly, listening intently as his friend told him more about the charming Hufflepuff girl.

  5. IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 12:03am UTC
    Worth the Risk
    A Remus Lupin Fan Fiction.
    Chapter 2: Peter's Injury, Part 1
    With Ella sandwiched in between the twins, they walked with linked arms to the greenhouses. They were early, so they took their usual places near the middle of the room, chatting with other fifth years as they gradually entered.
    Once class had begun (the four Gryffindor boys were tardy), they began their assignment. The class would be reviewing Fanged Geraniums, a sharp-toothed plant, which they had worked on at the beginning of the year. O.W.L.s were approaching quickly, and the fifth years had been reviewing the past four years of studies in all of their classes.
    As usual, Ella partnered up with Bryce while Bernadette paired with Mary MacDonald, another Gryffindor. Stealing a glimpse their way, she noticed that James was partnered with Sirius (not surprising) and Peter had collaborated with Remus.
    Ella, as always, listened intently to instructions. Bryce, undoubtedly, had trouble anyway.
    His brow furrowed as he stared at the plant, wondering how to go about approaching the thing. “How do you... I don't remember...” he trailed off, prodding the geranium with his wand, jerking his hand back when the plant snapped at it.
    Ella rolled her hazel eyes. “Were you listening at all, Bryce?”
    He shook his head blatantly, giving her a blank look.
    The girl let out an exasperated sigh. “Here, like this.” Pulling out her own wand, she cast the correct spell on the plant and carefully plucked out its pointed tooth.
    Bryce was Ella's number one best friend. Sure, Detta was one of her best friends, too, but she was mainly there for girl talk. Otherwise, all the blonde girl talked about was Quidditch; playing Keeper for the Gryffindor team had made her quite competitive. Other than that, she played just about every Muggle sport out there.
    The twins were half-bloods, their mother a Muggle and their father a wizard. This was why the family lived in a Muggle neighborhood, right next to a Muggle-born Ella. When the redhead moved from the United States as a child, the three became instant best friends.
    Ella held up the tooth for Bryce to see, quirking an eyebrow. “Oh,” said Bryce, recollecting the lesson. “I seem to have miraculously remembered how to execute this assignment correctly. Without anyone's help. Especially not Ella's.” He talked loudly, almost raising his voice to a shout. The majority of the class laughed; Professor Sprout hushed him.
    After smirking at her friend, she turned back to her own work. “Let's see you do it then, you git,” she teased, chuckling. Out of her peripheral vision, she could see Sirius glancing at her demonstration,
    She ignored him, wondering if anyone but herself had listened to the review. Working quickly and efficiently, she was the first to be finished. She notice Peter peeking at her as well, but she paid him no heed.
    Not until he started bleeding, of course.
    Being the fidgety and innattentive boy he was, Pettigrew hadn't watched where he put his tiny hands, earning him a bite on the finger. He cried out, drawing the students' eyes. The professor looked up, furrowing her brow at the outburst.
    The teacher found Ella's workplace out of habit and, seeing that she was finished with the assignment, looked to her for assistance. “Elanor, would you be a dear and escort Mister Pettigrew to the hospital wing?” she asked, though Ella figured she didn't have a choice, being a prefect.
    “I can go by myself,” Peter mumbled, nipping at his injury. His friends chuckled.
    “Nonsense, dear, it's the buddy system. Off you go. Quickly, now.”
    Ella threw Bryce an apologetic look before escorting the bleeding boy out of the greenhouse. Blushing slightly at his clumsiness, Peter sucked on his wound, cleaning the blood silently.
    The girl's maternal instincts got the better of her and she reached out a hand. “Don't lick it. Here, let me see.”
    The boy snatched his hand away, blue eyes flashing. Ella flinched, but held her ground. “It's not going to get any better with you cleaning it like that,” she persisted.
    Peter didn't budge. “I don't need help from some Hufflepuff girl,” he grumbled, eyes narrowing.
    Ella felt her eyebrows raise in a look that dared him to say more. She held out her hand again, like a mom waiting for a child to hand over a misused toy. The look and gesture reminded Peter too much of his own mother to argue further.
    Sulking, he gave in. His face downcast, the boy glanced up at her from the corner of his eye.
    Ella took the injured hand gently, examining the bite. When she finally released him, she ignored the small amount of his blood that had leaked onto her own hand. “You'll be fine,” she stated, looking ahead of them as the school doors came into view.
    “I could have told you that,” he grumbled. He sounded annoyed, but his gaze had softened.
    Ella felt her eyes roll for the umpteenth time that day. “Just don't suck on the blood. You don't know where that tooth has been.”
    Pettigrew didn't respond, blushing again at his foolishness.
    The pair fell silent, striding across the grounds. Peering furtively at the wounded Gryffindor, Ella took in his petite frame, pale skin, and unkempt shock of hair. It was a blondish-brown color, almost gray-looking. His long nose was upturned, and he chewed at his already-chapped lips with crooked teeth as they walked. His steps were light and quick, and he cradled his bloodied hand, fiddling with nothing in particular as he did so. His shockingly blue eyes never left the ground as he walked.

  6. IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2011 11:53pm UTC
    Worth the Risk
    A Remus Lupin Fan Fiction. Chapter 1: Across the courtyard
    It was a mild day in early April at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, not quite warm but not quite cool. The sunlight appeared dappled through the scattered gray rainclouds that hung overhead. Like the clouds, students were scattered about the grounds, enjoying a break from the recent rain. Four of the most well-known fifth years lounged in their usual spot: beneath the tree by the lake.
    Two fellow fifth years stood across the grounds, stealing furtive glances at the quartet whenever possible.
    The taller of the two sighed dreamily. “Blimey. Sirius Black is bloody attractive,” she swooned. “Potter isn't bad, either.”
    The other rolled her eyes. “Spare me, Bernadette. You've been ogling that boy since first year. And besides, everybody knows that Potter's only got eyes for Lily Evans.” She glanced in the direction of the four again, sighing. “He's a bit of a prat, too. Both of them.”
    Bernadette's mouth dropped open. Before she could speak, her friend added, “Oh, come on Detta. You must see the way they treat that poor Slytherin boy.”
    Detta's lip curled up in a scowl. “I say that git deserves it. I heard he's a bit too friendly with the Dark Arts. That's Dark Magic, Ella!”
    Ella shook her head, not bothering to argue. She admitted, the Dark Arts was nothing to be associated with, and she strongly disapproved. But she figured that there must be a reason for that Severus boy's bitter attitude, and even if there wasn't, no one should to be treated like that, whether they deserved it or not. Ella saw good in everyone-- Well, everyone except the Dark Lord.
    Bernadette scoffed, shaking her head and sending her pixie cut bouncing. One of those longer-in-the-front-shorter-in-the-back hairstyles. “You're just jealous because they know who I am,” she teased, grinning playfully and changing the subject, nudging her friend.
    “Well, clearly. You're a Gryffindor.” Most likely the sole reason why she disliked the Slytherin boy.
    Bernadette shrugged. “As long as he knows my name, hun, I have hope.”
    Ella laughed and glanced back at the boys, chewing at her lip (a nervous habit); it wasn't the more attractive two that drew her eye, or the smallest and most restless of the four. The quietest, leaning against the tree with his nose in a book, was the one who caught her attention.
    The Gryffindor girl followed Ella's gaze before smirking knowingly. She threw a pointed look Ella's way. “And we all know that you fancy quiet little Lupin,” she observed.
    Ella looked down at her robes, feeling herself blush. She noted for the umpteenth time how her yellow and black tie clashed terribly with her dark orange hair before looking up at her friend.
    The girl merely shrugged, smiling her dimple-adorned smile. “I wouldn't go as far as saying I fancy him,” she said evasively, pushing her vibrant curls out of her freckled face. They weren't so much ringlets as they were corkscrews, all different shapes and sizes. “but I'm not completely denying it. If anyone asks, this conversation never happened." She knew that Bernadette would rather die than tell her secrets, but she took the precaution anyway.
    Bernadette smiled, her icy blue eyes crinkling at the corners. “Go talk to him, then! We all have Herbology together next period; I'll introduce you.”
    Ella smacked her best friend at the suggestion-- as hard as she could, anyway. Being a pacifist, she didn't have much motive to hurt other people intentionally.
    “Detta, no!” she exclaimed disbelievingly. “Yeah, I'm friendly, but not brave like some people I know.” She gestured to their ties as a reminder: Ella's the extravagant Hufflepuff colors, Detta's the more subdued maroon and gold of Gryffindor. “Besides, I'd feel like a fool. We're both prefects, remember? That would be insulting his intelligence.” The two were, in fact, prefects, but for two different houses. Though they knew of each other, they'd never gotten past a friendly 'hello'. She doubted that he even knew her name, but didn't want to make Remus seem stupid.
    “Fine, fine,” Bernadette surrendered, tucking a strand of strawberry blonde hair behind her ear. It was the precise shade that she shared with her twin brother, Bryce. “Besides, like you said, he's bound to have noticed you already. What with your top marks in Herbology and all that.”
    Ella shrugged again, but blushed at the thought of being truly noticed by the boy. She changed the subject. “I've always liked plants. My mom gardened all the time back in--”
    “America. Yes, I've heard all the bloody stories, and I've met your mum,” Bernadette interjected, holding up a hand. Ella rolled her eyes, but giggled.
    “Six years in Britain, and you'd think I'd get over my love for British accents,” the redhead mused.
    “I'm surprised the accent hasn't rubbed off on you yet, you git.” Detta giggled with her friend and looped her arm through Ella's. “Although the slang most certainly has. Come on, best be off. We don't want to be late,” she said, waggling her eyebrows at the last word and nudging Ella playfully.
    Ella nudged back, laughing. “Yes, we don't want to keep those two attractive young lads waiting," she teased right back.
    They started toward the Greenhouses arm-in-arm, Bryce joining them halfway there and adding his arm to the chain of appendages. The whole way there, Ella was mulling over the fact that Remus Lupin really might have noticed her. And if he didn't, she thought, we'll just have to change that, won't we?
    I know that fan fictions aren't really common on Witty, but I'll try it out.
    Thanks for the support.
    Characters, setting, and all that jazz is credited to J.K. Rowling.
    nmf. "" *nmf

  7. IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter IFancyMyselfANoviceWriter
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2011 11:38pm UTC
    So, who likes Harry Potter fan fictions? I'm debating whether or not to post one on here. I haven't really seen anything fan fiction-y on Witty, but hey, I'm willing.Commenting would be nice, but I'm not getting my hopes up.Thanks in advance, if yeh do. :]


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