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Last Seen: 15 Mar 2015 11:14pm

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One day I will have a baby girl, named Darcy Styles.

This is basically a fanfic about  my life with One Direction. How I dream of my life with Harry Styles as my boyfriend, Niall Horan as my bestfriend, Liam Payne as my "big brother", Zayn Malik as the guy I can talk to about everything, and Louis Tomlinson as the one that will always be there to cheer me up. This will occasionally involve 5 Seconds of Summer. Ashton Irwin is my best friend in that band. Michael Clifford is the one I can talk to about anything and everything. Calum Hood is the one I goof off with, and always cheers me up. Luke Hemmings is like my overly-protective older brother. Each one of my quotes/stories is put into a different category with different formats and titles. It's not really in any order. I also have a category called "Dear Boys" that's just when I have things to say to them. It's not part of the story, it's what I'm thinking/feeling. Occasionally I will rant, it's 100% legitimate, coming straight from me. It's not part of my story, it's part of the real world. 

I wish I was with the boys, or at least gotten to meet them.  

I'm not one of those fans that wants the boys in her bed, I'm one of those fans that just wants to be best friends with them because they're such amazing , funny , nice guys.

Follow me on tumblr: lukestarbucksx.tumblr.com
You can also find me on twitter:   @lukestarbucksx

 Like my quotes and want me to write you an IMAGINE? Comment your name and the member that stole your heart on my PROFILE and I will write one on your profile. It will probably end in a cliff hanger, just to let you know.

July 28, 2013. Take Me Home Tour.
September 13, 2014. Where We Are Tour.


  1. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2014 2:47am UTC
    Long Imagine - A Sequel to This Is Us
    Part 2
    The next part that featured me heavily was when Harry went back home. Harry and I often spend a lot of time together at his parents place in Cheshire. For his parents, he auditioned for The X Factor UK at 16 and never came home. For my parents, I met Harry Styles at 16 and basically moved to London and toured the world with him. Since he doesn't get that much time off we spend a lot of it with his family.
    Anne was being asked about what it was like to have me and Harry back home. She said, "It's lovely to have them both here, again. When Harry first told me he was bringing home a teenage girl, I wasn't worried, I knew he wouldn't do that unless he truly cared for her. Robin was a bit worried though, when we first met here she was only 16. It's a big step to take at that age, and it's completely different from what Harry went through at that age, but she fit right in." It showed a clip of Harry and I sitting on the couch, curled up in a blanket watching a movie. Anne continued, "She seemed completely comfortable here when she first arrived. She and Harry came for dinner, then stayed the night, she woke up the next morning and just came into the kitchen wearing shorts and one of Harry's shirts." Then it cut to Harry saying, "She does that a lot. If it's a cooler morning, she tends to just pick one of my shirts out of my closet or even off the floor sometimes and put it on." Then it showed me and Harry in the kitchen cooking dinner, he was wearing a pair of running shorts and I was wearing a pair of boxers and a sports bra. We were goofing off and making a mess, it cut to Robin saying, "She acts just like any other teenager. There are days when she and Harry walk around the house the entire day fresh out of bed. They figure, if they're not leaving the house they don't need to put a shirt on." Then it cut to me putting plates on the table, breakfast time. Anne was saying, "Sometimes I wake up and find her in the kitchen making breakfast. She always offers some to me and the rest of the family, then makes it for everyone else before serving herself." I said, "I like to do things for them, I just hate staying with family or anyone and not helping out. They've been so welcoming, I need to do something. They let their [at the time] 19 year old son bring home some 16 year old American girl, to their home in England. They've let me stay whenever I wanted ever since." Then it cut to all of us, Robin, Anne, Gemma, Harry and I walking around outside and just talking. Gemma said, "It's refreshing, I don't think he's ever had a girl over [especially since The X Factor] that hasn't tried to impress the family. She acts totally normal around us as if we were her family, which makes it a whole lot easier to welcome her as if she was part of our family."

  2. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2014 2:33am UTC
    Long Imagine - A Sequel to This Is Us
    Part 1
    The boys had a sequel to their movie, This Is Us, that was launching with their new book, Who We Are. Since Harry and I had been dating for awhile and I was on the entire Where We Are Tour with them, I happened to be a pretty big feature. So big in fact, the interviews they did for the movie had things to do with me, and I was even interviewed.
    One of the first scenes that was about the boys' personal lives, had to do with my relationship with all of them. It started with Zayn, he talked about how he and I would always chill and sometimes we would even draw together. He said, "Yeah, when I found out she had a sketch book, I was like, c'mon you gotta show me." Then it showed a clip of both of us goofing off and drawing cartoons of the other boys. It cut to me saying, "It took a bit of coaxing, but eventially I did show Zayn my sketch book, it was cool." Next was Liam, he said, "She's great to be around, and she's very fit. She and I actually go to the gym together whenever we can." It showed a clip of me and Liam going for a run, then it showed us in a gym working out. It cut to me saying, "Liam and I have always gone to the gym together, we used to go together when we were both in London." Next was Louis, it showed us goofing off and just running around doing stupid things together back stage. He said, "She's a lovely girl, if you don't konw her you would never guess she's only 17. She's so mature and poised, but we do like to have a bit of fun on tour." Then I said, "Louis definitely brings out a bit of my wilder, mischievious side...to say the least." Next was Niall, "She's one of my best mates, on and off tour. She can act just like the lads, and she gets along so great with all of us." Then I said, "Niall is my best friend. He and I have quite a bit in common and there's never been a time where I didn't want to hang out with him." It showed me and Niall going to the beach together and running around in the sand. Finally, it was Harry's turn. He said, "I'm so glad she gets on with all the other guys, I don't know what I would do if she didn't. It's weird, even though she's American, having her around is like having a piece of home with me all the time." Then I said, "I love spending time with Harry. When we're on tour we try and get in date nights when we can." Then it showed a clip from my birthday where Harry and I went out to lunch since they had a show that night. Then it showed a few clips of things the boys and I had all done together. When I crashed their show rehersal with the choreographer, I just jumped in and said, "Guest appearance!" then started doing weird dance moves with them. When Liam said, "Meet in my room, 10am tomorrow?" to all of us, because we liked to spend relaxed mornings together. Then the boys were chilling in Liam's room in their boxers or sweats, straight out of bed, Harry and I came in, he was in his boxers, I was wearing shorts and a sports bra. When we were all on the tour bus sprawled out on the couches talking. When we were in the dressing room after a show laying wherever we could, fast asleep.

  3. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2014 3:08am UTC
    Losing your luggage on tour. The boys and I had just arrived in Florida, only to realize that the airlines lost my luggage and only my luggage. We checked with the airline and due to timing we had them send my luggage directly to our next stop, once it was recovered. We were only in Florida for three days but I only had one set of clothes. Luckily I was taught to always pack extra underwear in my carry-on, incase something like this happened. The first day I wore my leggings and tshirt that I had traveled in, but the second day we were going to walk around a bit, explore. It was much too hot for me to wear leggings. That morning Harry asked, "Babe, I wish I had something for you to wear." I thought a moment then said, "I have an idea, I'll be right back." Then I got up and went down the hall to Niall's room. I knocked on the door, he answered. I walked in and asked, "Can I borrow one of your bro tanks, singlets, tank tops, whatever you call them?" He shrugged, "Sure, which one?" I asked, "Do you have your blue and white Havana one?" I nodded, "Yeah, I think so." Then he went to his suitcase, dug around a bit, then pulled it out and handed it to me. I took it and smiled, "Thanks, Ni." Then I went next door to Lou's room. Once she opened the door I asked, "Do you have a belt I could borrow?" She nodded, "What kind of belt are you looking for, sweetie?" I shrugged, "What do you have?" She led me over to a suitcase and showed me a small pack of belts, I grabbed a plain black one. "Thanks," I said as I left the room. Then I went back to mine and Harry's room, he was in the bathroom. I opened up his suitcase as I called out, "Hey H, I'm gonna borrow a pair of your underwear, okay?" He poked his head out, toothbrush in his mouth, "Alright..." I explained, "I'm gonna wear them as shorts." He shrugged and went back to brushing his teeth. I puth his boxers on as a pair of shorts, then I pulled Niall's tank top over my head, it covered Harry's underwear perfectly as a make-shift dress. Then I took the belt Lou lent to me, and fastened it around my midriff to make the shirt/dress fit a bit better. Harry came out of the bathroom as I was lacing up my shoes, "Wow, babe," he said as he pulled a shirt over his head, "You make this work. It's creative." I smiled, "Thanks" I said as I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready to go. The rest of the day we walked around a bit, just sightseeing and enjoying the Florida sun. Then later that afternoon I checked twitter. All the fans were talking about how I was wearing Niall's shirt and of course, they were freaking out. To calm any rumors I simply tweeted, "I'm wearing Niall's shirt today because they lost my luggage and I won't be getting it back until South Carolina!" Then a few minutes later, just to mess with the fans a bit, I tweeted, "I'm wearing Harry's underwear as shorts too ;)".
    By the way guys, this is not meant to be dirty!

  4. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2014 11:43pm UTC
    Random thoughts<3
    I just reactivated my old twitter dedicated to One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer please follow me!

  5. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2014 2:55am UTC
    Long Imagine - Early Birthday Present
    Part 3
    A few hours later, the four boys left and Harry and I got ready to leave on our mystery date. I was wearing a black crop top, with a high waisted mint green skirt and a pair of black combat boots. I touched up my makeup, then wore my hair half up-half down with a mint green lace bow that matched my skirt. Harry wore a plain button up shirt with some of the buttons undone, dark jeans, and a pair of boots. We left around 2pm, and went and had a late lunch, where Harry gave me my first birthday present. He handed me a small box wrapped up with a white bow, I opened it to reveal a gorgeous pair of silver diamond studs from Tiffany. They sparkled beautifully in the light of the window, I smiled and said, "You really didn't have to do this," then I kissed him. After lunch, he and I got back in the car, I asked, "Harry, will you tell me where we're going now?" He smiled mischieviously and shook his head, "There's not fun in it if I tell you, babe." About 40 minutes later, we pulled up next to a building I didn't recognize. Harry got out of the car, then walked around and opened my door for me. I got out, then he lead me up the steps to the building. We walked inside and went to a back room, and standing in the room was Ed Sheeran. My jaw practically hit the floor, I couldn't belive it. Ed smiled when we walked in, then he walked over and gave Harry a hug saying, "Good to see you again, mate." Then he looked at me and said, "You must be the lovely Lia, I've heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to finally be meeting you." Then he gave me a hug as I said, "Really, the pleasure is all mine." I stood there incredulously for a minute, I could see Harry out of the corner of my eye, laughing at me. I looked at him, then back at Ed as I said, "I'm really sorry...I'm trying really hard not to fangirl right now, but I just hugged Ed Sheeran." Ed laughed, not unkindly, "It's great to finally meet you. You seem like a lovely girl." I smiled, "Thank you. I can't believe I've finally met you, too." Then Harry pulled out his phone as he said, "Babe, stand next to him. I'll take your picture." As I turned to stand next to Ed, he slid his arm low on my waist, and we posed together. Then Ed looked at Harry, "Mate, did you tell her the rest of the good news yet?" Harry shook his head, "Do you wanna do the honors, mate?" Ed smiled, then turned to me, "You and Harry are seeing my concert, tonight." My eyes bulged and my jaw dropped, "We're seeing your concert? Tonight?" I asked as I looked back and forth between the two, they both smiled and nodded. Harry, Ed and I spent the rest of the time before the concert together, just talking and getting to know each other. Best birthday present ever.

  6. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2014 2:40am UTC
    Long Imagine - Early Birthday Present
    Part 2
    One week later.
    It was about two weeks before my birthday. Harry and I were relaxing poolside at the hotel. He turned to me and said, "Babe?" I took my headphones out of my ears as I looked at him, "Yeah?" He said, "I know we have a show on your actual birthday, and my family is coming over to celebrate with you, but how would you feel about a real present?" I looked at him, preplexed, "What?" He shrugged, "I want it to be a surprise, but I'm bringing it up now because it would have to be about a week before your actual birthday." I paused for a moment before saying, "That sounds....great." He smiled, "Trust me, you'll love it." I looked over him at Zayn with a questioning expression, he shrugged saying, "I have no idea." Harry said, "All I can tell you is it'll be on Saturday, you should dress cute but not fancy, it'll be just you and me, we leave at 2pm and we'll be out late." Confused, I slowly nodded and said, "Okay, sounds like a plan." Then Harry looked to his other side, at the other boys, "Would you guys wanna spend the morning with Lia?" They all nodded, Liam said, "Yeah of course, love to spend some time with her." Niall suggested, "We could all go out to breakfast together?" I smiled, "Sounds good to me."
    Saturday morning.
    Harry and I woke up to the boys singing the Gotta Get Up song they sang to him and Zayn when they stayed at Harry's parent's place. Niall was playing guitar, Liam and Louis were jumping around on the bed, just like it was back in 2010. I woke up almost instantly, but it took Harry a little longer to rally. I laughed as he groggily threw a pillow at Niall. Then the boys left and Harry and I got ready to go. Once we were dressed, the six of us went out to a small cafe for breakfast. After breakfast we walked around a bit, just enjoying Australia. Then we went back to mine and Harry's hotel room and the other four boys gave me my birhtday presents. Niall gave me a silver four leaf clover charm for my charm bracelet. Louis gave me a Lilo and Stitch phone case and some new Essie nail polish. Liam gave me the Marc Jacobs Lolita eyeshaddow palette. Zayn gave me the One Direction perfume You & I and a Starbucks gift card. I thanked them, then we all just hung out for a little bit.

  7. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2014 2:23am UTC
    Long Imagine - Early Birthday Present
    Part 1
    The boys and I were still on tour, and my birthday was coming up in two weeks. I hadn't thought much about my birthday, purely because the boys had a show that night. I had mixed feelings about my birthday, my boyfriend and my best friends/brothers had to work, we weren't in the US so I couldn't spend it with family, but I was on tour with One Direction. Birthdays were never a huge deal to me, but at the same time, I did enjoy spending time with loved ones and being wooed a little bit.
    I was sitting in mine and Harry's hotel room, and had just gotten off the phone with my mom. Harry had been sitting on the bed next to me, scrolling through twitter and instagram. When I hung up the phone he asked, "How're your parents?" I sighed, "They're good, my dad is traveling again." Harry asked, "Where is he this time?" I shrugged, "He's back in South America....I feel bad for my mom being home all alone." Harry looked at me, "She's got the pets." I smirked, "I know, but if she talks to them, they don't reply. I wish we were closer to her, then maybe I could at least meet up for lunch or something on my birthday." Harry looked at me for a minute, then he gently reached out and rubbed my arm, "Speaking of which, I'm really sorry we have a show on your birthday, I wish there was a way I could get out of it." I shook my head, "H, there's no need. This is your job, I agreed to live by your schedule. Plus, what better way to spend my birthday, than watching my boyfriend do what he loves?" He smiled, "My mum, Robin and Gemma agreed to come spend your birthday with you. I reserved actual seats for the four of you, at that show." I smiled, "Thank you! That's incredible. They really don't have to fly all the way out here just for my birthday." He smiled, "They know they don't have to, but they want to." Then he kissed me gently, and I smiled and said, "I can't wait to see them again."

  8. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2014 1:49am UTC
    Random thoughts<3
    GUYS. My mom got me WWA Tickets for Pasadena! I didn't think this would happen bc the boys aren't coming to where I live but she's going to fly me and a friend to California to see them in September! I'm actually shaking and crying right now!

  9. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2014 1:11am UTC
    Harry found this Witty Profiles account. The boys and I were still on tour. I didn't use this Witty account very much anymore, just to talk to a few fans who found out it was really me. Otherwise, I would just go back and read the old quotes and reminisce over the old days, and smile because my wildest dream had come true. Harry and I had been out for most of the day with the other boys, sight seeing, shopping and just enjoying their time off. Once we got back to our hotel rooms, I put my stuff down and turned to Harry as I said, "I'm gonna take a shower." He kissed my forhead and said, "Take your time, sweetheart." As I went into the bathroom, Harry grabbed my computer and opened it, he knew I wouldn't mind if he used it. The background was a silly selfie of us making weird faces. He easily typed in the password, knowing it by heart, then he proceeded to open Google Chrome so he could check his email. I had Google Chrome set to automatically open to the last viewed page, which happened to be this Witty account. He looked at it, a bit confused, read my bio, then proceeded to read the quotes. He read the imagines, the rants, the list of our similarities, and the random thoughts. He was on page 8 of 15 when I came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, water dripping from my hair. I walked over beside him, to look over his shoulder, then I said, "Oh my gosh..." He looked up at me, I blushed and asked, "How'd you find this?" He simply said, "I opened Chrome and it was just there." I grimmaced slightly, "You didn't read it, did you...." then I looked at the page numbers, "...Oh, you did." He reached out and wrapped one hand around my waist, pulling me down until I was sitting on the edge of the bed next to him, "You're an amazing writer, I can't believe you came up with all these different scenarios. Even more amazingly, you've talked about us as if you really did know us. Everything written in here is exactly like we would say or do it." He kissed my cheek then said, "I love that you had this imagination, this perfect world, but most of all I'm glad it came true for you." I turned to face him, looking into his green eyes, I gently kissed him, then I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against his as I whispered, "I love you. Thank you for making my wildest dream come true." He quietly whispered back, "Thank you for making me happy, I love you more."

  10. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2014 5:50pm UTC
    A lazy day off with the boys, on tour. Harry, Niall and I had spent the better part of the day at the pool, and now the three of us were in mine and Harry's hotel room. Niall was sitting on the couch, icing his knee, whilst I sat next to him and Harry was lying on the bed. The three of us still had our swim suits on, they weren't wet and we were far too lazy to change at the moment. Niall moved the bag of ice Harry had gotten him, and examined his knee. I looked at it and said, "That's a wicked scar Ni, do you think it'll ever fade?" He studied it a moment longer, "It won't, I reckon," then he looked at me and asked, "Do you have any scars, Lia?" I nodded, "I have a lot of small scars." Then from the bed Harry said, sounding a bit concerned, "Can I see them?" I got up, helped Niall up, and we both walked over and sat on the bed with Harry. Niall looked at Harry and asked, "Did you know she had scars?" Harry shrugged, "I only knew about the one on her knuckle, because it's so big." I showed Niall the scar Harry was talking about, on my right hand, right where my thumb meets my hand, about an inch long, "It's not that big, but I probably should've gotten stitches when I cut it open." Niall asked, "What'd you do?" I laughed, "I was go-karting in my friend's back yard." Then Harry asked, "What other scars do you have?" I showed them the one on the left side of my chest, not very deep or noticable, just over an inch in length, "This one's from my cat." Next I showed them the one on my left knee, in the shape of a backwards 'L' as I explained, "This one's been there for as long as I can remember. Apparently when I was little, I was running around and I fell in the bathroom." Then I showed them the one on the inside of my right thigh, just above the knee, "This one's from my finger...I was at gymnastics practice, doing a beam routine, and somehow managed to just slice my leg open." Next I showed them the scar on the inside of my right index finger, right on the middle knuckle as I said, "This one is from a burn...and this one," as I showed them the one on the tip of my right ring finger, "is from a crab leg." Niall looked confused, "A crab leg?" I nodded, "I was eating crab for dinner, and somehow managed to pull a piece of crab shell about half inch big out of my finger...then I bled all over the table." Harry shook his head, "Babe, you're just accident prone aren't you? We're gonna have to put you in a plastic bubble or something." I laughed and said, "I just get hurt doing really stupid things."

  11. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2014 7:59pm UTC
    Traveling on tour with the boys. The boys and I had been in New York for a few days, now it was time to move on to Florida. We were at the airport, waiting at our gate. Harry was wearing black skinny jeans, brown suade boots, a flannel and a bandanna wrapped around his head. I was wearing cropped Lulu Lemon leggings, white converse, a slightly over-sized white and black varsity style crewneck from Pink and had my hair up in a messy top-knot. We had some time before our flight left, so we were just hanging out at the gate. There were some fans at nearby gates, but not many, so they got to take pictures with the boys. I stood aside and watched, taking pictures for people, and remembering what it was like to meet the boys for the first time. After the fans died down a bit and went back to their own business, Liam asked, "Anyone fancy a trip to Starbucks?" Harry nodded, as he stood he turned to me and asked, "You want anything, babe?" I began to get up, he put his hand out to stop me and said, "You relax, I'll get it." I smiled and handed him my Starbucks Gold Card as I said, "My usual coffee please." He nodded and headed off with Liam, Josh and Dan. I sat back down and turned, swinging my legs into Niall's lap. He and I talked about random things, I had one headphone in my ear. Then Harry came back and handed me my Gold Card and my coffee. I stirred my macciato then took a sip. Then I said, "Thanks, babe" as I kissed him gently on the cheek. Then we got up and began to board the plane. I had my coffee and phone in one hand, the other holding Harry's as he handed the flight attendant our boarding passes. Then we walked down the ramp and found our seats, settling in quite comfortably.

  12. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2014 10:26pm UTC
    There was some time to just hang out before tonight's show. Most of the boys were in the 5 Seconds of Summer dressing room playing video games, Calum, Louis and Zayn were goofing off down the hall. The crew was just hanging out, everyone was doing their own thing. Harry and I found ourselves alone in the One Direction dressing room, we were laying on the couch. He was laying on his back, one hand behind his head while the other was reached across his stomach; his hand drawing little circles and shapes on my arm. I was laying on my side, squished between him and the back of the couch. I had one arm resting on his chest, the other bent up, under my head, and one of my legs intertwined with his. As we lay there we could faintly hear the voices of the boys yelling and goofing off in the next room. We talked about mindless things. Harry told me the setlist for the concert and the plans for after the show; as if I didn't already know them by heart. I didn't mind, I liked listening to him tell me abut his job. I loved listening to the excitment, even if he was calm, in his voice as he explained what he loved doing. I smiled as I listened to his deep, soft, voice, and felt the rise and fall of his chest next to my face. He asked me, "What are you thinking about?" I tilted my chin up, looking at him with my head still by his ribs. He was looking down at me, with his sweet, caring, green eyes. I smiled and said, "Will you sing to me?" His hand that had been drawing patterns on my arm, moved down my arm and took my hand. He slowly brought my hand closer to his lips, then pressed a soft, gentle, kiss at the tip of my knuckles, as he smiled and said, "Of course." Then as he brought my hand back to his chest he quietly began singing Half A Heart. It was so soft, so calm and quiet, just above a whisper. I closed my eyes, taking in every word as it slipped off his tongue. I listened to his heartbeat as he sang. I'm not sure when I fell asleep, but I awoke to Niall saying, "C'mon Harry, 5SOS is almost done." Then Harry calmly saying, "Shhh, Niall. I don't wanna wake her up." I opened my eyes, to see Niall and Liam standing a few feet away. I sat up and looked at Harry, he smiled and said gently, "Hey. I've got to go, but I'll be back." I smiled, shaking my head at his comment, "Go have fun." Then I stood, as he sat up, kissed him on the cheek, and said, "I'll be waiting for you." Then he, Niall and Liam ran off to wings of the stage as I stood in the doorway watching them.
    It's been longer than forever since I've last written an imagine! I really hope you guys like this one, and I'm gonna get back into writing more on this account!

  13. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2014 2:08am UTC
    Random thoughts<3
    17 year old Harry will always have a special place in my heart<3

  14. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2013 9:24pm UTC
    A scene in This Is Us. Clips of me and all the boys just hanging out in the hotel rooms or on the bus, talking and goofing off. The voice over says, "Harry's always wanted to have a younger girlfriend that he could take care of. Lia is lucky enough to go on tour, and she is a bit younger, but does she need taking care of?" Then it shows Liam saying, "He takes care of her," shows a scene with Harry and his arm around me as we push through a crowd, while the voice over is Liam saying, "She gets really claustrophobic in large crowds of people, so Harry keeps her from having panic attacks." Then it cuts to Niall saying, "Lia takes care of Harry I reckon." Then it cuts to Niall's voice over of a scene where the boys are doing an interview and Niall's saying, "She packs like little snacks for him, and she knows when he gets hungry." Then it shows us talking, Harry is acting a bit moody and I say, "You're hungry aren't you?" He nods, then I asked, "Do you want crackers, twix or an orange?" He says, "I'll take an orange," then before I can hand it to him they call him back over, and so I peel the orange and give it to him the next time he gets a little break. Then it shows Louis saying, "Lia is incredibly mature for her age, you would've never guessed that she's only sixteen. She also has her moments where she just acts her age, which seems immature for her." Then it cut to a clip of all of us goofing off during sound check before a concert. They were trying to sing and I was making them laugh and goofing off and distracting them. Then it shows Zayn saying, "Lia and Harry are so alike, that it's weird to think that he would need to take care of her. Especially because she's like Harry, whenever she's not absolutely needed for something, she will go take a nap somewhere. They can both fall asleep literally anywhere." It showed a clip of the boys' recent photoshoot, once Lou did their make up I sat in one of the make up chairs and curled up and fell asleep. A few moments later Lou was waking me up saying, "Sorry sweetie, we need this chair for touch ups." For whatever reason I got up and grabbed a cozy looking jacket off the rack of clothes for the shoot and went and curled up in the corner on the floor, and went back to sleep. I woke up dazed and confused to Lou and Caroline saying, "Where's the jacket, Niall's jacket?" Then I heard Harry ask, "Where'd Lia go?" Then I heard a familiar laugh as Louis said, "She's asleep in the corner," I sat up as they walked over and I said, "Is this the jacket?" "Yes!" Lou said ask I handed it to her, and she handed it to Niall saying, "Niall put this on." Then it cut to Simon saying, "I've seen the way Harry and Lia interact, on tour and off tour. I wouldn't say he takes care of her, or she takes care of him. With the relationship they have, it's very obvious that they're better and happier with each other around. In that sense, even when they're not trying to, they take care of each other."

  15. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2013 1:09am UTC
    Random thoughts<3
    Since my mom couldn't fly me to New York for the This Is
    Us movie premiere she bought me Advanced Screening
    Tickets. I just got home from the movie, it was incredible. I
    laughed, I cried, it was so emotional. What's worse was
    throughout the whole movie I kept picturing my Imagines
    that I write, actually happening on screen and I wished so
    much more that I was there with them living every
    moment. It was amazing, and I can't say more because
    1. I'm still in shock, and 2. I don't want to ruin it for you.

  16. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    August 21, 2013 7:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2013 4:10pm UTC
    Harry and I had been dating for quite some time now. The boys and I were still on tour, we were in Australia. A little interview was put together last minute, and they agreed to do it. However, they didn't have enough time for all the boys, they said two. Niall and Harry decided to be the ones to do it. I went along just to watch, I wasn't in it. The interviewer turned to Harry and Niall as she said, "Niall, I hear you're Harry's girlfriend's best friend; is this true?" Niall nodded and said, "Yeah, Lia and I have gotten really close." Then she asked, "Harry, what do you think about their friendship?" He thought a moment before saying, "It's incredible. I'm really glad she's gotten on with all the boys so well. I would feel terrible if she was on tour with us and I was all she had." Then the interviewer said, "Can I ask you some questions about her, just to see how well you really know her?" Harry nodded. "When is her birthday?" "July 18th." "Her favorite color?" "Blue." "Favorite food?" "Tacos." Then Niall cut in by saying, "You're not really testing how well Harry knows her. These are just things anyone could google and find out." Then Harry added, "You could learn these things without spending any time with her. It's the little things that prove how much I care for her and how well I know her." The interviewer asked, "Oh really, like what?" Harry sighed and said, "Like the way she hooks her feet together when she's curled up asleep. Or how she eats her favorite candy, Twix, by eating the caramel and then the cookie. The way she can't help but sing along to her favorite songs. She has the weight of the world on her shoulders, but she acts as if she's not even touched. How she has a hard time falling asleep if she's not laying on her left side. She loves when I trace her tattoos gently with my finger. Her biggest fear is feet. The fact that she can't seem to sit normally in a chair or in the car. The way her eyes light up when she looks at something or someone she loves." Then Niall interrupted him by saying, "The way she looks at Harry. As if she had the whole world standing right in front of her." Everyone was quiet for a moment. Then Harry got up, and said, "Thank you, but we best be going now." Niall followed as he walked towards me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we headed back to the car.

  18. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2013 5:59pm UTC
    Long Imagine - Meeting the Parents
    Part 3
    Harry, Gemma and I sat on the couch, while Robin sat in an arm chair, and Anne was in the kitchen making dinner. I turned to Anne and asked, "Would you like any help with anything?" She smiled, "No dear, that's very sweet but I'm alright." I nodded. Then Robin said, "So Lia, I see you've got blue hair." I looked down at my hair, the tips were dip-dyed blue, "I've been dying it since I was about 10." He thought a moment then said, "How old are you now?" "I'm sixteen." He nodded, "Well it looks good on you." Then Gemma asked, "Do you have any tattoos?" I shook my head, "I want some, but my mom says I have to wait until I'm 18, because she doesn't want to go with me to get them. I do have piercings though." She looked at me a little surprised, "Do you really?" I nodded, "Only on my ears. See..." I showed her my firsts and seconds, and the third on my left ear, the two cartilage piercings on my right ear, and the conch piercing on my left ear. She looked at them and said, "Those look like they hurt." I shook my head, "Not really, not as bad as I thought it'd be anyway." Then we just kept talking a bit until dinner. It was an amazing night and it went really well. I had no idea that they'd become my family, it was the best family I could've even asked for.

  19. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2013 5:34pm UTC
    Long Imagine - Meeting the Parents
    Part 2
    As I sat in the passenger seat of Harry's Audi I fidgetted nervously. He turned to me briefly as he was driving and said, "Babe, calm down. It'll be fine." I said, "Easy for you to say, what if they don't like me?" He said, "I'm sure they'll love you. If they wouldn't I wouldn't be dating you." I looked at him and asked, "What if I say the wrong thing or do something stupid?" He chuckled a little then said, "I don't think you'll do anything like that. I've seen you in situations where you've kept calm." I looked at him, confused, "Like when?" He shrugged and said, "When you met me." I shook my head, "That's different. I was meeting my idol and celebrity crush. Not my idol, celebrity crush, and boyfriend's parents and sister!" He reached over with his left hand and gently rubbed my right knee, "Trust me, it'll be okay." I nodded and took a deep breath as we pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car, walked around the hood and held the door open for me. I followed him up the walk, and to the front door. He walked right in and closed the door behind me. Anne came out from the kitchen where she'd obviously been cooking. She reached out and said, "Harryyy!" as she gave him a big hug. He kissed her on the cheek, then she turned to me and said, "You must be Lia." I nodded, "Yes, ma'am." She smiled and said, "Love, please call me Anne." I nodded, then Gemma came in and gave Harry a hug and a kiss on the cheek, as she asked, "Who's this?" I reached out my hand and said, "I'm Lia." Harry motioned to me as he said, "This is my girlfriend." Then Robin came in as he jokingly asked, "Did I hear Harry call you his girlfriend?" I smiled and said, "That's right." He held his hand out as he said, "You can call me Robin." I shook it and said, "You can call me Lia." He laughed and said to Harry, "You've got yourself a witty one here." Harry smiled as he put his arm around me saying, "I really do." Then Anne said, "Shall we move to the living room?" We all followed and found spots on the couch or chairs.

  20. MyLifeWithOneDirection MyLifeWithOneDirection
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2013 5:14pm UTC
    Long Imagine - Meeting the Parents
    Part 1
    I was still at Harry's house in London, it was only the beginning of the lost vacation. I was laying on the couch, with my feet up over the back, scrolling through twitter. Harry came in the room from the bed room, he had just gotten off the phone with his mother. He gently lifted my head up and slid one leg under it, as he sat down next to me. I looked up at him and smiled, then I noticed his expression. I could tell just by looking at him that he had something on his mind, he was always terrible at hiding his thoughts and feelings. I hesitantly asked, "Is everything okay?" He nodded then said, "My mum's invited us for dinner." I sat up and looked at him saying, "she wants to meet me?" He said, "Yeah, she wants to meet you. Tonight." My eyes got big as I thought abut it, I took a deep breath, and said, "Alright." Then he said, "Dinner is at 7:00 so we'll probably leave her at half of five." I nodded, then rested my head back in his lap as he gently stroked my hair. At about 5pm I started getting ready. I went into the bedroom and put on jeans, a white v-neck shirt, my blue Juicy jacket, and my white Converse. Then I went into the bathroom and did my make up. Nothing outside of the ordinary, eye shaddow, eye liner and mascara. I never put make up on my face, just my eyes, then I set it with my Urban Decay Make Up Setting Spray. I straightened my hair, and brushed my teeth. I came out of the bathroom just as Harry was buttoning up his shirt. I put my wallet and a mini lotion into my bag, then grabbed my Peppermint Baby Lips Lip Balm and put it in my right front pocket. Then I took my phone from the night stand where it was charging and put it in my back pocket.


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