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Member Since: 18 Jan 2004 08:47pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 350

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UmMmM...well theres really nothing to say bout myself....if yah wanna know anything IM me...
  1. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:47am UTC
    there*z alwayz qOinq tO b
    that One persOn u wish u cOuld
    be with even after knOwinq that
    persOn dOesn*t wanna b with u

  2. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:45am UTC
    .::*Imagine this*::.
    It's Friday night and you are driving your car.(what kind of car are you driving?) (YOUR THE DRIVER!!)You can only have FOUR other people in the car with you.(who is in the car with you?)As you drive, you and your friends start listenin to some music.(what song are you all listening to?) So, your chillin to some music with your four friends. all of a sudden this crazy driver hits you in the back!!!You are flying down the road out of control. You hit a speed bump and the car flips and lands upside-down in the grass beside the road. You lay there crying because you are in so much pain. You hear nothing but silence, silence, silence You try to yell out to your friends, but you are in so much pain and shock the words won't come out. You lay there for about 2 minutes, but to you it seems like 60 minutes. You finally hear something. You hear the ambulance and you have never felt more relieved. You lay there, still in the car, thinkin about your family, friends, School, past holidays, old friends, old lovers. You start to pray for the other people in the car and for yourself. The paramedics get you out of the car, put you on a stretcher, and then into the ambulance. you see nothing and hear nothing but a void....you are alone, You don't get a chance to see the other people that were in the car with you. As they drive to the hospital, you pray and think to yourself "Am I going to die?" Where are my friends? Are they okay? What's going to happen to me?......... Did you die or not? What happened to your friends that were in the car with you?....... They all died. All the other people in the car died. They are all gone. You never got to see them again. As for you... you died too. Wait you were just imagining.... right? But what if it were real? What if it really happened to you? Think about it. That car was the LAST car you were EVER in with your friends. Those four people were the LAST people you EVER saw. Did you pick the four people in the car with you wisely... or do you wish that someone e

  3. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:42am UTC
    ƒ ø ø £ ¡ § h -ƒ ø ø £ ¡ § h -ƒ ø ø £ ¡ § h -
    (¨`·. sEe My dAyZ aRe cOld wItHoUt U .·´¨)
    :· :· bUt iM hUrTiN wHiLe Im wItH U·: ·:
    (_.·´aNd ThO mY heArT caNt TaKe nO `·._)
    ¨`·»mOrE i KeEp On rUnNiNg bAcK tO U«·´¨
    -ƒ ø ø £ ¡ § h -ƒ ø ø £ ¡ § h -ƒ ø ø £ ¡ § h

  4. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:41am UTC
    *lOvE iS*
    ..w o r t h w a i t i n g f o r..
    - being b.r.a.v.e-
    rIsKiNg [EvErYtHiNg]
    bCuZ iF u DoNt rIsK [eVeRyThInG]
    you'll end up risking
    * mOrE *

  5. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:38am UTC
    neveR say y0u pRomise if iTz jus
    qunna qeT l0st .. neveR say y0u
    sweaR iiF y0u qOt y0uR fiinGeRz
    -c R o S s e d-

  6. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:36am UTC
    the [best] feelinq in the world
    is doinq somethinq
    everyone said you [couldn`t]

  7. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:36am UTC
    it`s amazinq how someone can break yer
    heart `nd yet, you still love them with every
    broken bit of it

  8. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:35am UTC
    * i`m j e a l o u s of every girl
    that has ever hugged you --
    because for just that one moment
    she held my entire world *

  9. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:34am UTC
    ; Everyone `z gOnna H.U.R.T you
    ; sOoner .Or. later you just have *
    ; tO -- decide [whOz] *wOrth* gOing
    --»thrOuqh«-- the p a i n

  10. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:33am UTC
    sittin alone by herself
    nobody cares enough to help
    shame what she puts herself thru
    and all for what?
    *a boy like you*

  11. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:31am UTC
    ( _¸.·*·.¸¸.·´¨`» St0p.Dr0p.KaBo0m

  12. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:31am UTC
    *if you arent willn to - r i s k - it (( a l l )) you dont want it - b a d - (( e n o u g h ))*

  13. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:30am UTC
    ..LoVe iS ThE sLOwEsT FOrM..
    ((oF SuiCiDe))

  14. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:29am UTC
    * i'M aLrEaDy tAkEn...
    yOu SpOkE uP tOo lAtE-
    i lOvE sOmEbOdy eLsE...
    sO yOu'Ll jUsT hAvE tO wAiT

  15. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:28am UTC
    .:*Y o u c a n ' t
    *:.h u r t s o m e o n e
    .:*u n l e s s y o u
    *:.r e a l l y m e a n
    .:*s o m e t h i n g t o
    *:.t h e m

  16. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2004 7:26am UTC
    (((u gOtTa taKE sUm cHaNcEz)))
    (((u gOtTa riSk lOoSiN iT aLL)))
    (((u gUtTa cLoSe ur eYez n leAp)))
    (((cUz it jUs miTe B wOrtH thE fALL)))

  17. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2004 4:53am UTC
    . .. Sm0kin Tha Treez Off Yah Timbaland Bo0tz .. .

  18. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2004 4:53am UTC
    BeHind My((SmiLes*))Derz. .Thingz ull Neva UndersTand.

  19. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2004 4:51am UTC
    you don't fail if you fall, you fail if you don't try to get up.

  20. NaTaLiE_SeLlErS NaTaLiE_SeLlErS
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2004 4:50am UTC
    i look at u but ur lookin at her i guess 2 u, now im jus a blurr...


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