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Status: Hi my lovelies. This is my story account. Feel free to vote on which story I will be doing!

Member Since: 5 Feb 2012 01:59am

Last Seen: 2 Aug 2013 06:11pm

Location: Iowa

Gender: F

user id: 270959

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  This is my story account, if you hadn't noticed. My actual account is duncann9. Uhm, I've already started a story on my first account, but it's just getting all mixed up with my quotes, so I decided I'd make a quote account, and this account, the story one.  The story is The Dirty Game. If you wanna know what it's about, read it. Give me feedback, maybe, if you could. Follow if you like it, comment what you think, and fave a chapter or two? I'm kinda nervous when I get feedback, because I'm sccared someone will tell me they don't like the story. But I haven't gotten anyof that feedback yet! :)
 xoxo stay beautiful

Tumblr: http://duncann98.tumblr.com/


My next stories format will be:

Another story format that I'm going to use.



  1. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2012 12:03am UTC
    The First Chapter
    Hunter's POV
    Part Eight of The First Chapter
    "She pushed all the boys out of her way, and started trying to get our teacher out. It took her a few minutes, but eventually she got our teacher out.
    As he walked out the door, he shouted, "Congratulations! Who opened that door?"
    Lindsey raised her hand. The teacher, who had yet to even announce his name, looked at her and smiled.
    "You, ma'am are our FFA President. Now, who's going to be your vice president?" He questioned.
    She looked around the room, seemingly evaluating each person. She looked like she was actually contemplating this, then turned to the teacher.
    "My vice president will be," she paused, "him."
    Lindsey pointed in my direction. Why was she doing this? Paying so much attention to me. Talking to me. Making me FFA VP. I barely knew what FFA meant, let alone what the VP did. And I barely knew her."Alright, I'll need your names."
    The teacher walked to the board. Lindsey watched him write the words president and vice president on the board before saying, "Lindsey Vali."
    After she said that, I seemed to understand what was going on, and noticed I needed to stop it.
    "Sir, sorry, I don't know your name, but I really don't know what a VP does."
    "Well then, it's time for you to learn. Your name son?"
    "Hunter, Rupes." Looked like I wasn't getting out of this one.
    "Class, my name is Mr. Wesley. And your FFA President is Lindsey Vali. Your FFA VP is Hunter Rupes."

  2. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2012 12:00am UTC
    The First Chapter
    Hunter's POV
    Part Seven of The First Chapter
    "Uh, okay." I hesitantly got out of my seat, and went to the front of the class.
    There were a lot of people in this class, many to choose from. I quickly scanned across the room and my eyes landed on her. Lindsey. Alright. This should be easy enough.
    "This person, she has brown hair, blonde highlights. It's long and wavy. She has green eyes. She's new, and she's quiet."
    "IT'S HER!" an unfamiliar boy shouted, pointing at Lindsey.
    "Yeah, it is." I moved back to my seat, as Mrs. Numford chose another victim.
    The class went by quickly, the unfamiliar boy, clearly very attentive, answered correctly almost every guess speech. The bell rang loudly, and I went on my way to Ag class. I sat near the middle. When everyone got in the room, the teacher still wasn't there.We started talking, quietly, at first, but go loader as time went by.
    10 minutes into class we heard a load banging on the storage closet door. We sat there, for a moment, wondering what it could've been, until we heard it again. A boy got up, probably a sophomore, and tried to open the door. It wouldn't budge. More guys got up to help him, and still couldn't get it open.
    Lindsey stood up, "Move it."

  3. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 11:58pm UTC
    The First Chapter
    Hunter's POV
    Part Six of The First Chapter
    "Excuse me," Lindsey, the girl from the office, came up to me, "but do you mind if I sit here."
    "Of course not." I got up and pushed the chair away from the table for her.She sat down and I pushed the chair in behind her.
    "What are you up to?" She asked.
    "Just hacking into Facebook, what I do in my free time." I responded.
    She nodded, silently, and grabbed a book off one of the nearest shelves and began reading. We spent our free period together like that, and then walked to 3rd period speech together.
    "Good morning class. Welcome to speech. I will be your teacher, Mrs. Numford. To begin off the school year, we are going to have a surprise speech, over someone in this class. Now, here's what you do. You pick a person, and begin to describe them, their personality, their appearance. We, the class, have to figure out who you are talking about."
    Great. No friends in this class, who am I going to do this mini-speech over?
    "You." Mrs. Numford pointed to me. "You, what's your name?"
    "Hunter." I replied.
    "You're going first. Get up here. Pick someone. Come on. It's not as bad as it seems."

  4. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 11:55pm UTC
    The First Chapter
    Hunter's POV
    Part Five of The First Chapter
    "The final bell rang, and students hustled to their self chosen seats.
    "Role call!" Ms. Voge shouted out, and continued names.
    Other students talked quietly as she went down the list and students replied with "here", "present", "gone", "at hand", "available", and even one "you know it sweets".
    "Hunter Rupes?" She said, and looked back at me and smiled
    "Here ma'am." I replied.
    "I'm glad to have you here Hunter." She smiled at me, and continued on with her role call.
    When she finished role call, she handed out papers for us to fill out. Some of it was pretty personal.
    "When your finished, just drop it on my desk." She announced.
    The paper took the majority of class time to fill out, and in no time at all, the bell rang. Students brought the paper up to her desk. I was last to leave, and as I handed her the paper, she looked into my eyes.
    "Hunter, you have a good day now. And, feel free to come in when you have a free period."
    For the fact, I had a free period right now, but instead of spending it with her, I wanted to spend it in the library. I walked to the library and sat down at a corner table. More people came in and were talking loudly. I pulled out my school laptop, and as I usually did with my free time, hacked Facebook.

  5. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 11:39pm UTC
    The First Chapter
    Hunter's POV
    Part Four of The First Chapter
    "What's so funny, freaks?" I said, walking up to the table.
    They continued laughing, not as hard as when I walked up.
    Stephen said, between laughs, "They were joking about your girl ambush. Those freshman really seem to love you."
    "Oh shut it." I slammed a chair on the floor and sat on it.
    The conversation went back to small talk, and class comparison. This was our last year, we had to make the best of it. The bell rang, and all the freshman hurried to their first class. The rest of the classes slowly got up and went to their class. My first class was Health. I walked up 2 flights of stairs and went to the health classroom. Ms. Voge was the teacher. She was probably 24, and as I suspected, all the seniors, and some daring underclassmen, were strategically flirting with her.
    "And I assume," Ms. Voge looked at me, "that you are Hunter. I am Ms. Voge. Pleased to meet you."
    She reached over and shook my hand. She reeked of too much perfume.
    "Yeah, pleased to meet you too. Where do I sit exactly, ma'am?" I looked around the classroom as she stared at me.
    She looked confused for a moment, "Oh, seats, yes. Well, you can sit wherever you want. But if we have a problem, you'll have to move your desk up by mine." She said with a smile, seemingly talking to only me.
    "Oh, well thank you." I took a seat in the back row.

  6. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 11:36pm UTC
    The First Chapter
    Hunter's POV
    Part Three of The First Chapter
    "Hunter!" a scream came across the commons.It was probably Alecia, or Lexi, or Mary, or maybe a freshman who learned my name from upperclassmen girls.
    I looked over, and instead of just seeing one girl coming my way, it was a group of 10 to 15 girls, some new, some girls in my grade, and many in between.
    "Yeah, what?" I questioned.
    "Hunter, you look great today. Fantastic. What are you doing later?" A freshman asked me.
    "Well, I'm hanging out with my friends, after football." I replied.
    "Oh." Shotdown.
    "But, maybe we could hang out, some other time." I walked away.
    The girls sighed and screamed out of joy, while grabbing each other's arm, and jumping around. I continued to find some of my friends I hadn't seen over the summer.
    "Hunter! Get over here!" This time a more masculine voice yelled.
    I walked to the table where Chris, Stephen, and Beau were sitting, along with a few other friends. They were smiling and laughing, probably about my girl encounter.
    "What's so funny, freaks?" I said, walking up to the table.

  7. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 11:34pm UTC
    The First Chapter
    Hunter's POV
    Part Two of The First Chapter
    "Hi, you must be new." I looked over at her again.
    "Yeah, I am. I came from Missouri." She said quietly.
    I smiled at her as she looked up, "How do you like it here in Chicago?"
    "It's okay, a lot different from home though. I, uh, was raised on a farm."
    "Never been on a farm." I told her.
    "Lindsey, darling, come here for a moment, and let me know if these are all the classes you signed up for." the secretary said.
    The girl stood, and moved over to the large computer. She mumbled to herself as she looked at the screen until she finished by saying "Yes, everything seems in order. Thank you."
    "Alright, go sit down, and I'll have it printed out in no time."
    The girl, Lindsey, moved back near me.
    "Lindsey, nice name." I commented.
    "Thanks. Lindsey, yeah. What's your name?"
    "Oh uh, Hunter. Hunter Rupes."
    She paused, unresponsive, for a moment. She looked up to the ceiling, maybe hoping to see what to say up on the tiles.
    "Hunter Rupes. What are you doing in here? Don't you already have your schedule?" The secretary commented.
    I shook my head, "No ma'am, sorry. Can you please print it out."
    "Yes, I suppose I could."
    The secretary came around the desk a few minutes later, handing us both our schedules. I caught a glance at Lindsey's, which read that we had 3rd period speech, 4th period Ag, and 8th period American History together. She walked out the door without saying anything, as did I.I walked alone into the commons, where are the new freshman were talking with their friends, excited to be in high school. I remember my first day of freshman year. The boys and I were excited, especially for the older girls.

  8. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 11:30pm UTC
    The First Chapter
    Hunter's POV
    Part One of The First Chapter
    The car rumbled going down the street. It was August 29th, the first day of senior year. The first day of my last year of high school.
    "Last year, last year, last year, last year!" Chris chanted.
    Beau was driving, warily, as usual.
    "Beau, you do realize that we will be late if you don't pick it up to 5 miles an hour." Stephen huffed.
    Beau hit the accelerator and the engine roared.
    "Do you want it to sound like that?" Beau questioned, while slowing back down to his usual pace.
    "If it gets us to school before 8:30, I'm fine with that." Stephen retorted.
    Tomorrow, I'm driving. Stephen complains far too much when Beau is driving.
    "Don't argue, everything's fine. We won't be late. And Stephen, you'll see that girl you want." I uttered.
    Stephen sent a glare my way, "I doubt she even goes to Westbrook."
    "Really? Cause the new girls mom works for my dad now. And they were talking all about Westbrook. In fact, she came over for dinner the other night. Didn't catch her name though." Chris pronounced.
    Stephen then sent his glare to Chris. When Stephen liked a girl, it was hard to get him off of her. If he had interest, he had interest, and there was no going back from there. In 6th grade he had the biggest crush on Lucy Hamly. She, on the other hand, found him repulsive due to his lack of self care. At that time, Stephen showered rarely.
    "I bet Hunter just wants to get to school so he can have millions of girls on his tail, just like last year. All those freshman are gonna love you." Beau mentioned.
    So I did have a lot of girls after me, seniors even, though I was just a junior. I was asked many times to both homecoming, and prom, but I said no to every invitation. I may be a chick magnet, but I sure wasn't a player, and I wasn't going to accept one and deny many. I'd rather go solo.
    "Whether it's that or not, I want to get to school to get my schedule." I smiled.
    Beau laughed, "You know it's only cause of the girls. You could care less about your classes."
    "False! I care a lot about classes. Just not as much." I admitted.
    "And the truth, will set you free!" Chris shouted dramatically as we pulled into the parking lot.
    We all got out of the crappy Chevy, and walked up to the school.
    "It's now or never guys." Stephen said, it was the ritual, everyday on the first day.
    "8:10, we weren't late." Beau added in.
    We walked inside and went our separate ways, Stephen to his locker for his items, Beau to the locker room to check on his football stuff, Chris to his girlfriend, and I went to the office. I walked in and met the new girls gaze, the same one we saw the day on the street. She smiled and looked down, clearly shy, but she was pretty.

  9. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2012 11:26pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2012 9:14pm UTC
    Story options
    Okay, I lied, story options are up now. The most popular story will be picked out at 9 pm tomorrow night.
    The Way I Loved You
    Miranda and Cody have been the closest friends since the 3rd grade. They love each other, but in different ways. To Miranda, they are brother and sister, forever unchangeable. To Cody, they are friends, and sadly, that's all they'll ever be. Miranda has a boyfriend, Justin, who's not so fond of Cody. While Cody is trying to make their friendship more, Justin keeps trying to ruin it.
    Sneak Peek
    "Cody, what is your problem with Justin?" The wind was blowing through her hair, and the moon was hinting at her blond highlights. "My problem with him? You should know I don't have a problem with him. You should know I have a problem with us. I love you. And you love him." I whispered as she walked away.
    Hunter was a crazy city boy, with dozens of girls after him. The beginning of senior year is coming up, and Lindsey has just moved to town. She's a southern beauty, raised of the farm, new to the city life after her parents divorced. And with dozens of girls after him, Hunter barely notices Lindsey until a day that she will never forget.
    Sneak Peek
    We had been together all day. It's surprising what an Ag project can bring you to. "You're kinda crazy, aren't you, city boy?" I asked him as he drove down an old dirt road back to my dads house. "Just a little. But you know what I'm even crazier for?" "What's that?" "You." He replied.
    Speak Now
    There are 365 days a year, 7 days in a week, 24 hours a day, 60 minutes per hour, 60 seconds per minute. It seems like plenty of time to tell someone something you've always wanted to. But it's not. After the car crash, Skylar lost all memory that she had. She doesn't remember anything, her family, friends, school, or her boyfriend. Matt is desperately trying to get Skylar to remember things from their relationship, before she falls in love with the other guys that are now trying for her.
    Sneak Peek
    "Skylar. How can you not remember me?" I leaned in closer to her, but she pushed farther away. "Could you not come so close? I don't know you. I'm sorry. Now could you please go get the nurse, I'm not feeling well." "Skylar, listen to me, please. For just a minute. I'm going to tell you what happened-" "Could you please leave? I'm confused. I don't feel well. Please just leave." Skylar began to cry. "Alright, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I love you." I said, as I got up to leave.

  11. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2012 8:24pm UTC
    The Dirty Game
    Authors Note
    To those of you who have been waiting 80 days for a new chapter of The Dirty Game, I'm sorry. I, the author, lost interest in the story, and ceased the inspiration to continue writing. Maybe I'll come back to it sometime, only time can tell. For now, I am going to start writing a new story. All new characters, new story line, new everything. Still romance and all that. But either way. Ideas for new stories will be in my new quote which will probably be posted tomorrow. Again, I'm sorry, and will probably someday start doing this story again, once I have more creativity for such a story.

  12. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 8:07pm UTC
    The Dirty Game
    Chapter 11
    Party tonight, you up for it?
    Uh, yeah, sure. Where?
    Don't know, just got invited and the adress, don't care. Be ready in 2 hours.
    I ran upstairs, took a 45 minute shower, and put on a racerback that said love, hollister shorts, and my silver vans. I put my hair into a cute high bump and light makeup. At the end of it all, I still had 45 minutes of free time, and my dad had showed up somewhere in the middle of all that, with a woman.
    I walked down the stairs to see my dad sitting at the table, holding hands with the woman and smiling.
    "Hello." I said, taking a seat next to my dad.
    "Hi, you must be Kennedy. Your dad has told me a lot about you." She leaned over to shake my hand.
    I wanted to be bitchy and say 'he hasn't told me much about you. in fact, he didn't even mention you.' but I didn't want to hurt dad, so instead I said, "Well, that's lovely. Dad, want to introduce me?"
    "Kennedy, this is Abigail-Abby-Torres. She models with your mother."
    "Oh," I replied, "With my mom?"
    "Yes, your mom and I are great friends."
    "Oh." Seemed to be the only thing I could say.
    We sat in silence for a minute or two. This woman looked familiar, maybe I had seen her a time or two. But I didn't like her, she was helping to tear us apart.
    "Where are you going? All spiffied up like that." My dad asked.
    "A party with Nat and Elizabeth. They should be here in a bit."
    "Oh, we were hoping you could go out to eat with us, I wanted to get to know you better!" Abigail said.
    "Well, Abigail, that would be very nice, and I would love to, but will have to be arranged some other time." I tried being polite about it.
    "Abby, please, call me Abby. Abigail is for unimportant people."
    "So does my mom call you Abigail? She doesn't seem very important, you're ripping her family apart, our family apart." I said to fast for me to stop myself.
    She looked at me stunned and my dad shook his head disapprovingly.
    "Kennedy. That's enough. Go to your room." He tried to calmly say it.
    "No, dad. I'm just going to leave."
    "No you are not, after that behavior!" He yelled.
    "It's fine really, it doesn't bother me tha-" Abigail tried to say.
    "Oh Abigail, shut up." I said and stormed to the front door.
    I started walking to the twins house. There was no way I was staying there.
    Authors note: http://www.polyvore.com/kent_abby/set?id=54673500
    So hi guys. I know there are a lot of characters, if you're confused just ask, kay? :)

  13. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 6:46pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2012 3:18pm UTC
    The Dirty Game
    Chapter 9
    My dad, how would my dad feel? My mom was cheating on him. I left the rest of the family downstairs and went up to my room. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed my dads number. His phone rang three times and he answered.
    "Hey, hun, I'm sorry, I can't really talk right now." He sounded rushed.
    My throat was getting tighter, the way it was before I cried, "Dad, dad, I really need to talk, you need to get home now."
    "Just talk to me now then."
    A tear fell as I said, "It's mom."
    There was a pause, "What's wrong with her?"
    "She's with another guy. She's brought him home. She's cheating on you." I started crying.
    He sighed, and I could tell from over the phone that he was rubbing his forehead.
    "Kenn, listen to me, kay? Your mom and I, we're not as close as we used to be. We may have kids together, we may still live together, we may still act like we're in love, but that's only to keep our image good. We need to. Your mom and I haven't really been the same for a while. It's hard to explain. We're just together so we stay good, but we're open to seeing other people. When the little ones get older we've decided we're going to get a divorce. Now, there's no reason to tell anyone what I've told you, understand?"
    I continued crying to hard to answer him. Our family was falling apart when I thought we were fine.
    "Kennedy, listen, I've got to go, but I'll see you tonight. Since your mom introduced you to someone, I want you to meet someone too. I love you, bye."
    There was a click and he was gone. This was too much to take. All too much. I laid on my bed and cried until I fell asleep.
    Authors note: I'll put up the image of Kent in the next chapter... If you're confused you can ask me about anything and I can explain it!

  15. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 11:23pm UTC
    The Dirty Game
    Chapter 8
    The deal had started. Victim 1 was Aaron. After we had run out of movies to watch, I checked on the kids, and then we went up to my room. Natalie was sleeping on the couch and we just left her. But I guess that happens. Caroline and Chris had gone up to her room, probably sleeping, hopefully. Anne was sleeping on the couch too.
    We were just sitting there talking, and then he kissed me. And the kiss turned into making out and from there it went. He left around 6 in the morning and I went down to check on the kids I was supposed to be watching. All the boys were awake, playing with toys on their bedroom floor. Kaylie was still sleeping. I made the boys some breakfast and then heard Caroline and Chris coming down the stairs.
    "Heeeeeeeeey Kennedy!" Caro yelled. She and Chris were hand in hand now.
    I was annoyed and yelled, "What?"
    "Well someone is upset this morning. Chris and I are going to his house. Tell dad or mom where I am, don't, I don't care." And with that she walked out the door.
    "Whatever." I went to wake up Natalie, and saw Anne still on the couch.
    Caroline has never really been good at realizing that the rule is chicks before dicks, but Anne's never realy been good at realizing she deserves a better friend than Caroline.
    "Anne, Natalie, wake up. Breakfast's ready." The slowly got up and went to eat.
    "Where'd Caro go?" Anne asked about halfway through the meal.
    I looked out the window. "With Chris. I don't like him."
    "Yeah, I don't either. He deals drugs. He's not a good influence." Anne replied.
    We ate in silence after that, until my mom walked in the door.
    "Hey, darlings, I have someone I want you to meet!" At the sound of her voice, all the kids ran, except for Kylie.
    I walked into the front room and found the kids crowded around my mom. Behind her was a strange man.
    "Where's Caroline?" My mom asked.
    "Out." I replied, still looking at the man.
    "Oh, well she's gunna miss the surprise. Anyway, here's the surprise. His name is Kent. And we're together." The man leaned down to kiss my mom.
    Authors note: Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Yeah. There's one of the secrets. There'll be more. And the bet started.

  16. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 5:36pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 12:32am UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 10:17pm UTC
    The Dirty Game
    Chapter 5/Part 2
    Caroline was so irresponsible. I huffed a breath.
    "What's wrong?" Natalie asked me.
    "Caroline. Friends. Mall cops. Self explanatory?"
    "Ken! Ken! Ken!" Andrew yelled.
    "Andrew. I am this close to you. You do not need to yell my name."
    "Well Ken, Mark won't stop hitting me."
    I hadn't even noticed Mark's behavior because I was busy yelling at Caro.
    "Markus! Stop. Now." I yelled at him.
    Mark looked at me, "No."
    "Are you done eating?"
    "Yes Kennedy. I'm done." Mark answered.
    I set him down and cleaned up his mess. "Now go play in the living room, okay?" He ran off into the other room.
    "Kennedy! I'm done too!" Andy said.
    "Are you really? Or do you want to play?"
    "Okay. You clean up after yourself, okay?"
    "Okay Ken, I can do that, I really can." Andrew stood up and moved his plate into the kitchen sink, then ran into the living room.
    "Kan, Kan, Kan." Stephen had yet to learn my full name.
    "Yes Stephen?" I asked him.
    "Are you done?"
    Stephen nodded so I cleaned him up and let him out off his high chair. He followed the other boys into the living room. It was just us girls in the dining room now.
    "So, tell me Kennedy. Are you just using Mike?" Natalie asked me as she finished her supper.
    "Kind of, I guess." I answered.
    "KENNEDY!" Natalie slapped my arm. "You don't use people!"
    "Haven't you used people before?" I asked her.
    "Of course! But that was 2 years ago. I was stupid. I was a sl/t then. Don't worry about it now."
    "Well either way. You used them. I need to win this bet."
    I cleaned up Kaylie and we all went into the other room. I set Kaylie down on the floor and left the boys to play. Natalie put in The Last Song. I heard the front door open and there was heavy breathing.
    "Caroline. You are 20 minutes late." I said as she walked through the doors.
    Following her was a boy and her best friend Anne, "I know. That's what happens when you try to get away from mall cops while texting your big sister."
    The three sat down on the couch across from us and watched the movie. I had no clue who the boy was.
    After the movie ended I laid all the kids down for bed and then joined Natalie, Caroline, Anne, and the stranger boy for a 'Scary Movie Marathon Prep'. It's something Caroline and I always do before we watch any scary movie. We make popcorn, get bowls of ice cream ready, make sure we have tons of pop, and text friends telling them to come over. I texted Mike and Aaron and invited them over. Mike couldn't make it, but Aaron could.
    "Hey. So, scary movie marathon?" He asked as he walked in.
    "Yeah, that."
    "Good, I love scary movies."
    "Good. We've got The Devil Inside, The Woman in Black, Insidious, Apollo 18, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, Paranormal Activity 1, 2, and 3. And probably plenty more."
    We walked into the living room and we all managed to squish on one couch. Natalie sat on my left, and Aaron on my right. The stranger boy, whose name I discovered was Christopher Norem, sat next to Aaron and Caroline, and Anne sat on Caroline's left side. The scary movie marathon was about to begin.
    What the new characters look like: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=52396685
    Uhm, so guys, I guess it could be kind of confusing a little with the dialogue, just try to stay with me! Thank you for reading!

  19. duncann98stories duncann98stories
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 10:14pm UTC
    The Dirty Game
    Chapter 5/Part 1
    Both Natalie and I were teary eyed messes when my phone buzzed. I checked it and I had a call from Mike.
    "Hey!" I said.
    "Hi, what's up?"
    "Hanging out with Natalie," he sighed loudly, "What are you doing?" I asked.
    "Trying to figure out when we have time off of work at the same time."
    "Oh, for the date!"
    Natalie looked at me curiously. I mouthed Mike's name and she nodded and smiled.
    "Yes, for the date. How does June 4th work for you?" He asked.
    "June 4th..." I thought to myself for a minute, "Nothing going on, it'll work!"
    "I'll pick you up around 7, okay?"
    "Kay, sounds good! I'll see you then since we don't work at the same time anytime soon. Bye Kennedy."
    "Bye Mike." I hung up the phone and smiled at Natalie.
    "Tell me who, when, where, and all the deets." She smiled excitedly.
    "Mike Craig. Not sure where, but June 4th around 7. He asked me this morning."
    "OH MY GOD. Mike is...Gorgeous. And the most popular guy in the school district. Okay, sorry, he's yours." Natalie said.
    "He's not mine. It's for the bet." I looked down, ashamed.
    "Ken," Natalie touched my arm, "You don't really have to do that."
    "Yes I do. I'll look pathetic if I don't."
    There was a banging at the door. I walked to it and looked out the window. It was Elizabeth.
    "Natalie," I whispered, "Should I let Liz in?"
    "No, don't!" She whispered back.
    My phone buzzed.
    Let me in. I know you're home. And I know Natalie is with you. DO NOT FORGET THE DEAL.
    "Sh/t, Nat, she knows I'm home." I said.
    "No, she's just trying to make you answer, she does that with everyone. Just walk away slowly."
    We walked back to the living room, avoiding windows along the way.
    "Anyway, back to our conversation. You really don't have to do that deal. It was stupid, we were intoxicated, no deals matter than." Natalie continued trying to talk me out of the deal we had made.
    "No, I always stick to deals, whether intoxicated or not." I said.
    "Well, what about like STD's? Or pregnancy?" She asked.
    "Well, protection. Problems solved." I replied. "Are you getting hungry?"
    It's was 6:30, and the kids would be waking up soon.
    "Yeah, a little. Want to make supper for the chitlens?"
    We walked to the kitchen to make supper.
    "Yeah, let's get on that. mac n cheese, with hot dogs!" I said while pulling out each item.
    We heated the water on the stove and waited for it to boil before putting the noodles in.
    "Kennedy," Mark came into the kitchen rubbing his eyes, "Ken, I'm hungry."
    "Yeah, I know bud." I picked him up and set him down on the counter.
    "Well, are you making supper?"
    "Yep, mac n cheese with hot dogs. Sound good?" I looked at him and smiled.
    "Yeah, good. I'm going to go wake Andrew up." He climbed off the counter and ran to the living room.
    When Nat and I were finished making supper we went to go wake up everyone. Stephen and Kaylie were in their high chairs, Andrew and Mark were in their booster seats. I dished up food for Mark, Andrew, Stephen, Natalie, and I and grabbed baby food for Kaylie. I set everything down on the spots.
    "Kay guys, dig in." All the little boys dug their fingers into the food and their faces were cheesy in seconds. Kaylie was taking her time eating her baby food with her fingers.
    Hey, Caroline, where are you? Suppers done, you should get home and eat, it's pretty dang good! Get home soon Carebear.
    I would get home! But we got into some trouble at the mall and now we're running from the mall cops. It's fun really. Be home when I can.
    Really? Mall cops? Home. Now.
    Okay, whatever. I'll be home in 10.
    I better hear the front door open and close in 10 minutes or less.

  20. duncann98stories duncann98stories
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    July 3, 2012 2:16pm UTC
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