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Member Since: 20 Nov 2006 11:14am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 42086

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they call me jess around this bitch. i'm a junior at northern, its a pretty wack school. its in my personal opinion that if drama were vodka; the school would be wasted. & i think we could honestly give laguna beach a run for their money. i'm a cheerleader. i used to cheer at northern for the varsity squad. but there is SO much drama on that team, so i quit. no matter what, i would never be able to stop cheering. thats why i'm cheering at libcheer. we're better than you, so get over it. :] i'm single at the moment..but i'm not looking really. there is this boy. he is absolutely amazing. he has my heart. we might fight a lot and he knows just how to piss me off..but he makes me happier than you. and thats what matters♥ i have the best friends in the whole world. they're basically my life. its not in your best interest to fuck with them. :] best friends.♥ as.cb.mk.eb.ak.og. i love you baby.
  1. jay__xoxo jay__xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2006 12:04pm UTC
    How do you let it go? When you,
    You just don't know? What's on,
    The other side of the door
    When you're walking out, talk about it
    Everything I tried to remember to say
    Just went out my head
    So I'ma do the best I can to get you to understand
    There's never a right time to say goodbye
    But I gotta make the first move
    'Cause if I don't you gonna start hating me
    Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
    Girl it's not you, it's me
    I kinda gotta figure out what I need (oh)
    There's never a right time to say goodbye
    But we know that we gotta go
    Our separate ways
    And I know it's hard but I gotta do it,
    And it's killing me
    Cause there's never a right time
    Right time to say goodbye..
    *Chris Brown~Say Goodbye♥

  2. jay__xoxo jay__xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2006 12:00pm UTC
    Baby, listen
    I never meant to be so, so hard on you
    But my, my pride had me thinkin'
    Thinkin' that it was the right thing (That's right)
    But girl, I really love you
    And it's drivin' me crazy
    That you're not here to hold me anymore
    How long must I cry
    How long do I have to try
    To make happiness my friend
    And how long will it be
    Until you've come back to me
    And let me feel your love again
    I said I really love you
    And girl, I'm thinkin' of you
    There's no one in this world
    Could take the place of you
    Because you are my baby
    And you drive me crazy
    There's nothing else I would say or do
    If I don't have you back in my life
    I'm willing to live and die for you
    Baby, don't you know that my words are true
    I really love ya, still thinkin' of ya
    Can't imagine livin' life without ya
    I really miss you, no need to dis you
    Can't live another day without you
    And everything I said to you, baby it's true
    I do love you, baby
    How long must I cry
    How long do I have to try
    To make happiness my friend
    And how long will it be
    Until you've come back to me
    And let me feel your love again
    How long must I cry
    How long do I have to try
    To make happiness my friend
    And how long will it be
    Until you've come back to me
    And let me feel your love again
    How Long Must I Cry~KCI & JoJo♥

  3. jay__xoxo jay__xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2006 11:59am UTC
    Standing in the front yard, telling me
    How I'm such a fool, talking 'bout
    How I'll never ever find a man like you
    You got me twisted
    You must not know 'bout me
    You must not know 'bout me
    I could have another you in a minute
    Matter fact, he'll be here in a minute (baby)
    You must not know 'bout me
    You must not know 'bout me
    I could have another you by tomorrow
    So don't you ever for a second get to thinkin'
    Your irreplaceable.
    So go ahead and get gone
    Call up that chick, and see if shes home.
    Oops I bet you thought, that I didn't know.
    What did you think
    I was putting you out for?
    Because you was untrue
    Rolling her around in the car that I bought you
    Baby drop them keys
    Hurry up, before your taxi leaves..

  4. jay__xoxo jay__xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2006 11:55am UTC
    What is meant to be will always find a way.<3

  5. jay__xoxo jay__xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2006 11:55am UTC
    "You never know until you throw."

  6. jay__xoxo jay__xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2006 11:54am UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. jay__xoxo jay__xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2006 11:54am UTC
    "You can't help who you love. Look at you, at least you've got someone who loves you back."
    --Save The Last Dance♥

  8. jay__xoxo jay__xoxo
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2006 11:24am UTC
    keep you head up high gorgeous;;
    there are people that would <b>kill</b>
    to see you fall. <3


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