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Member Since: 26 Jul 2011 09:09pm

Last Seen: 14 Mar 2012 11:16pm

user id: 199993

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I chose this for my profile, Because its true.
My life completly surrounded you,
You took me in,
You broke me down,
Till I was merly a soul left on the ground,
You didnt care,
All my secrets you shared,
I still dont care.
I think about you night and day,
I dream about you,
About what should have been,
I live in my own fairytale,
Of what Love Should Be
  1. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2012 10:11pm UTC
    the not-redhead.

  2. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2012 9:52pm UTC
    My best friend is leaving. Shes moving back to PA. Shes not even gone and I already miss her. Goodbyes suck.. I hate this. I feel so alone.

  3. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2012 3:25pm UTC
    Drinking vodka like its water,
    letting it burn down the back of my throat; becoming numb,
    help me forget;or maybe not,
    memories come flooding in; drowning any sense of happiness left,
    leaving broken dreams and a matching heart,
    helplessness and hopelessness go hand-in-hand, an inseparable set of twins.
    drink you away, (I cant let you stay)
    you promised me escape, (I cant let you stay)
    Ill find a way, (I cant let you stay)
    to make you go away, (I cant let you say).
    sober up; or maybe not,
    snort it- feel the burn,
    smoke it- breath in every ounce,
    inject it- scream as it searches its way though my veins,
    finding its way to the remients of you,
    burning you with blue flame,
    I go up, up, up,
    till I fall down lower, into the ashes of you.
    burn you away, (never let you stay)
    disiper like the cloud of my smoke, (never let you stay)
    the fog of you remains, (never let you stay)
    still searching for a away, (never let you stay)
    to make you go away, (never let you stay).
    Bleed; blood burning, dripping from my veins,
    crimson red flowing down the drain,
    I want more, you'll drown and wash away,
    more pain the better, the father a way you go,
    pain, pain, endless pain,
    this blade cant cut deep enough.
    bleeding out, (wont let you stay)
    blurring visions of you, of me, (wont let me stay)
    pain over taking both of us, (wont let us stay)
    now the brink of death, (ill kill us both)
    letting go, (your finally gone)

  4. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2012 10:10am UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2011 11:46am UTC
    I slept in the shirt,
    I wore the first time I met you,
    Dosed off to wispers of goodnights,
    from nights past,
    Images of you run through my head,
    Like a video camra on rewind,
    Because for me,
    Holding on is letting go.

  6. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    October 14, 2011 12:53pm UTC

  7. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 2:36pm UTC
    Today i did math homeowork....
    For number 69,
    the awnser was:
    no joke.

  8. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 7:09pm UTC
    I think he knows,
    that i like him,
    but i dont give a F,

  9. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 8:34am UTC
    My little

  10. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 9:30pm UTC
    One day,
    He's gonn'a realize,,.
    I don't want to be just your,

  11. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2011 7:37pm UTC
    I talked to him on the phone,
    For the first time,
    And it was amazing ♥

  12. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 9:55pm UTC
    he never called back..</3

  13. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 8:34pm UTC
    Theres been a poll going around,
    about how girls feel about their as*es.
    20% say they're too fat,
    10% say they're too skinny,
    the other 70% say 'There sweet & kind & loving most of the time so we put up with them'
    Fave if you get it.

  14. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2011 4:28pm UTC
    'This lie is true'
    what the guys at my school say to an answer anything,

  15. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 9:32pm UTC
    I miss you,
    so much it hurts:
    i cry myself to sleep;
    but youll never know,
    all the pain im in.
    ♥ nmf.

  16. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 9:05pm UTC
    I met this guy,
    We've had
    the 'wait do you like me
    or something talk,
    and he said he didnt.
    but im still falling for him.

  17. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 4:25pm UTC
    the hardest Goodbye;
    are the ones never said,
    And the ones never explained

  18. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 10:06am UTC
    Time to fit 10 hours of homework, into 6 hours. Yay me -_____-

  19. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 9:20pm UTC
    i see her everyday,
    the girl who hasn't found her strength,
    The one who cries every night,
    who hates the world..but mostly herself
    who has no friends,
    the one who misses him.
    deep inside,
    we are all that girl,
    just putting on a brave face♥

  20. lostinyou490 lostinyou490
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 9:10pm UTC
    he noticed me
    and i felt like the prettiest girl in the world.


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