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Member Since: 14 Apr 2008 06:07pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 49385

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  1. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2008 2:13pm UTC
    me and you cant be.cause you seeim not gonna changeim gonna be the real menot fakenot like anyone elseim not sure why you think i wouldbut its time for you to stopthinking everyones gonna change for youcause some are but im notcause im theonetheonlyme¢¾

  2. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2008 6:29pm UTC
    AnD iN tHe EnD ThE WoRd FoRvEr MeAnS nOtHiNg YoU tHoUgHt It DiD.

  3. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2008 10:19am UTC
    best friends dont try to hurt you they try to help best friendsare there to see you shinenot to see you fallbest friendssee past your problemsnot point them outbest friendsare almost the samenot totally differentbest friendscare about younot diss you n laugh when your hurt best friends dont purpousfully hurt you and apologise when theyACCIEDENTALLY dobut most of all best friends dont try to destroy youthey love you

  4. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2008 10:05am UTC
    and the scar on her face & on her back are there cause her mom didnt care her true love left & because she thought it could never happen to hershe saved herself & when her love came back he didnt understandwhy were they there who was her hero & all she could say was i had to be my own hero because you leftmy mom didnt care& because i felt like livingthe scars are from the guy you said would be good for me hes now in jail & youre here &i still love you so can you be my hero right now &still love me too?

  5. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2008 8:59am UTC
    &&the song that makes you think of him &&you cant even remember why&& you think back real hard&&you remember it was the song that was playing when he first left you...&&you think of the current time and still know that he was the best and you hope he knows that too&&while mr. new kisses you you wish it was him and regret ever waking up on that day......&& he walks up to you and him and pushes mr. new no wait now mr old out of the way and kisses you and you dont do anything but kiss him back cause you want him forever and hope that he does too... remember the old and hope for the new plan some but not all cause well plans can change in a heat beat dont wait do cause if you wait you'll be left behind but if he loves you he'll wait with you

  6. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2008 8:57am UTC
    this not ordinary i thougt tht it would last but now that i see you for who you really are im done n yea sure we had tons of fun but what you did is way passed forgivable this is not a fight its an ending time to through out the pictures the memories and the inside jokes cause its the end i thought we would last but im never gona look into the past just going to look at the present and move on im done no white flag but a goodbye and dont to this to a friend you want to keepxoxo♥me♥

  7. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2008 12:21pm UTC
    u think ur soo special all u do is cause drama make ppl think ur cool but really ur a freaken weirdo n well i dnt its a loss more lik im spring cleanin n throughin out the crappy things n keep the things i lik or love n thts really wat im doin n im not gonna b sad cause u aint a real friend i think everyone u evr thought liked u would say the say n im not being mean im just expressin how i feel about u cause well neither of us will evr miss u♥x0x0x0 u no who

  8. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2008 1:07pm UTC
    i never saw it coming and you thought id stay in my room cry al day but baby im not u and i thought u were were ok you broke it off n said ill b ok will u??? i said better thn u thn u said i highly dout tht really thn y m i out wit him and ur thinkin it was the biggest mistake of ur life????? i will b ok i promise but i dnt think u could say the same.......♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥p.s. i am hurt i will never show it though♥♥♥

  9. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2008 5:17pm UTC
    if u dnt give the rabbit the friken trix im gonna take the trix away from you and say u greaty childen these are the rabbits god dam trix

  10. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2008 1:28pm UTC
    why oh why do u lik me n not her she likes you but u lik me n i think i lik it the attention i mean i no u do n i want us to be just friends forever cause i dont want to lose you as a friend your sooo much fun n can always make me laugh just please dont make me choose a heart over a friend cause i'll never pick your heart n i'll always pick a friend n never forget a girl will love you but not me.....writting this makes me feel lik maybe you have a chance.....i have no idea wat i want but who does anymore?

  11. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2008 1:57pm UTC
    soooo wats up other thn my head..its in the cluds thinkin hes the one boy he nos how to show me some fun expesially out in the sun on the beach catchin coy drinkin soy milk gettin high soo the last thing he said to me was goodbye.....he offically made me cry

  12. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 29, 2008 1:49pm UTC
    all around me well at least tht i can see hes lookin into my eyes n im flyin in the sky has he noticed me i think im in love but hes kissin her n dissin me boy u gotta make up your mind i anit no seek and find break her heart no hers try to hurt her why oh why do all boys have this book id burn thm all if i new where thy wer

  13. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2008 3:43pm UTC
    you lik him n he liks me im so sorry i wish i could change this but you see i cant let it be ur sad im cryin n now all wer doin is lyin im sorry i hope u do really see.....i love u lik a sis but feel stabbed in the back tht ur angry @ me

  14. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2008 12:47pm UTC
    ill c u when i do but till thn tootle loo!

  15. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2008 12:47pm UTC
    if i walk wit u will u talk 2 me? if i sit next to u will u stay ther for me? if i say i love u will u love me 2? i want 2 no because i really do love u!!

  16. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2008 12:46pm UTC
    if love is everlastin thn y do so many hurt from the pain of losin u there is only a few who make it all the to the altar n figure out the ONE is u! some hurt some cry but i really cant lie my wish is to LOVE u but can tht really come true???

  17. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2008 12:21pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2008 12:20pm UTC
    your here for me to cheer for me you hope i win n always make me grin your my best friend you make me happy even when ur sappy your FOREVER not NEVER

  19. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2008 12:09pm UTC
    you go girl...................n dont u come back

  20. marylizard71 marylizard71
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2008 6:47pm UTC
    my friends are my life were always side by side n will help lead n guide to happiness. we may fight n bikker but we are friends always in the end. we love eah other lik sisters we'll beat the sayin "friends arent really forever" by a landslide we're here there and everywhere always together always forever


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