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Member Since: 28 Jun 2009 11:36pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 81076

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hey there! :D
my name's mikaela, im 15, and i guess you could say i'm like the average, bubbly teenage girl. i love my friends to death, listen to music constantly, and am just waiting for that one perfect boy to finally show up and sweep me off my feet. i guess you could say the only two differences are that i'm not obsessed with justin bieber and twilight; it's pretty much the opposite actually. ;) so anyway, get to know me! i promise i won't bite. :P

and a special thanks to my followers!


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  1. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2010 2:14pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2010 2:09pm UTC
    I managed to finish my first tube of chap stick.

  3. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 1:50pm UTC
    If Barbie is so popular...
    why do you have to buy her friends?

  4. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 1:40pm UTC
    The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
    - Mark Twain

  5. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2010 1:29pm UTC
    Friend: I kinda like Justin Beiber... his songs are pretty catchy!
    You: Yeah well, so is Aids. But you don't find that so attractive.

  6. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 6:18pm UTC
    am I the only one ,
    t h a t f ee ls s o m e s o r t o f a c c o m p l i s hm e n t
    k n o w i ng t h a t I k n o w e v e r y s i n g l e w o r d t o
    "I love the way you lie"?

  7. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2010 4:15pm UTC
    am I the only one,
    that's sick of the jersey shore quotes?

  8. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2010 3:26pm UTC
    Last Chapter of Her Endless Affection
    The next thing I knew, I woke up, and realized I was in a hospital bed. I slowly opened my eyes to see all my loved ones standing around me. My mom, my dad, and the janitor.
    I looked around once more, and then my mother started sobbing.
    "AIMEE, THANK GOD YOU'RE ALL RIGHT." she hugged me tighter than she ever had before.
    "Whoa, what happened?" I asked, starting to become worried.
    I looked down and saw the patch around my chest filled with blood. I just stared at it, not a word came out.
    Then I looked up at the janitor.
    "Did you save me?" I asked him in a scared tone.
    He nodded to show that it wasn't that big of a deal.
    "I don't know how to thank you."
    And finally? I asked the question that I had been dreading.
    "Where's Jake?"
    All three of the adults looked at each other, and replied with a simple sentence.
    "He's dead Aimee."
    So there you have it. My stalker, my love, my best friend since first grade. Dead. After to attempting to kill me and killing his girlfriend.
    My crazed stalker.
    "Dead?" I asked him. My throat started to hurt. I couldn't help me cry. "How did he die?" Everyone around me knew how I felt about Jake, even considering the past.
    "He committed suicide after your attempted murder." said my father quietly, looking at his feet.
    "He left a letter." The janitor took a step further and gave me a letter. With my shaking hand, I took it and opened it slowly.
    I closed my eyes, breathed deeply, and read the following;
    Dear Reader,
    You might be sobbing to hear of my death, you might be cheering. I have done too much I will regret to continue with my life. What, you may ask, have I done that I would have to take my own life? Well, I killed my girlfriend and the love of my life. I did this why? What stupid man would do such a thing to the ones he loves? The love of my life was scared of me, and my girlfriend loved me, when I did not love her back. I didn't deserve her. No one did. So, she is now out of her misery along with me, and Aimee. Aimee, what a beautiful name. I have loved Aimee ever since I met her. I guess boys like me, who have 30 girlfriends by the time they're 16, just do those things because they can't have the one they love. Sad, pathetic losers like me. So, reader of this letter, I'm deeply sorry for the pain and suffering I might have caused you. You don't need to worry about me anymore, I promise.
    May god watch over you,
    The end! I hope you guys liked it... comment and tell me what you think? And let me know if you think I should write another story?

  9. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2010 12:58am UTC
    Chapter nine: Her Endless Affection
    "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? YOU... YOU... ANIMAL!" I wept over my dead enemy's body. I missed her. She was the only thing that was keeping me away from Jake. I needed her to come back. Or, I knew I would do something that I would regret. I started to become dizzy. Nothing seemed to make sense. I put my hand to my head, and then the room went black.
    *7 hours later*
    The room was dark. I must have passed out, for now I have an extreme headache. I felt my head once more, but this time, red blood showed that I had hit it. A figure was standing in the doorway. It came closer to me. Expecting it was the janitor, I opened my eyes to pet his face. I felt perfect skin as the figure leaned down in front of me.
    All of a sudden? I knew it wasn't the janitor.
    I tried to scream, then noticed the gag around my mouth.
    "Hello there darling." His voice, so perfect, so lovely. "Did you get a good little nap?"
    He pulled the hair our of my eyes, so I could see him more clearly. I looked into his clear, yet harmful eyes with a pathetic I need your help look.
    He pulled out a knife.
    I looked closely enough for the sigh of blood to come. He had killed Katelyn with that bloody knife.
    And by the looks of it,
    he was about to kill me with it.
    Jake put the knife to my chest, right on top of my heart.
    "I'm tired of you Aimee. I'm tired of my heart hurting over a hopeless girl who runs away from me. I don't believe I can live with love. So I will kill anyone who gives it to me. First Katelyn, no you Aimee. So with that I would like to say goodbye my love, it was nice knowing you."
    The knife broke the skin. It went deeper and deeper.
    Once again?
    Everything went black.

  10. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 25, 2010 9:39pm UTC
    Chapter eight:Her Endless Affection
    I quickly jumped out of the closet as the bell rang, and looked both ways before crossing the hallway. Just in case he was watching. I saw police immediatly. With a puzzled face, I looked both ways. Up the hallway, and down it. There was not a sign of blood, glass. Nothing. I walked a little farther, near the science room that I had left earlier that day when I saw Jake. He passed me, smiling.
    "Come with me Aimee." He spoke. "I want to show you just how much I love you."
    I saw yellow tape, with the words warning on it, all over the school. It started to get greater once I got closer to the scene. I could feet it.
    Then I saw it, and everything made sense.
    The tape, his only words spoken to me since science, his smile.
    His hand in mine.
    He had killed his girlfriend.
    He was a free man.
    And that seemed to be the only thing he cared about.
    So there I was, on my knees in sobs. The girl I hated, my best friend's girlfriend dead; Him being the one that killed her.

  11. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2010 9:25pm UTC
    Chapter Seven: Her Endless Affection
    I stood there for a few seconds. Silently staring down Jake. Memorizing every feature. Just in case.
    The teacher took me to my seat, already upset with me, and I sat down. Jake pulled his chair closer to me. He was so close I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. In...Out. I kept this pattern, trying not to look at him. I prayed to god. For forgiveness, for life.
    "There is no need to be afaid Aimee. None at all." He kissed my cheek ever so gently. I took deep, calming breaths. Trying not to show my fear.
    "I still know you're afraid Aimee. You cannot hide that emotion from me. I know you still love me. I know you do. So, show it Aimee. Show it."
    He took my hand. I struggled to lighten his grasp. Swirming in my seat.
    "TELL ME YOU LOVE ME AIMEE." His words were harsh. Scary.
    "Tell me..." I was too afraid to speak. Too afraid to move.
    He slowly pulled a knife out of his pocket.
    "Tell me Aimee, or you may kiss this arm goodbye."
    "I love you." I cried.
    "I LOVE YOU." I broke into sobs. The teacher looked at us. The entire class did. Jake put the knife away quickly. I took one look, then ran out of the room.
    I heard the teacher ask Jake what had happened, and to go get me.
    Although, I had a spot in the school that Jake would never find me.
    A janitor's closet.
    The only person on earth, besides you reader, who knew of my troubles.
    The janitor.
    If Jake was looking, he never found me.
    But I was sure that he would at some point.
    And I later found out what had happened. What tragidy had happened while I was crying with the Janitor, one of my only friends. And Jake, well, he killed an innocent person.

  12. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2010 4:10pm UTC
    Chapter Six: Her Endless Affection
    You know how if you watch the clock, time seems to go as slow as possible? That's what I did the entire gym class. Just because I hated the fact that I actually wanted to see his darling face again. I didn't understand myself. I didn't want to. I'm in love with my wannabe murderer.
    The bell rang.
    That went fast. I sat on the ground as long as I could before the teacher came over and told me I had to go to class.
    I just stared at him, unable to move.
    "Miss, go to class before I go get someone of authority!"
    I slowly got to my feet. I looked at the incredibly harsh gym teacher and spoke.
    "I hope you're happy. By sending me to science, you're killing me."
    "You're over-exxagurating Aimee! Science won't kill you."
    Little did he know, little did anyone know.
    In the hallways, I peeked over every corner, every turn, before I treaded that way. Knowing if Jake was there...
    It would be the end of me.
    You wouldn't understand.
    Unless of course, you have been stalked by your best friend...your love.
    So, I made it to science in one piece. But once I got there, my teacher got onto me for not having a late pass.
    Not to mention, Jake was sitting next to me. Hands folded, silently grinning, waiting, for someone innocent and scared. Someone to kill.
    Someone like me.

  13. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 23, 2010 1:07pm UTC
    Chapter Five: Her Endless Affection
    Flashback to first grade:
    The bell rang to go to recess.
    It was the first day of school. I was afraid to go to recess. The kids always made fun of me in kindergarten, what would they think of me now??
    I got out there, put my big girl pants on, and stuck my thumb in my mouth. I marched to go get a ball, and one big kid pushed passed me. I fell to the ground with a thump. Water filled my eyes. He looked at me, laughed, and ran to play with his friends.
    Then, when I thought there was no one out there who cared about me, Jake came into the picture.
    "Don't worry about those big kids." he spoke.
    "They're all mean to us first graders." he lent me his hand, and I took it with gratitude.
    "My name is Jake." He had a squeeky voice for a boy. Hes green eyes had a mind of their own. They were so beautiful, so large.
    "Aimee." I said. I was a shy girl.
    "Hello Aimee." He gave me a huge smile. "Would you like to be my best friend"?
    I looked at him. He was cute. I guess I could use a friend anyway. I mean, what would it matter? He's just a boy.
    "Yes I would." I smiled back at him.
    "Yay! I needed a best friend Aimee."
    "I did too Jake. I did too."

  14. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2010 5:06pm UTC
    30 may be the new 20,
    but green is definitely the new black

  15. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2010 4:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2010 1:58pm UTC
    Chapter Three: Her Endless Affection
    After math class I bolted out of the room trying not to be seen by anyone, heard by anyone. When I finally thought I was going to make it out of there alive, I heard a voice from next to me.
    "Whew, glad you made it out of there on time, huh?"
    I jumped when I looked over and saw his perfect face staring at me.
    I darted for the girls bathroom.
    He ran after me.
    His words were as written:
    "There's no where to run Aimee! There is no where I won't find you. And when I do find you... Your life? Is over."
    Well, as you have learned, Jake Smith is no normal boy.
    Jake taught me how to read, how to cry, how to live.
    But, there is one thing that Jake taught me how to do that I haven't told a single soul.
    Something scary, horrifying.
    Jake taught me how to hide.
    And I don't mean like hide and seek, oh no.
    I mean hide, from him.
    See, Jake is not only my best friend, my love.
    He is my stalker.
    And well,
    Jake Smith, the boy that I have loved since first grade...
    Is out to kill me.

  17. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 10:03pm UTC
    Some learn to dance,
    while others were born to.

  18. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 6:45pm UTC
    Chapter two: Her Endless Affection
    There he was. Sitting in his seat in math. Right where he belonged. I took one little glance and saw him looking at me. My eyes were now wide. I held my breath and ran to my seat where I put down my books and looked at the board, even though class hadn't started yet. Jake looked around with his gorgeous green eyes and got up, I'm expecting it was to talk to me. A little nobody.
    "Hey love." He said as he gave me a little smile.
    "Hey." I said with no expression at all. He called me love all the time. Even though his girlfriend, Katelyn, wouldn't like that to much.
    "What did you do this weekend?" He asked me with curiosity in his voice.
    "I hung out with my boyfriend, Austin." Once I finished my lie, I tried to catch my breath.
    If I had just said to him, "Jake, I love you. I want no one but you. I broke up with Austin. There is no one in our way except for your girlfriend!"
    I did say that's what I wanted to hear come out of my mouth. Instead, it was just another lame excuse to help me get over the fact that I was in love with my best friend.
    And of course, once you fall, there's no getting up.

  19. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2010 6:23pm UTC
    CHAPTER ONE: Her Endless Affection
    I loved him. There was no doubting it. And I could tell that he loved me.
    Only one problem:
    His girlfriend.
    Not only was she my worst enemy, he was my best friend.
    My name is Aimee. I'm 15 years old. That one day when I first met my best friend was first grade. I thought he was cute then.
    But now he's my life.
    Jake Smith:
    My best friend, my life.
    But you know, sometimes, a guy can go from being your whole world, to being completely out of it in a blink of an eye.

  20. mmiikkaaeellaaaax3 mmiikkaaeellaaaax3
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2010 9:10pm UTC
    Hey you!
    with the face,
    you're cute ;)


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