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Status: follow me on twitter(: @natalieemariee

Member Since: 13 Jul 2010 01:19am

Last Seen: 2 Jul 2014 12:28am

Gender: F

user id: 116193

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Hey y'all

My names Natalie. 16. Cheer is basically life.
I write stories deal with it.
I just hope you guys like them. <3

follow me on the tweets

this is my back up account jussayin


  1. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2013 2:39pm UTC
    VS angel wings
    or chicken wings
    your choice

  2. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 1:53pm UTC
    We were so close to something great, but that just couldn’t happen to me right?

  3. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2013 12:11am UTC
    I hate how you treat me. One day we will be staring into each others eyes head over heels and the next day it’s like we never talked. I just need to know what you want with me.
    Is that too much to ask?

  4. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 11:46pm UTC
    That is not how you treat your "friend."

  5. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2012 9:43pm UTC
    He Found My Witty
    chapter 10
    Even though being friends with Eva was fun, she was a b/tch and it dragged on. Everything she said was either about Kyle or Vicki. It was pretty messed up.
    "We are hanging out later right." She said staring at her phone.
    "Yeah I guess so."
    "Could you please just show me her secret witty. All you do is describe it, I want to see it in person." Eva had that gleaming look of excitement in her eyes.
    "Why do you want to know so much about Vicki anyways? Kyle's not with anyone right now, I think, so you could just get him now."
    "But that's no fun." She laughed. I'm getting to the point where I can't stand her.
    As soon as we got to my house, she headed straight into my room and sat right in front of the computer.
    "So what's her username?" Eva said eagerly.
    "Look, Eva. Vicki really hasn't done anything THAT BAD to me. I don't know if I should show you her deepest feelings." I finally said something.
    "But you're not friends with her. You're friends with ME now." She stood up.
    "I'm friends with BOTH of you." I backed away. I don't know if Eva was on her period or if she was always that crazy.
    "We'll if you were MY friend. You would tell me it."
    "I don't know what you would do with it though." I felt like crying.
    "I wouldn't do anything with it!!!" She started to scream.
    "Stop. I think you should go." I said sternly.
    "Yeah, go f/ck yourself Dakota." She grabbed her things and clammed the door.
    EVA's POV
    I don't understand how Dakota could do this to me. I will find both of their f/cking witty's and make sure the whole school see's it. Whether it'll be over facebook or in person. And I knew exactly how I was going to find it.
    As soon as I got home I logged in to my witty and went on Vicki's old witty. It hasn't been used in a while. Well obviously she would be following herself so I clicked on every one of her followers to see if there was any special information that even sounded like her.
    It took about 2 hours until I found something similar to Vicki's situation. It was basically all the quotes that Dakota explained. But I was unsure... So I can't post it on facebook...
    I right clicked and clicked "Print Page."
    This b/tch will wish that she never got with my man.

  6. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2012 8:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2012 3:57pm UTC
    So on Sunday, a kid who graduated from my school passed away from a battle with brain cancer. His name was Miles, and I've never met him but what I've heard from, he was the most down to earth person ever. He had a loving family and great friends. He was beyond intelligent; attended Yale and received a 35 on his ACTs. When he was diagnosed, he never complained. All he wanted to do was help other kids. Him and his father started a website called "Jokes 4 Miles" where family and friends would post jokes for Miles to make him feel better. Miles Decided that he wanted to spread the laughter to other kids. So he decided to make the actions larger. They made a goal of making 5,000 jokes. They're half way there and for Miles's honor could you please check out this website. I have never heard of someone so giving that has already had so much taken away from them.
    and orange was his favorite color(:

  8. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2012 5:35pm UTC
    the only thing that's faker than that rumor is the person who started it.

  9. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2012 1:15am UTC
    What do I really want for Christmas?
    Self esteem.

  10. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2012 7:11pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 10:13pm UTC
    I think he doesn't like me.
    He thinks I don't like him.
    Well obviously, there has been a misunderstanding.
    myformat yeah

  12. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 9:21pm UTC
    Yesterday, I sat by him in english.
    We haven't talked since over the summer.
    He knew that.
    As I was writing stuff down, in the corner of my eye, I saw that he was staring at me.
    I kept writing.
    At the same time I couldn't help but smile. Even though everything with him ended in a bad way.
    Yesterday, I realized, I want him back.

  13. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 10:32pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 10:01pm UTC
    He Found My Witty
    chapter 6
    Dakota's P.O.V.
    I went on Vicki's facebook, nothing. I went on her tumblr, nothing. So I checked her witty. Something was definitely up with this. She posts everyday, but in the past 2 days she didn't post anything. There had to be something wrong. So I went to sign into her witty, she had everything auto filled. But instead of having "Vickiloveswaffles" like she always had. She had a new username. And I suddenly felt lied to. I started to scroll down and all of her posts were deep and personal.
    It was great. Every word had a deep meaning connected to Kyle. "He's all I need." "Is realizing that I'm the one so hard for him?" "Those eyes, I try to catch them everytime." Just all deep, squishy and emotional. Typical Vicki.
    I scrolled down even more. "I can't get ever how much you've changed. I can't even look you in the eye anymore."
    That stung. I knew it was about me. And I know it's true based on everything I've been doing to her.
    That's when I heard Vicki coming back to her room. I quickly took a picture of the witty with my phone and then slapped the mac close and pushed it away.
    "Is everything ok?" She asked. She planted the glass on the night stand and shifted her weight onto the bed.
    "Yeah, it's fine." I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I was suddenly so confused. So Vicki was my friend, but so was Eva. Eva I had gotten closer with so quickly but I mean Vicki and I, we were best friends for ever. "I actually don't feel so good." I clenched my stomach. I suddenly couldn't look her in the eye. Avoiding her was easy, when I didn't know what she was feeling. And all that pressure finally hit me. And it's making me sick. "I think I'm going to go." I got up. Vicki walked me to the door and there I was to walk home alone.
    Vicki's P.O.V.
    It is obvious not. Dakota is trying to get something out of me. Just the way she avoids me and the suddenly wants to hang out, and then leave me after. This is ridiculous. I don't even know what to do.
    I grabbed my laptop and unlocked it. My witty was opened. I hadn't been on witty...
    I stared up the laptop for a second, then got up and paced. She needed to know all of my secrets. Every thing about Kyle. This hurts. I don't even trust her. My left pocket suddenly began to vibrate. I grabbed my phone and a heart appeared next to Kyles name. "Still up for tomorrow(;" He sent, how classy.
    "Sure, waddya wanna do?" I sent just being curious.
    "I want to take you somewhere.(:"
    Maybe. It's actually a date.
    "You'll see tomorrow."
    Tomorrow suddenly feels much better.
    I shouldn't let Dakota bother me. I quickly went on witty. "I finally have my chance. He's taking me on a date!" I went crazy with all these love and dating tweets. I'm on fire.

  15. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2012 10:43pm UTC
    He Found My Witty
    chapter 5
    "Whatever." I turned around so that my back would then face Eva.
    About half way throught that class I got a text from Dakota saying "hey let's hang later." Maybe she actually wanted to clear the deal with what's happening lately. Or maybe, she just wanted to find out more of my deepest secrets. Or maybe, I'm just paranoid. "Sure, my place after cheer" I sent.
    My next class was computers, or as I liked to call it "witty time." I decided to make a couple new quotes on my new account since it was bare. No one was going to like them anyways since it was day time, but you never know. I made quotes like "Prove to me that you are my bestfriend." and "I didn't know so much could change in such little time." Most of the quotes were about Dakota, but I thought I could make some about Kyle. "You give me butterflies." - probably the most over used quote on witty.
    Soon practice began, and it was major stunting. Dakota and I were basing the same stunt. When you base, you're supposed to make sure you are on the same timing as your other base. Sometimes, while we held a t, we made funny faces to each other. Today, she didn't even make eye contact.
    "Ok, good practice girls." my coach said. The team put their hands in the middle and we got a break. "broncos" we all said. The girls and I got our stuff together. "Ready Vickie?" smiled Dakota. That seemed weird.
    "Yeah, we could walk to my house." I only lived 15 minutes away by walking and it was nice outside.
    "K cool." she smiled.
    As soon as we got to Vickie's. We just talked for a little while. I feel awkward because I feel like Vickie knows what's going on. Maybe she still trusts me and I could get more secrets out of her. She has no idea what changed.
    "Vickie, do you think you could get my some sunkist or something to drink?"
    "Yeah, sure." she reluctantly glanced at me and then looked back at the laptop. Now I'm positive she has a feeling on what's happening. She left the door open and walked down the stairs.
    that was my chance. I quickly grabbed her mac and typed in her password. "kylewatt." So typical.
    Eva would love to know that.
    myformat yeah
    guys thanks for reading this<333
    *****SORRY FOR SOME ERRORS**** i currently have a mild concussion
    follow me on twitter
    it would make my life :)

  16. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 10:07pm UTC
    He Found My Witty
    chapter 4
    The next morning, Dakota was out our usual morning spot. Everyone was there. It was basically just a normal morning. So I sat next to her. She barely said a word. Not so normal now...
    "Hey, Vickie." I heard a deep voice behind me. I turned around and saw his flippy hair and knew it was Kyle. I put my arms around him and kicked my legs ontop of his.
    "Long time, no talk." He smirked.
    "Do you really mean talk?" I laughed.
    "Well...." He also laughed. Then he took my hand and i followed him to the spot that everything happened at. I'm actually kind of surprised that more people don't ask if we are dating. We totally act like we do.
    We went up into this little stairwell by the auditorium. Kyle left a chair to hold the door, sometimes it locks. He pushed me against the wall and we started to make out. His hands we all over my body while I kept on pulling him closer. Feeling his heart beat was probably one of the best feelings ever. then we slid onto the floor, him ontop of me. Our hands and legs intangled together. He reached and took off my shirt. I know he wanted to go farther, that was not happening at school.
    15 minutes later, the first bell rang. We didn't budge. 15 minutes after that, the second bell rang. That's when I pulled away.
    "Is school really that important?" He laughed.
    "For now I guess." He smiled but rolled his eyes. Yeah, I could be a goody-goody.
    We grabbed our things together and I put back on my bright pink shirt.
    Our class was on the other side of the building. But whatever.
    "So, when are we going to hang out again?" He gave me that look.
    "Whenever." I tried not to laugh.
    "How bout my place Saturday?" Kyle raised his eyebrows.
    "K." I smiled and we finally got to our class. 5 minutes late. Good thing our teacher didn't give a sh/t.
    I got to my sit right next to Eva. She rolled her eyes.
    "I wonder what you guys were doing." She said in a bitchy tone.
    "Why would you care?" I snapped.
    "No reason." She slouched.
    "If it because you want him, good luck."
    "Look, it doesn't matter. I know you want him too but look at the facts. He doesn't want you. He doesn't want a girlfriend. He just wants someone to f/ck. Now get over yourself because nothing is going to happen between the two of you." Eva whispered. It was one of those whispers where even though they're quiet, it sounds like they were screaming at you.
    Now that stung.
    myformat yeah
    guys thanks for reading this<333 IM SORRY ITS SO LATE
    Don't Click This ;)

  17. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2012 10:46pm UTC
    He Found My Witty
    chapter 3
    "No I haven't heard of a witty. What's that?" I said, still being the horrible liar that I am.
    "It's just a plain website where girls post random quotes about their life and boys. Sometimes they post too much information. They really need to watch out what they're doing." she smirked. I feel like she was hinting at me, but I honestly don't know.
    "Um, ok. Why are you telling me this? I don't even know you." I tried to sound a little bitchy.
    "Eva, but it doesn't really matter." She giggled. Then Kyle walked by. "Hey, Kyle." She smiled.
    He turned that way, but decided to throw a little sheet of paper at me. We both laughed because it almost ended up in my shirt.
    Eva gave me the dirtiest look ever.
    Then it clicked.
    As soon as I got home, I logged on to my witty. I scrolled throw all of my followers and at the bottom I saw an unfamiliar follower. I clicked on her. And it was Eva. Obviously, this was the girl Dakota was talking to this morning. I immediatly made a quote saying. "If you really think that he's going to be yours, go ahead think that. We'll see who wins." Kinda of harsh, only 7 likes. That was more than the last few quotes I've made. So then instead of blocked Dakota and Eva, I made a new witty. A secret one.
    This way, they wouldn't be able to find me. I made my info anonymous. Found a little picture of heart for my profile picture. And made my first quote on my new witty: "Maybe, some day, you'll realize how much you're wasting your time trying to mess with my life." 32 likes.... not bad, not bad.
    myformat yeah
    guys thanks for reading this<333 IM SORRY ITS SO LATE
    follow me on twitter<333
    always follow back<3

  18. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2012 11:56pm UTC
    He Found My Witty
    chapter 2
    Everyday before school starts, Dakota and I usually meet up at a bench near the end of one of the hallways. We try to have one on one gossip sessions, but there are usually too many people there to go into depth.
    As soon as I walked to the bench it was dead empty. So instead of spending my usually morning around tons of people, I walked around like a loner.
    I had about 10 minutes til homeroom, so I thought I should grab my things together. While reaching for my lock, I heard giggling coming from a nook at the end of the hallway. I slowly began to play spy and silently walked near the dead end.
    "Yeah, most of it was about Kyle." It was Dakota. I suddenly pulled myself closer to the wall so that they wouldn't see me.
    "She was just going on and on about how much she would love to date him and sh/t." Dakota went on.
    "Seriously though like everyone knows that Kyle and I were meant to be together. I don't know when these two started." I was shocked. I had no idea who this person is or what she did with Kyle. IF she did anything.
    "Trust me, hun, these two aren't going to last." I heard Dakota giggle. My best friend. Talking about my personal life. To someone. I didn't even know. My secrets.
    I heard the bell rang, and I jolted to my homeroom class hoping they wouldn't see me.
    First period, I had with Kyle. I thought it would be flirty if I quickly shoved my fingers through his hair as I passed him to get to my seat. He giggled and slapped my arm. Yeah, Dakota was a lying b/tch, I was going to make this last.
    I finally sat down in my seat and got my books out of my backpack. The girl next to me didn't say one word. After the teacher started explaining the instructions to a useless worksheet, she turned to my and said "Have you heard of a website called 'Witty?'"
    I was stunned.
    myformat yeah
    guys thanks for reading this<333 follow me on twitter<333

  19. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 9:26pm UTC
    He Found My Witty
    chapter 1
    I walked down the hallways lined with ugly brown lockers. Go broncos...
    My school was a mess. And frankly, so was my life.
    "Vickie, look." My best friend Dakota said. She had straight blonde hair and hazel eyes. "It's your boyfriend." She pointed to Kyle.
    "Dakota, he's not my boyfriend ok. We're just exclusive..." I giggled. I made eye contact with him and we smiled and quickly looked away. "It's not like he really likes me or anything."
    "Well, you never know. You're too lenient on him. Like if I were you I'd be like: relationship. Now." we both laughed. "Because that's obviously what you want."
    "Shut up." I smiled at her and then looked back at him. There he was with his brown flippy hair, leaning up against his locker. He had his basketball jersey on because he had a game later, which I would be cheering at. Honestly, I could see us together and I wished it would work. But Dakota, who lived on her hookups would laugh at me if I told her that.
    "Maybe I will."
    That night I was just going to get all my feelings out. So I made a quote saying "I wonder if you talk about with your friends. Or if you ever wanted to grab my hand suddenly. I wonder if you ever get those fuzzy butterflies around me. Because I sure do..." I clicked the little green button to add it. Thirty minutes later I checked and the quote got 3 likes no shock there. I made another saying "How do I know I'm your only girl if you're not willing to commit? How do I get you to be mine, and only mine?" 5 likes. Whatever, it's out there.
    Then I saw a little link to Dakota's witty. I clicked it. It said that she had been online 2 days ago, but didn't add anything... Maybe I shouldn't say all my feelings on here...
    On the last quote I got a comment saying "tell him."
    If I only knew how.
    myformat yeah

  20. natloveswaffles natloveswaffles
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 6:58pm UTC
    He Found My Witty
    I flipped my mac open and twirled around in my chair. Yeah, I'm a typical girly girl.
    So, I haven't been on this amazing website called "Witty Profiles" in forever. And someone told me it changed to I had to find out myself. Suprisingly it was truly different, but that didn't mean I couldn't post on it.
    I logged on with my old little 7th grade username: Vickieloveswaffles. Kill me now. I clicked on my little profile pic in the corner. Oh god. My brown hair cropped in bangs and right at my shoulders. My smile: lopsided. My eyes: well they were the same light blue as they are now. This needs to change. I put up a pic of me and a couple of my friends. Long straight brown hair, I looked like the 15 year old I was. Ok that's better.
    I scrolled down to my description. All 7th/8th grade crap. Ok let me fix some of this stuff up. "Vickie Olsen. 15. Cheer. Pink. Friends. Full House." Just random stuff. Then at the bottom was a "I <3 Kyle Watt."
    Then suddenly I got a text from the one and only Kyle Watt. What a coincidence. We're together.
    myformat yeah


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