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Member Since: 31 Dec 2006 08:04pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 43115

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hey everyone,as i believe all i have a passion in writing and no one around here apreciates it so hopefully u guy wiill
  1. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2007 3:41am UTC
    all the lost memories
    are never lost at all
    but replaced by the one you love most
    i love you baby<3

  2. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2007 3:40am UTC
    && ill give u the ride of your life

  3. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2007 3:39am UTC
    they say their goodbyes
    she can no longer dry her eyes
    she falls to the ground outside his house and sees her remains getting washed away by the rain
    alone in a dark corner filled with regret
    all her mistakes turn to liquid
    seeping through all the memories</3

  4. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2007 7:43am UTC
    WHEN you ARE in LOVE but HE is AT school>>WELL that .....JUST sux BUT at LEAST you KNOW that ALL he IS doing IS just THINKING of YOU and ALL that HE is HOPING and DREAMING for IS to JUST be THERE with YOU
    by gretchen, plz dont take the credit!!

  5. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2007 7:42am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2007 7:41am UTC
    I'm in the shower, bars of soap around the world are jealous.
    <33 leave xoxo's brb

  7. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2007 7:38am UTC
    Life is only temporary::
    Death is forever::
    So make life worth while &&
    take chances

  8. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2007 7:36am UTC
    Won't u take me by the hand and pull towards u
    ----->Kiss my face and hold me tight
    Never let go and never say goodnight
    ----->'Cause I want to be with you 'till the end of time
    ----->Where no one judges and no one cares
    The life of true paradise I say
    ----->A once and a lifetime trip
    Once u get there you wont ever want to come back, to reality.
    ----->Reality where nothing is as it seems or as it should be
    ----->But in your heart it's all right so just stay there a bit and forget the world and hold me tight.
    ^^by gretchen <3 plz dont take the credit!

  9. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2006 8:30pm UTC
    I jumped into your arms hopeing that you wont just drop me and leave me there but u didnt:: you picked me up twirled me around and kissed me=]

  10. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2006 8:28pm UTC
    I have tried soo very hard to move on, but when ever i talk or think of u the tears just come and dont stop:::im sorry babe but its been months; theres got to be more to this; its just ment to be::

  11. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2006 8:18pm UTC
    I am lost within the darkness
    I am lost within your heart
    I am lost within the life you live
    The life I am not in
    I am lost within your eyes
    Always changing, seeming to say good-bye
    I am lost, just lost is all it is
    But I do not want to be found

  12. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2006 8:17pm UTC
    remember back when you were just learning how to walk:: you would fall flat on your butt:: but you would always get up and try again:: untill finally you were walking::

  13. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2006 8:14pm UTC
    u cut the string my heart was dangeling from
    ----->>&& it shattered on the cold hard floor

  14. oXVAleNTinEXo oXVAleNTinEXo
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2006 8:07pm UTC
    You just left me here in the remains of my heart; u stranded me out in the cold with no strong arms to warm me up, u broke my heart, yet again. And once again I shed a tear, you keep leaving me, just dumping me in the gutter of your heart, and im freezing in it. my waterproof mascara is about to let loose, nothing could hold back these tears as hard as I try, god im drowning in them. You’ve killed me, job well done, u think uve earnd a gold star well honey, have a piece of my bloody broken heart. As I will shed yet another, yet my last tear. As I push u out of my life && m o v e on


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