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Member Since: 24 May 2010 09:06pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 109951

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hey there lovies (:

the names Rachel
im 13, going to be 14 in june and in the 8th grade
i have a boyfriend who i loveee<3
and a group of friends who complete me(:

i love all you witty girls and you are all beautiful
in honor of a quote i saw, i made one of my passwords
(not witty) youarebeautiful, just a reminder whenever i log
in that everyones beautiful, even if they don't think so
i've been part of the witty community for a little over
3 years now, and would just like to say thanks,
because without you girls i wouldnt have gotten through
what i have. thats all for now!
peace out suckasss ;)

  1. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2011 12:10pm UTC
    a conversation between my boyfriend and friend(:
    her: there was a spider next to me and rach screamed!
    him: tell her not to scream cause i love her
    i love him so much ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2011 8:29pm UTC
    so today for valentines day ♥
    my boyfriend got me a build-a-bear. yup, he went
    to the mall and went into build-a-bear and put in the heart,
    made a wish, stuffed the bear, and gave it a shower,
    and brushed its fur, and gave it a little outfit, not caring
    that he looked like an idiot because hes a 14 year old boy,
    in a place with a bunch of screaming little 9 year old girls
    all because i told him i wish i had a
    build-a-bear and that i was little again.
    hes the best boyfriend in the whole wide world ♥♥♥

  3. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2011 9:44pm UTC
    10 favorites
    • Favorite Color: Purpleeee
    • Favorite Food: Chocolate Cake! J
    • Favorite Singer: Taylor Swift & Justin Bieber
    • Favorite Show: Everybody loves Raymond(:
    • Favorite Sport: Danceee<3
    • Favorite Season: Summer & spring
    • Favorite Day Of the Week: Friday
    • Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
    • Favorite Time of Day: late morning/early afternoon
    9 currents
    • Current Mood: Bored.
    • Current Taste: cookie
    • Current Clothes: pj pants, sweatshirt, tank top
    • Current Computer: hp laptop
    • Current Finger/Toenail Color: noneeee
    • Current Time: 9:35pm
    • Current ipod laptop phone, room
    • Current Annoyance(s):pimplessss
    • Current Thought: my retainer is annoyinggg
    8 Firsts
    • First Best Friend: Alexa & Katie
    • First crush this school year: Chip <33333
    • First Screen Name: horseslove7
    • First Pet: Katie (dog RIP)
    • First Piercing: ears
    • First Thing You Did Today: got ready for school
    • First Thing You Ate Today: chocolate chip waffles
    • First School: Viola
    7 Lasts
    • Last Food Consumption: valentines day cookie!<3
    • Last Car Ride: an hour ago on the way home from dance
    • Last Text Message: got itttttt (To Chip)
    • Last Movie Seen: easy a
    • Last Item Bought: song on itunesss
    • Last CD Played: (ipod) Brittney spears
    • Last Website You Were On: besides witty, facebook.
    6 Have You Evers
    • Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: nope
    • Have You Ever Broken the Law: possibly?
    • Have You Ever Been Arrested: nope
    • Have You Ever Been on TV: yupppp
    •Have Ever Walked Into A Sliding Glass Door: YES
    • Have You Ever Sat On The Roof: im not sure
    5 Places You've Been To
    • 1. Flordia
    • 2. Massuchutes
    • 3. Pennsylvania
    • 4. New Jersey
    • 5. Maryland
    4 Things
    • Guilty Pleasure: Chocolateee
    • You Did Last Night: homeworkkkk
    • What Can You Hear Right Now: typing, music
    • You Can't Live Without: mah phone(:
    3 People You Can Tell Anything To
    • 1. Alexa
    • 2. Sara B
    • 3. Katie
    2 Choices
    • 1. black or white: white
    • 2. hot or cold: hottttt
    1 Love

  4. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2011 6:20pm UTC
    u n r e l i a b l e ♥

  5. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2011 3:10pm UTC
    what's love?

    when sometimes you want to kill someone
    but you know you would die for them anyday<3

  6. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2011 3:05pm UTC
    i sit here staring at my phone
    waiting for a simple txt from you
    wondering if maybe
    he misses me too </3

  7. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2011 9:53pm UTC
    Dear Chip,
    i love you so much its unbelievable. i just never tell you that because i'm afraid of your response. i might make fun of you sometimes but i love you deeply. and i also never talk to you because i get so nervous around you and im not sure how much you actually like me, once im sure you'll love me no matter what, i will start acting like a normal person again. i love it when you call me, and when you txt me first. i also love it when you get all cute and protective and cute and jealous. like when you were jealous of Sean because i said i loved him in front of you. i just do that to test you, to see how you would react, kinda as a a test to see how much you like me. and your friend Jake is so mean to me, you better talk to him about that. I LOVE YOU. i especially love when you hold me tight in your arms, i just want to be there forever. the second you leave, i miss you. i may call you lazy sometimes, but i really do love you and i hope you know that,. it might not seem like it but im just a shy person in general. i wanna kiss you, but what never say that to you, it will be my little secret ;) i love you<3
    Love Rachel♥

  8. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2011 8:56pm UTC
    I'm scared of you<3
    I'm not of what my friends think, because i know they will always love me.
    I'm not scared of what my enemies think, because i honestly don't care
    but you, I'm scared of what you think of me. every move i make is around you
    once you prove to me you love me, ill stop caring, but right now I'm not sure
    I'm scared of you<3

  9. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2011 6:35pm UTC
    Dear Alexa, Alyssa, Brooke,Emily,Gillian,Isabel,Ilana,Katie,Kiki,Rebecca,Sara B, and Sara H,
    i love all of you guys sososo much. i might be mean to some of you sometimes, but you gotta know i love you and thats why. i've known some of you guys my whole life, and i wouln't know what to do without you girls. you make me who i am, you bring joy and laughter to my life. you've been there through the good and bad, and for many years, and thats why i admire each and everyone of you. everyone has been making videos lately, looking back on how far we've come and i cant even believe it. it seems like yesterday when when we look back at all the pictures. im sad to say that theres only the rest of this school year, and then 4 more left with you guys until we part our ways. i would like you all to know that i will NEVER forget any of you. even when im old and in the nursing home, each one of you will remain in my heart. all the sweet things you've said, and how you guys have made me feel. i would be nothing without you guys. im going to cry so hard when we're seniors and graduating because we grew up together. Alexa- My mom told me that when i came home from preschool, i told her that i met my bestfriend named Alexa. I'm so happy i knew a good girl when i saw one and that I've kept you close all these years. Alyssa- I may not have been close to you all my life, but in 7th and 8th grade you're the one who got me through and continue to right now, and you got me and chip together which is something i can never say thank you enough for. Brooke- I trust you with my life, and even though i havent known you forever, it seems as though we have. Emily- i remember when i first met you in kindergarden. we were instant friends. you are one of the only people who can really tell when im upset, and you know just what to do to make me feel better. i practically live at you're house, and i feel 110% comfortable walking in and stealing food from your fridge. Gillian- i might not have known you my whole life either, and i also may say mean stuff to you, but its out of love. we have a love hate relationship, and i tell you everything. Ilana- you always know when im upset, and you make everything more enjoyable, you light up the room. i love you, and you're whole family. Isabel- we constantly insult each other.. but what kinda best friends would we be if we didnt? we're very much alike, loud, goofy, crazy, and we both take things too far sometimes, but we reel each other in when things get out of hand. Katie- i always tell you all my problems, and blame everything on you. because i know you will still love me because ive known you since we were 3. Kiki- we've fought many times, but made it through because of our similarities and love for each other. Rebecca- i may not have always been close to you even though i knew you since kindergarden, and in fact through the years i have been jelous of you, but i still love you with all my heart, and i hope you love me. Sara H- your my sister (for real) twins to be exact. sometimes you're the only person i can talk to. we may fight a lot and get mom angry, but its out of love. Sara B.- i tell you everything, and you give the best advice. i pour my heart out to you, and you always say the same thing "follow your heart. its always right" and ive taken that advice many times. you never let me down. i trust you with everything, and we've had our fair share of arguments, and disagree often, but i would be lost without you. I LOVE ALL OF YOU GUYS ALWAYS AND FOREVER.

  10. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2010 3:31pm UTC
    and today, he txted me while he was playing xbox<3
    true story(:

  11. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 3:19pm UTC
    &dont you just love it when
    you turn on your computer for homework
    and an hour later you find yourself
    on witty facebook and youtube
    with no homework done whatsoever?
    happens to me all the time ;)

  12. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2010 2:50pm UTC
    dear - - - -,
    theres so much that i want to say to you right now but i cant get the words out. here it goes. 2 years ago i liked you so much, you talked 2 me, and hugged me, and made me laugh. little did i know then that you liked me back. but it was too late, the year was gone in minutes, and it was too late to do anything about the fact that i liked you so much. 1 year ago, i found out from your friend that you liked me last year. it came as a shock, because i never would have expected that. i didnt see you that entire year, no classes, no nothing, so i moved on to other guys. this year, i had a lot of classes with you. little by little, i fell back in love with you again. you were still the same guy from 2 years ago, who made me smile. everything you do is cute. the way you flip ur hair out of ur face. the way a teeny bit of ur boxers show from underneath ur jeans, the way you walk, the way you talk, and most of all the way that you made me laugh. i kept my crush to myself because then i knew how you acted when you like someone. and i knew it wasnt me. you never talked to me like you used to, ignoring me like i wasnt even in the room. after months of keeping my secret, i spilled it to 2 of my closest friends. one of which who is good friends with you. she wanted to tell you my secret, but i begged her not to. she asked if you liked anyone, and you came right out and told her it was me. she called with the big news after school one day. i would have never ever ever in a million years thought that you would like me back. because you havent said a word to me this year. but now im realizing even the most outgoing people, still have their shy sides and get nervous. me? im extremely shy, even more so when you step foot in the room. you leave me speechless and nervous, which lead you to believe that im unaturally shy which im not at all. sooner or later, everyone found out that we liked each other, and everyone is pushing you to ask me out. i got nervous, and told my friends it was too soon to start dating. you started to doubt yourself, and felt like i was avoiding you which is not what i meant to do. its really awkward in classes now between us. because everyone is pushing us on each other which isnt what i want at the moment. i know girls would kill to be in my place, but now im wondering what i got myself into. its been a week and you still havent asked me out. whats going on? do i make you as nervous as you make me? do you think everything i do is cute too? i wish you would tell me, but ur too embarrassed to share ur deepest feelings with me even though thats all i want from you now. but bottom line, im ready. im ready to go out with you now and be your girlfriend. ive been in love with you for almost 2 years, and ive made my final descion. i want you and i hope you want me.
    love always♥ - - - - - -
    if you read through all of this, i love you! not looking for favs, just needed to get this out in the open

  13. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2010 9:41pm UTC
    i decided to stop checking my phone every 5 seconds because i know if you actually wanted to
    talk to me you would </3

  14. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    October 20, 2010 9:20pm UTC
    so today, 10/20
    i wore purple to school
    so did my other friend
    everyone laughed at us for wearing purple
    what has the world come to?
    it doesnt matter who you love-
    gay,lesbian,bi,or straight
    people are people!
    not pretty- shouldn't need to be

  15. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2010 9:32am UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2010 8:01pm UTC
    i ♥ boobies! (keep a breast)
    fav for breast cancer support!

  17. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2010 11:51am UTC
    i spend forever making a quote about him (:
    *friend comments on quote*
    hmmmm i wonder who this about?!
    i now have a secret account(:

  18. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 9:11pm UTC
    Day Ten: One Confession.9/17/10
    I’ve liked this boy for a while now, but never told anyone. My best friend told me she liked him a week ago. They’re now going out. I’m happy for them, but a part of me wants to kill her.

  19. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 9:10pm UTC
    Day Nine: Two Smileys That Describe Your Life Right Now.9/16/10

  20. rachell_mariee_lovess_youu rachell_mariee_lovess_youu
    posted a quote
    September 17, 2010 9:10pm UTC
    Day Eight: Three Turns Ons.
    Hair flip
    Sexy smile
    Being nice to girls


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